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JSPEC v. 1.0.0 User Manual

Using the text-based user interface

Run JSPEC with the input file

Put the input file in the same directory with the JSPEC program and run JSPEC as :

jspec.exe inputfile

Format of the input file

The input file is a plain text file and it will be parsed by the program line by line. Each command or expression should occupy a separate line. Comments start with "#". Everything behind the "#" in the line will be ignored by the program. Blank lines, white spaces and tabs are also ignored. The input file is NOT case-sensitive.

The input file is organized by various sections. All the sections fall into three different categories: (1) scratch section, (2) definition sections and (3) operation section. All the sections with the respective categories and usages are listed in the following table.

Section name Category Usage
section_scratch scratch Define variables and do calculations with the variables. The variables defined in this section can be used in definition sections.
section_ion definition Set parameters for the ion beam
section_ring definition Set parameters for the ion ring
section_e_beam definition Set parameters for the cooling electron beam
section_cooler definition Set parameters for the cooler
section_ibs definition Set parameters for IBS rate calculation
section_ecool definition Set parameters for electron cooling rate calculation
section_luminosity definition Set parameters for luminosity calculation
section_run operation Create the objectives (ion beam, ion ring, electron beam, cooler) and perform the calculation and/or the simulation.

The input file starts with a section by calling the section name. Once a section name is called, the respective section is created, and this section ends when another section name is called or when the input file ends. Sections can be repeated called and the latter one overwrite the previous ones. But if a parameters is not set again in the latter one, its value remains.

The following example includes three different sections in three different categories.

section_scratch #scratch section
	m = 938.272
	ke = 8000
	gamma = ke/m + 1
	print gamma
section_e_beam #definition section, define the parameters for electron beam
	gamma = gamma
	tmp_tr = 0.1
	tmp_l = 0.1
	shape = dc_uniform
	radius = 0.004
	current = 2
section_run #operation function

The first section is a scratch section. In this section, three variables, m, ke, and gamma, are defined. The values of m and ke are assigned, and gamma is calculated from ke and m. The calculation is supported by the math parser, muParser. Fundamental calculations and functions are supported, including summation, subtraction, multiplication,division, square root, exponential function, etc. For more details about the muParser, please refer to . The command "print gamma" will print the value of gamma to the screen. The following command will show a list of all the constant variables supported by the scratch section on the screen. All the constant variables and their values are listed in the following table.

Constant Value Meaning
k_c 299792458.0 speed of light, in m/s
k_e 1.602176565E-19; Elementary charge, in C
k_pi 3.1415926535897932384626 $\pi$
k_u 931.49406121 Atomic mass unit, in MeV/c^2
k_me 0.510998928 Electron mass, in MeV/c^2
k_ke 8.9875517873681764E+9 Coulomb's constant, in N*m^2/C^2

The second section is a definition section, which sets the parameters for the cooling electron beam. In all the expressions in this section, the left side of the "=" sign is a keyword in section_e_beam, which corresponds to a parameter of the electron beam, and the right side is the valued assign to the keyword (the parameter). The first expression in this section is "gamma = gamma".1 The left gamma is a keyword, which represents the Lorentz factor of the electron beam. The right gamma is the variable defined in the above scratch section. This expression assigns the value of the scratch variable gamma to the keyword gamma. Please note that a scratch variable can be used in other sections to set the value for a keyword, but a keyword cannot be used in the same way. A keyword should always be on the left side of the "=" sign. This is the most important difference between a scratch variable and a keyword. The following expressions assign values for other parameters of the electron beam, which are the transverse temperature, the longitudinal temperature, the shape, the radius and the current of the electron beam respectively. Depending on the shape of the electron, various parameters need to be set. In this example, one needs to set the radius and the current for a uniform DC electron beam. Other supported shapes and the related parameters (keywords) can be found in the lists in the next chapter.

