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ZendPHP-ZendHQ JumpStart -- Attendee Files

Running the Course Docker Contaier

You can use these instructions if you want to build and run the ZendPHP Docker image

Linux Instructions

Install Docker CE (also called "Docker Engine"):

Windows Instructions

Install Docker Desktop for Windows:

Mac Instructions

Install Docker Desktop for Mac:

Install ZendPHP Directly on Your Computer

You can use these instructions if you want to install ZendPHP directly on your computer

Ubuntu Installation Notes

When adding the correct apt sources repo:

deb zendphp non-free

To get a list of package names, browse:

Example PHP packages:

  • php7.4-zend
  • php8.2-zend

Docker Image Notes

Pull a PHP 8.2 image with an Ubuntu base:

  • From a command prompt
docker pull

Built-in PHP webserver demo:

  • From a command prompt
cd /path/to/mezzio/project
docker run -v `pwd`:/home --network host -it 74ca5659fe61 -S localhost:8888 -t /home/public

CentOS Notes

To get a list of package names, browse:

  • Where N could be 6, 7 or 8

Example PHP packages:

  • php74zend
  • php82zend

Save time on installation by adding the -y option:

sudo yum install -y php{PHP_VERSION}zend

nginx / php-fpm Notes

nginx conf:

  • Add this to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
location ~* \.php$ {
    # With php-fpm unix sockets
    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/opt/zend/php74zend/run/php-fpm/www.sock;
    include         fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_NAME        $fastcgi_script_name;
  • Allow nginx access to www.sock
sudo chgrp nginx /var/opt/zend/php74zend/run/php-fpm/www.sock
  • Disable Apache if running:
sudo systemctl disable httpd
  • Open up CentOS firewall for nginx
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Windows Notes

Installing PHP 8.2 with all extensions enabled except for pdo_oci, pdo_pgsql, pgsql and oci8:

  • From a PowerShell prompt:
PS C:\Users\ACER\ZendPHP> .\zendphp_install.ps1 install 8.2 \
    -enable-all \
    -with-deps mibs \
    -set-system-path \
    -disable pdo_oci,pdo_pgsql,pgsql,oci8
  • Output:
Installing ZendPHP 8.2 to: C:\zendphp\8.2
Installing from                                                                                        Skipping mibs installation; already installed in c:\usr\share\snmp\mibs                                                                              Installing ZendPHP 8.2                                                                                                                               Downloading from to zendphp-8.2-latest-nts-Win32-vs16-x64.zipSetting system path
Path has already been set; skipping
Configuring ZendPHP 8.2 in C:\zendphp\8.2
  • Testing the version:
PS C:\Users\ACER\ZendPHP> php --version
PHP 8.2.3 (cli) (built: Feb 18 2022 09:06:10) (NTS Visual C++ 2019 x64)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.3, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.2.3, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
PS C:\Users\ACER\ZendPHP>
  • zendphp_install.ps1 script usage:
PS C:\Users\ACER\ZendPHP> .\zendphp_install.ps1

  zendphp_install.ps1 <sub-command> [<php-version>] [options]


  help       : This usage message.
  install    : Install/Upgrade the ZendPHP version, and/or any dependencies or non-standard PECL extensions.
               You may also enable/disable extensions at this time.
  config     : Configure your ZendPHP version (enable or disable extensions).

  -deps-only                : do not install PHP; only install requested PECL extensions or dependency libraries
  -development              : install the development php.ini file (default is production; first install of version only)
  -disable <ext-list>       : disable specific extensions, separator is comma (see internal and PECL lists below)
  -disable-all              : disable all loadable extensions in php.ini
  -enable <ext-list>        : enable specific extensions, separator is comma (see internal extensions list below)
  -enable-all               : enable all extensions found in ext directory in php.ini
  -pecl <ext-list>          : list of pecl extensions packages to download, separated by comma (see PECL list below)
  -repo <url>               : root of repository url; only specify when using a private repository
  -repo-password <pass>     : specify password for accessing LTS versions
  -repo-username <username> : specify username for accessing LTS versions
  -set-system-path          : store path for machine environment
  -target-path <path>       : specifies where to install php files. Default is c:\zendphp\<major.minor>
  -ts                       : install a thread-safe build instead of non-thread-safe
  -with-deps <list>         : install additional dependencies; separator is comma. (see dependency libraries list below)

Valid PHP versions are:
  - 7.4
  - 8.0
  - 8.2
  - 8.2

Valid internal extensions (-enable, -disable) are:
  - bz2
  - com_dotnet
  - curl
  - enchant
  - exif
  - ffi
  - fileinfo
  - ftp
  - gd
  - gettext
  - gmp
  - imap
  - intl
  - ldap
  - mbstring
  - memcache
  - mysqli
  - oci8
  - odbc
  - opcache
  - openssl
  - pdo_mysql
  - pdo_oci
  - pdo_odbc
  - pdo_pgsql
  - pdo_sqlite
  - pgsql
  - phar
  - shmop
  - snmp
  - soap
  - sockets
  - sodium
  - sqlite3
  - ssh2
  - sysvshm
  - tidy
  - tokenizer
  - xsl

Valid PECL extensions (-pecl, -disable) are:
  - igbinary
  - imagick
  - memcache
  - mongodb
  - pdo_sqlsrv
  - redis
  - sodium
  - sqlsrv
  - ssh2
  - win32service
  - xdebug

Dependency libraries (-with-deps) this installer can install:
  - debug (debug symbols)
  - mibs (Management Information Base libraries; required for SNMP extension)
  - oci (Oracle Instant Client libraries; required for oci8/pdo_oci extension)
  - pgsql (PostgreSQL client libraries; required for pgsql/pdo_pgsql extension)
  - vcruntime (Visual C++ runtime; required to run ZendPHP)

Other Examples

  • Full install:
zendphp_install.ps1 install 8.2 -enable-all -with-deps mibs -set-system-path
  • Disable bz2 and xdebug after install:
zendphp_install.ps1 config 8.2 -disable bz2,xdebug
  • Enable gd in a custom install directory:
zendphp_install.ps1 config -target-path C:\php -enable gd