Keep open in a browser, you'll need it.
Go to DC/OS dashboard and click on the Marathon service
In the Marathon UI:
- Create an app with ID
such aswhile [ true ] ; do echo "Hello world!" ; sleep 10 ; done
- Scale it up and down
- Kill tasks
- Explore logs
- Update the app spec to
while [ true ] ; do echo "Hello DC/OS!" ; sleep 5 ; done
and discuss what happens
Simple app server:
$ dcos marathon app add peek.json
$ dcos marathon app list
$ dcos task
Try the other ones:
- A web server: nginx.json
- A simple blog: jekyll.json
- A Slack-like chat app: mattermost.json
For the following you'll need to have Marathon-lb installed:
- A Wordpress blog
This one uses VIPs for service discovery:
- An app server