The third section is the operation section. In the operation section, one can create the objects of the elements, calculate the expansion rate and perform the simulation. In this example, we create an object of the electron beam that has been defined in the above definition section. Please note that the definition section only records the values of the parameters, an element will not be created until the respective command is called in the operation section. For more commands supported in the operation section, please check out the list in the next chapter.

IBS Expansion Rate Calculation

To calculate the IBS expansion rate, one needs to define the ion beam and the ring. Then set the parameters for IBS rate calculation. Finally, in the operation section create the ion beam and the ring, and call the command to calculate the IBS expansion rate.

section_ion		# Define the ion beam
section_ring	# Define the ring
section_ibs		# Set parameters for IBS rate calculation
	create_ion_beam		# Create the ion beam
	create_ring			# Create the ring
	calculate_ibs		# Calculate the IBS rate

To calculate the total expansion rate, which is the summation of the IBS expansion rate and the electron cooling rate, one can call the command "total_expansion_rate" in section_run.

Cooling Rate Calculation

To calculate the cooling rate, one needs to define the ion beam, the ring, the electron beam and the cooler. Then set the parameters for cooling rate calculation. Finally, in the operation section create all the related elements aforementioned and call the command to calculate the cooling rate.

section_ion		# Define the ion beam
section_ring	# Define the ring
section_e_beam	# Define the electron beam
sectoin_cooler	# Define the cooler
section_ecool	# Set the parameters for the electron cooling rate calculation
	create_ion_beam 	# Create the ion beam
	create_ring			# Create the ring
	create_e_beam		# Create the electron beam
	create_cooler		# Create the cooler
	calculate_ecool		# Calculate the electron cooling rate


One can simulate the evolution of the ion beam under the IBS effect and/or electron cooling effect during a predetermined time. The emittances, momentum spread, bunch length (for bunched ion beam), and the total expansion rate in all the three dimensions will be outputted into a text file. If desired, the coordinates of all the ion samples can also be saved into files. These parameters are set in section_simulation, and the simulation starts when the command "run_simulation" is called in section_run.

section_simulation  # Set the parameters for the simulation
	run_simulation	# Start simulation 

Luminosity calculation

To calculate the luminosity, one needs to define the particle number and the rms size of the two colliding particles, the center-to-center distance between the two beams, and the colliding frequency. Instead of giving the rms size of the beams, one can define the geometrical emittance and the beta function at the collision point of them, which may be convenient in many cases. An example is given as follows.

	distance_x = 1e-3
	distance_y = 1e-6
	particle_number_1 = 1e7
	particle_number_2 = 1e10
	frequency = 1000
	bet_x_1 = 0.01
	bet_y_1 = 0.01
	bet_x_2 = 0.01
	bet_y_2 = 0.01
	geo_emit_x_1 = 1e-6
	geo_emit_x_2 = 4e-7
	geo_emit_y_1 = 1e-6
	geo_emit_y_2 = 4e-7
	use_ion_emittance = false


If one wants to use the ion beam defined in the cooling simulation in the luminosity calculation, the parameter use_ion_emittance should be set to true. ( The default value of it is true.) Then the program will use the geometrical emittance of the ion beam to set up the first colliding beam. Please note one has to create the ion beam before the luminosity calculation.

section_ion #define the ion beam

	distance_x = 0
	distance_y = 0
	particle_number_1 = 1e7
	particle_number_2 = 1e10
	frequency = 1000
	bet_x_1 = 0.01
	bet_y_1 = 0.01
	bet_x_2 = 0.01
	bet_y_2 = 0.01
	geo_emit_x_2 = 4e-7
	geo_emit_y_2 = 4e-7
	use_ion_emittance = true


If one wants to calculate the instant luminosity during the simulation, one should set the calc_luminosity parameter in section_simulation to be true.

