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Computer Vision

The computer vision package listens for images/frames coming from 3 different cameras: left, right, and down. The package will then run pre-trained machine learning models on each frame and output bounding boxes for the various objects in the frame. These objects could be the gate, buoys, etc. The package will publish to different topics depending on which classes are being detected and which cameras are being used.


Generally, you would train a separate object detection model for each task you need computer vision for (gates, buoys, etc.). You can then load them as follows:

  • Create object detection models and save them as .pth files (see here)
  • Place these models in the /models folder
  • Update the /models/models.yaml file with each model's details in the following format:
<model_name>:  # A name/identifier for your model
  classes: [<class1>, <class2>, ...]  # The classes the model is trained to predict
  topic: <topic_name>  # set to /cv by default; change if you want to specify model in publisher topics .etc
  weights: <file_name>  # the name of your model file

Example entry for a buoy model:

  classes: [alien, bat, witch]
  topic: /cv
  weights: buoy_model.pth

Note: To get the model files onto the docker container, you may have to use scp. Also, if you come across the following error:

URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>

Navigate to this url to manually download the default model file used by the Detecto package. Move this file onto the Docker container under the directory /root/.cache/torch/checkpoints/ (do not rename the file).


To start up a CV node, run the following command:

roslaunch cv cv_<camera>.launch

Where <camera> is one of left, right, or down.

After starting up a CV node, all models are initially disabled. You can select which model(s) you want to enable for this camera by using the following service (where <camera> is the value you chose above):

  • enable_model_<camera>
    • Takes in the model name (string) and a boolean flag to specify whether to turn the model on or off
    • Returns a boolean indicating whether the attempt was successful
    • Type: custom_msgs/EnableModel
    • E.g. rosservice call enable_model_left buoy true would enable the buoy model on the left camera feed

Once 1+ models are enabled for a specific node, they listen and publish to topics as described below in topics.



  • /camera/<camera>/image_raw
    • The topic that the camera publishes each frame to
    • If no actual camera feed is available, you can simulate one using roslaunch cv test_images.launch
    • Type: sensor_msgs/Image


  • cv/<camera>/<class_name>
    • For each camera frame feed that a model processes, it will publish predictions to this topic
    • <class_name> corresponds to one specific class under the models.yaml file for the enabled model (e.g. the example bat class above will publish to /cv/left/bat)
    • For each detected object in a frame, the model will publish the xmin, ymin, xmax, and ymax coordinates (normalized to [0, 1], with (0, 0) being the top-left corner), label of the object, score (a confidence value in the range of [0, 1]), and the width and height of the frame. * We apply nms to the model predictions before publishing. This removes predictions below a confidence threshold and will remove overlapping predictions for the same class
    • If a model is enabled but detects no objects in a frame, it will not publish any messages to any topic
    • Type: custom_msgs/CVObject

Note that the camera feed frame rate will likely be greater than the rate at which predictions can be generated (especially if more than one model is enabled at the same time), so the publishing rate could be anywhere from like 0.2 to 10 FPS depending on computing power/the GPU/other factors.


The following are the folders and files in the CV package:

assets: Folder with a dummy image to test the CV package on

launch: Contains the various launch files for our CV package. There is a general launch file for all the cameras (cv.launch), and then there are specific launch files for each camera (cv_left, cv_right, and cv_down). Finally, we have a launch file for our testing script test_images.launch

models: Contains our pre-trained models and a .yaml file that specifies the details of each model (classes predicted, topic name, and the path to the model weights)

scripts: This is the "meat" of our package. We have a detection script that will read in images and publish predictions onto a node. We also have a script that is used for testing our package on a dummy video feed (basically one image repeated over and over). The path of this image is specified in We can simulate different video feeds coming in on the different cameras on our script. The script has a function implementing the NMS algorithms; this goes through all raw predictions made by a model to remove overlapping predictions of the same class and to remove predictions below a confidence threshold.

CMakeLists.txt: A text file stating the necessary package dependencies and the files in our package.

package.xml: A xml file stating the basic information about the CV package

The CV package also has dependencies in the core/catkin_ws/src/custom_msgs folder.


To simulate camera feed and then run a model on the feed from the left camera. We'll assume the model we want to run is called 'buoy':

  • In one terminal, run roslaunch cv test_images.launch to start the script meant to simulate the raw camera feed
  • In a new terminal, run roslaunch cv cv_left.launch to start the cv node
  • In another new terminal, run rosservice list and should see the enable_model_left service be listed in the terminal
  • In the same terminal, run rosservice call enable_model_left buoy true to enable the buoy model on the feed coming from the left camera. This model should now be publishing predictions
  • To verify that the predictions are being published, you can run rostopic list, and you should see both /camera/left/image_raw and /cv/buoy/left be listed. Then you can run rostopic echo /cv/buoy/left and the model predictions should be printed to the terminal