- 💥 Breaking Change
- 🚀 New Feature
- 🐛 Bug Fix
- 📝 Documentation
- 🌱 Internal
Note: Gaps between patch versions are faulty, broken or test releases.
The dropdowns
package is now written in Typescript. The API has
not been changed, but Type definitions are now included with the package.
If you are not using Typescript in your development environment you will still benefit from improved autocompletion and documentation in certain IDEs and editors like VSCode.
- #366 fix(buttons): Pass className to (@giacomorebonato)
- Other
- #364 chore(demo): add
link + deprecated packages section (@jzempel) - #362 chore: add versioning documentation (@jzempel)
- Other
- #359 chore(lint): ensure that no unsafe lifecycle events are used (@austin94)
- #355 chore(deps): update all development non-major dependencies (@renovate[bot])
- #356 fix(publish): allow version flow to push changelog correctly (@austin94)
all packages
- #342 BREAKING CHANGE: upgrade to [email protected] and styled-components@v4 (@austin94)
all packages
- #344 chore(deps): update all development non-major dependencies (@renovate[bot])
- #349 chore(deps): update dependency react-testing-library to v8 (@renovate[bot])
all packages
- Garden React packages are now published under a shared, fixed (common major) version number
- You are still able to upgrade packages individually
- This change will help us better communicate changes and allows consumers to better understand the state of their dependencies
- This is the first release under the new versioning strategy, v6.0.0
From v6.0.0 all Garden React libraries now require the following peer dependencies:
React v16 upgrade docs styled-components v4 upgrade docs
Beginning with v4, styled-components now uses the React.forwardRef API.
This means that all existing innerRef
, menuRef
, buttonRef
, etc. props are now replaced with ref
- Upgrade
- Upgrade all Garden dependencies to their most recent, pre v6 versions
- Upgrade styled-components and all Garden dependencies to
- Correct all
, etc. usages based on the styled-components v4 upgrade docs
If you have any upgrade questions please create an issue.
react-autocomplete, react-avatars, react-breadcrumbs, react-buttons, react-checkboxes, react-chrome, react-dropdowns, react-forms, react-grid, react-loaders, react-menus, react-modals, react-notifications, react-pagination, react-radios, react-ranges, react-select, react-selection, react-tables, react-tabs, react-tags, react-testing, react-textfields, react-theming, react-toggles, react-tooltips, react-typography, react-utilities