	calc_luminosity =  true

List of sections, keywords, and commands


Keywords Meaning
list_var list all the variables that has been defined.
list_const list all the constants
list_exp list all the expression
print Use this command in format "print x" and it will print the value of the variable x in the screen
vl_emit_nx horizontal normalized emittance
vl_emit_ny vertical normalized emittance
vl_momentum_spread The momentum spread
vl_bunch_length The rms bunch length for a bunched ion beam. The value is zero for a coasting ion beam.
vl_rate_ibs_x horizontal ibs expansion rate
vl_rate_ibs_y vertical ibs expansion rate
vl_rate_ibs_s longitudinal ibs expansion rate
vl_rate_ecool_x horizontal electron cooling rate
vl_rate_ecool_y vertical electron cooling rate
vl_rate_ecool_s longitudinal electron cooling rate
vl_rate_total_x total expansion rate in the horizontal direction
vl_rate_total_y total expansion rate in the vertical direction
vl_rate_total_s total expansion rate in the longitudinal direction
vl_t time


Keywords Meaning
charge_number Number of the charges of the ion
mass Mass in [MeV/c2] of the ion
kinetic_energy Kinetic energy in [MeV] of the ion
norm_emit_x Normalized horizontal emittance in [m*rad] of the ion beam
norm_emit_y Normalized vertical emittance in [m*rad] of the ion beam
momentum_spread Momentum spread of the ion beam
particle_number Total particle number for coasting ion beam or the particle number of one bunch for bunched ion beam.
rms_bunch_length RMS bunch length for bunched ion beam in [m]


Keywords Meaning
lattice The name of the file that saves the lattice. This file should be in the MAD X output format (.tfs).
qx Transverse betatron tune
qy Vertical betatron tune
qs Synchrotron tune
gamma_tr Transition gamma
rf_v Voltage of the RF cavity in [V]
rf_h Harmonic number
rf_phi RF phase in [2$\pi$]


Keywords Meaning
length Length of the cooler in [m]
section_number Number of the coolers
magnetic_field Magnetic field in [T]
bet_x Beta function in horizontal direction in [m]
bet_y Beta function in vertical direction in [m]
disp_x Dispersion in horizontal direction in [m]
disp_y Dispersion in vertical direction in [m]
alpha_x Alpha in horizontal direction
alpha_y Alpha in in vertical direction
disp_dx Derivative of the dispersion in horizontal direction
disp_dy Derivative of the dispersion in vertical direction


Keywords Meaning
gamma Lorentz factor gamma for the cooling electron beam
tmp_tr Transverse temperature in [eV]
tmp_l Longitudinal temperature in [eV] for the cooling electron beam
shape Electron beam shape. Choose from dc_uniform, bunched_gaussian, bunched_uniform, bunched_uniform_elliptic, dc_uniform_hollow, bunched_uniform_hollow, bunched_user_defined.
radius Radius of dc_uniform or bunched_uniform electron beam in [m].
current Current of dc_uniform or bunched_uniform electron beam. For bunched_uniform beam, set the current as if it is a dc_uniform beam in [A].
length Length of the bunched_uniform electron beam in [m].
sigma_x RMS size in horizontal direction of bunched_gaussian electron beam in [m].
sigma_y RMS size in vertical direction of bunched_gaussian electron beam in [m].
sigma_z RMS bunch length of bunched_gaussian electron beam in [m].
rh Length of the semi-axis in horizontal direction in [m].
rv Length of the semi-axis in vertical direction in [m].
r_inner Inner radius of a hollow beam in [m]
r_outter Outter radius of a hollow beam in [m]
particle_file Name of the file that saves the particles if the beam shape is defined as "bunched_user_defined"
total_particle_number Total number of particles to load from the user-provided file
box_particle_number Maximum number of particles in each childless box when constructing the tree structure. Default is 200.
line_skip Number of lines to skip when loading particles from the user-provided text file.
vel_pos_corr Whether to consider the correlation between the velocity and the position. Default is false.
binary_file Whether the user-provided file is in binary format. Default is false, which means a text file.
buffer_size Buffer size when loading particles from the user-provided binary file.


