Releases: zendeskgarden/react-components
v6.0.1 (2019-06-10)
🐛 Bug Fix
📝 Documentation
- Other
🌱 Internal
- #359 chore(lint): ensure that no unsafe lifecycle events are used (@austin94)
- #355 chore(deps): update all development non-major dependencies (@renovate[bot])
- #356 fix(publish): allow version flow to push changelog correctly (@austin94)
Committers: 2
v6.0.0 (2019-06-07)
💥 Breaking Change
all packages
- #342 BREAKING CHANGE: upgrade to [email protected] and styled-components@v4 (@austin94)
🌱 Internal
all packages
- #344 chore(deps): update all development non-major dependencies (@renovate[bot])
- #349 chore(deps): update dependency react-testing-library to v8 (@renovate[bot])
all packages
Breaking Change Details
New versioning strategy
- Garden React packages are now published under a shared, fixed (common major) version number
- You are still able to upgrade packages individually
- This change will help us better communicate changes and allows consumers to better understand the state of their dependencies
- This is the first release under the new versioning strategy, v6.0.0
New peer dependencies
From v6.0.0 all Garden React libraries now require the following peer dependencies:
React v16 upgrade docs
styled-components v4 upgrade docs
Beginning with v4, styled-components now uses the React.forwardRef API.
This means that all existing innerRef
, menuRef
, buttonRef
, etc. props are now replaced with ref
How to upgrade
- Upgrade
- Upgrade all Garden dependencies to their most recent, pre v6 versions
- Upgrade styled-components and all Garden dependencies to
- Correct all
, etc. usages based on the styled-components v4 upgrade docs
If you have any upgrade questions please create an issue.
Pre v6 changelogs
react-autocomplete, react-avatars, react-breadcrumbs, react-buttons, react-checkboxes, react-chrome, react-dropdowns, react-forms, react-grid, react-loaders, react-menus, react-modals, react-notifications, react-pagination, react-radios, react-ranges, react-select, react-selection, react-tables, react-tabs, react-tags, react-testing, react-textfields, react-theming, react-toggles, react-tooltips, react-typography, react-utilities
Committers: 1
- Austin Green (@austin94)