Keywords Meaning
nu Set the grid number in horizontal direction for the 3D integration.
nv Set the grid number in vertical direction for the 3D integration.
nz Set the grid number in longitudinal direction for the 3D integration.
log_c Coulomb logarithm. If log_c is set, then the integration in the longitudinal direction is replaced by the Coulomb logarithm. Thus the parameter nz is ignored.
coupling Transverse coupling rate, ranging from 0 to 1.
model Model for IBS expansion rate calculation: Martini or BM.


Keywords Meaning
sample_number Number of the sample ions.
force_formula Choose the formula for friction force calculation. Now only support the Parkhomchuk formul, using force_formula = PARKHOMCHUK.


Keywords Meaning
distance_x Horizontal distance between the centers of the two colliding beam, in [m].
distance_y Vertical distance between the centers of the two colliding beam, in [m].
particle_number_1 Particle number of the first colliding beam.
particle_number_2 Particle number of the 2nd colliding beam.
frequency Colliding frequency, in [1/s].
bet_x_1 Horizontal beta function of the first colliding beam at the colliding point, in [m].
bet_y_1 Vertical beta function of the first colliding beam at the colliding point, in [m].
bet_x_2 Horizontal beta function of the second colliding beam at the colliding point, in [m].
bet_y_2 Vertical beta function of the second colliding beam at the colliding point, in [m].
beam_size_x_1 Horizontal rms size of the first colliding beam, in [m].
beam_size_y_1 Vertical rms size of the first colliding beam, in [m].
beam_size_x_2 Horizontal rms size of the second colliding beam, in [m].
beam_size_y_2 Vertical rms size of the second colliding beam, in [m].
geo_emit_x_1 Geometrical horizontal emittance of the first colliding beam, in [m*rad]. If the beam size is given, this parameter is ignored.
geo_emit_y_1 Geometrical vertical emittance of the first colliding beam, in [m*rad].If the beam size is given, this parameter is ignored.
geo_emit_x_2 Geometrical horizontal emittance of the second colliding beam, in [m*rad].If the beam size is given, this parameter is ignored.
geo_emit_y_2 Geometrical vertical emittance of the second colliding beam, in [m*rad].If the beam size is given, this parameter is ignored.
use_ion_emittance Whether to use the ion beam emittance to set up the first colliding beam: yes (true) or no (false). The default value is true. When the value is true, parameters of the beam size and the emittance of the first colliding beam is ignored and the ion beam should be defined and created before the luminosity calculation.


Keywords Meaning
time Total time to simulate, in [s].
step_number Total number of steps. The time interval of each step is time/step_number.
sample_number Number of the sample ions. The parameter must be set when using the Particle model to simulate the IBS expansion process without cooling. When setting this parameter with cooling effect, the "sample_number" parameter in the "section_ecool" will be overwritten by this value.
ibs Choose to simulate the IBS effect or not by setting the value as "true" or "false".
e_cool Choose to simulate the electron cooling effect or not by setting the value as "true" or "false".
model "RMS" or "Particle" model to choose for the simulation.
output_file Output file name
output_interval The interval of steps to write into the output file. Default is one.
save_particle_interval The interval of steps to save the 6D coordinates of the ions. No saving if the value is less than zero. Default is -1. This is only useful when using the Particle model in simulations.
ref_bet_x TWISS parameters for the reference point. Only needed when the "model beam" method is selected and the electron cooling effect is not included in the simulation.
ref_bet_y Same as above.
ref_alf_x Same as above.
ref_alf_y Same as above.
ref_disp_x Same as above.
ref_disp_y Same as above.
ref_disp_dx Same as above.
ref_disp_dy Same as above.
fixed_bunch_length Maintain a constant ion bunch length. Default is false.
reset_time Whether to reset the starting time to zero (value: true) or use the final time from the previous simulation (value: false).
overwrite Whether overwrite the output file is it exists. The default value is true. If the value is false, a new output file will be generated. The name of the new file is created by adding a number before the specific file name.
calc_luminosity Whether to calculate the luminosity during the simulation: yes (true) or no (false). The default value is false.


Keywords Meaning
create_ion_beam Create the ion beam.
create_ring Create the ring. Must create the ion beam before calling this command.
create_e_beam Create the electron beam
create_cooler Create the cooler.
calculate_ibs Calculate the IBS rate and output to the screen. Must create the ion beam and the ring before calling this command.
calculate_ecool Calculate the electron cooling rate and output to the screen. Must create the ion beam, the ring, the electron beam, and the cooler before calling this command.
calculate_luminosity Calculate the luminosity, in [1/s * 1/cm^2]
total_expansion_rate Calculate the total expansion rate (summation of the ibs rate and electron cooling rate) and output to the screen. Must create the ion beam, the ring, the electron beam, and the cooler before calling this command.
run_simulation Simulate the evolution of the ion beam under IBS and/or electron cooling effect(s).


In the following example, a DC electron cooler and a bunched proton beam is defined. The IBS rate and the electron cooling rate are calculated. Then the evolution of the proton beam under both the IBS effect and the electron cooling effect is simulated for 600 seconds.

section_ion				# Define the ion (proton) beam
	charge_number = 1	# Charge number
	mass = 938.272		# Mass of the ion
   	kinetic_energy = 8000	# Kinetic energy
	norm_emit_x = 2.2e-6	# Normalized emittance in horizontal direction
	norm_emit_y = 2.2e-6	# Normalized emittance in vertial direction
	momentum_spread = 0.0006	# Momentum spread
	particle_number = 6.58e11	# Total ion number (per bunch)
	rms_bunch_length = 7		# Rms bunch length of the bunched ion beam
section_ring 								# Define the ring
	lattice = MEICColliderRedesign1IP.tfs	# file that saves the lattice of the ring
section_ibs #define the arguments for IBS calculation
	nu = 100		# Grid number in horizontal direction for IBS integration
	nv = 100		# Grid number in vertial direciton for IBS integration
	nz = 40			# Grid number in longitudinal direction for IBS integration
	log_c = 20.6	# Define Coulomb logrithm. nz is ignored after log_c is defined. 
	coupling = 0	# No coupling
section_cooler				# Define the cooler
	length = 3.4			# Cooler length
	section_number = 1		# Number of coolers
	magnetic_field = 0.039	# Magnetic field
	bet_x = 10				# Twiss parameter at the cooler
	bet_y = 10
	#disp_x = 0				# If the values are zero, the command can be omitted. 
	#disp_y = 0
	#alpha_x = 0
	#alpha_y = 0
	#disp_dx = 0
	#disp_dy = 0
section_scratch				# A scratch section
	m = 938.272				# Define variable m and assign a value.
	ke = 8000				# Define variable ke and assign a value.
	gamma = ke/m + 1		# Define variable gamma and calculate its value. 
section_e_beam				# Define the electron beam
	gamma = gamma			# Lorentz factor, the right "gamma" is the variable define above.
	tmp_tr = 0.1			# Transverse temperature
	tmp_l = 0.01 			# Longitudinal temperature
	shape = dc_uniform		# Shape of the electron beam, DC beam with uniform charge density
	radius = 0.004			# Radius of the DC electron beam
	current = 2				# Current is 2 A
section_ecool						# Set parameters for electron cooling rate calculation
	sample_number = 10000			# Number of ion samples
	force_formula = PARKHOMCHUK		# Formula for friction force calculation
section_run						# Operation section
	calculate_ibs				# Calculate the IBS rate
	calculate_ecool				# Calculate the electron cooling rate
	total_expansion_rate		# Calculate the total rate = IBS rate + electron cooling rate
section_simulation							# Set parameters for simulation
	ibs = on								# Simulate ISB effect
	e_cool = on								# Simulate electron cooling effect
	time = 600								# Time to simulate
	step_number = 600						# Number of steps
	sample_number = 100000					# Number of ion samples
	#save_particle_interval = 100			# Save the coordinates of the ions every 100 steps
	output_file = simulation_test.txt		# File to save the simulation results
	model = particle						# Select the model used in the simulation
section_run						# Operation section
	run_simulation				# Start simulation

Extended Topics

Keep a constant bunch length of the ion beam in simulation

The momentum spread of the ion beam changes due to the intrabeam scattering effect and the electron cooling effect during the simulation, hence the bunch length changes if the RF voltage is constant. However, if the RF voltage changes accordingly with the momentum spread, it is possible to maintain a constant bunch length. JSPEC allows the user to choose whether to keep the bunch length constant in the simulation. When the bunch length is maintained constant, the RF voltage is calculated and saved in the output file.

To use this feature, one needs to set the parameter "fixed_bunch_length" in section_simulation to be true. One also needs to set the parameters, rf_h (harmonic number), rf_phi (RF phase), and gammar_tr (transition gamma) in section_ring.

section_ring #define the ring
	rf_h = 3584
	rf_phi = 0
	gamma_tr = 12.46

	fixed_bunch_length = true

Use of the scratch section

In the scratch section, one can define variables and perform some simple calculations using the variables. These variables are accessible in the following sections. In the following example, one puts many parameters in the scratch section and use them to define the ion beam, electron beam and the cooler in the following sections. This is convenient to adjust the parameters in simulations since all the parameters are defined on top of the input file.

	#Ion beam parameters:
	ex = 0.75e-6	# normalized horizontal emittance
	ey = 0.15e-6	# normalized vertical emittance
	dp = 0.0006	# momentum spread	
	np = 0.98e10	# proton number
	ds = 0.02	# proton bunch length
	ke = 100000	# proton kinetic energy
	me = 938.272	# proton mass
	gamma = ke/me+1
	beta = (1-gamma^(-2))^(1/2)
	dx = 0.9	# horizontal dispersion at the cooler
	dy = 0.4	# vertical dispersion at the cooler
	cpl = 0.5	# transverse coupling
	twiss_beta = 100 # beta function at the cooler
	sigma_x = (twiss_beta*ex/beta/gamma)^(1/2) # rms horizontal bunch size
	sigma_y = (twiss_beta*ey/beta/gamma)^(1/2) # rms vertical bunch size

	#Electron beam parameters:
	q_e = 3.2E-9	# electron number
	l_e = 0.03	# electron bunch length	
	k_c = 299792458.0	# speed of light
	I_e = q_e*beta*k_c/l_e	# peak current of the electron beam
section_ion #define the ion beam
	charge_number = 1
	mass = 938.272
   	kinetic_energy = ke
	norm_emit_x = ex
	norm_emit_y = ey
	momentum_spread = dp
	particle_number = np
	rms_bunch_length = ds
section_ring #define the ring
	lattice = MEICColliderRedesign1IP.tfs
section_ibs #define the arguments for IBS calculation
	model = bm
	log_c = 20
	coupling = cpl

	length = 60
	section_number = 1
	magnetic_field = 1
	bet_x = twiss_beta
	bet_y = twiss_beta
	disp_x = dx
	disp_y = dy

	gamma = gamma
	shape = bunched_uniform_elliptic
	rh = sigma_x
	rv = sigma_y
	current = I_e
	length = l_e
	tmp_tr = 0.246
	tmp_l = 0.184


  1. The author intended to write this expression in this way in order to emphasize the difference between a scratch variable and a keyword. However, this expression may be confusing. So it is not recommended to use scratch variables with the same name of a keyword.