diff --git a/psamm/commands/made.py b/psamm/commands/made.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..447182b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psamm/commands/made.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# This file is part of PSAMM.
+# PSAMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PSAMM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PSAMM. If not, see .
+# Copyright 2014-2017 Jon Lund Steffensen
+# Copyright 2016 Keith Dufault-Thompson
+# Copyright 2016 Julie Cuddigan
+"""Metabolic Adjustment by Differential Expression (MADE) command."""
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import time
+import logging
+import math
+import csv
+from six import iteritems
+from ..command import SolverCommandMixin, MetabolicMixin, Command
+from ..util import MaybeRelative
+from ..lpsolver import lp
+from ..expression import boolean
+# Module-level logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MadeFluxBalance(MetabolicMixin, SolverCommandMixin, Command):
+ """Run MADE flux balance analysis on the model.
+ Args:
+ gene_var1 = Dictionary, key:value = gene expression objects:their new
+ variable id, first set
+ gene_var2 = Dictionary; key:value = gene expression objects:their new
+ variable id, second set
+ var_ineqvar1 = xi; Dictionary, key:value = new variable ids:their
+ defined inequality variable, first set
+ var_ineqvar2 = xi+1; Dictionary, key:value = new variable ids:their
+ defined inequality variable, second set
+ gene_pval = Dictionary, key:value = gene ID:gene fold change
+ probability (pvalue)
+ gene_diff = Dictionary, key:value = gene ID: binary up/down/constant
+ regulation values
+ gvdict = Dictionary, key:value = gene ID:defined variable ids from both
+ sets (each key has 2 values)
+ problem = Flux balance problem
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def init_parser(cls, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--flux-threshold',
+ help='Enter maximum objective flux as a decimal or percent',
+ type=MaybeRelative, default=MaybeRelative('100%'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--transc-file', help='Enter path to transcriptomic data file',
+ metavar='FILE')
+ parser.add_argument('--fva', help='Enable FVA', action='store_true')
+ super(MadeFluxBalance, cls).init_parser(parser)
+ def run(self):
+ """Run MADE implementation."""
+ gene_dict = self.get_gene_dict()
+ biomass_fun = self._model.biomass_reaction
+ # Create problem instance
+ solver = self._get_solver(integer=True)
+ prob = solver.create_problem()
+ v_0 = prob.namespace()
+ v_1 = prob.namespace()
+ # Define flux variables
+ for reaction_id in self._mm.reactions:
+ lower, upper = self._mm.limits[reaction_id]
+ v_0.define([reaction_id], lower=lower, upper=upper)
+ v_1.define([reaction_id], lower=lower, upper=upper)
+ # Create mass balance constraints for both conditions
+ massbalance_0_lhs = {compound: 0 for compound in self._mm.compounds}
+ massbalance_1_lhs = {compound: 0 for compound in self._mm.compounds}
+ for (compound, reaction_id), value in iteritems(self._mm.matrix):
+ massbalance_0_lhs[compound] += v_0(reaction_id) * value
+ massbalance_1_lhs[compound] += v_1(reaction_id) * value
+ for _, lhs in iteritems(massbalance_0_lhs):
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(lhs == 0)
+ for _, lhs in iteritems(massbalance_1_lhs):
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(lhs == 0)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ # Set biomass flux threshold
+ flux_threshold = self._args.flux_threshold
+ if flux_threshold.relative:
+ prob.set_objective(v_0(biomass_fun))
+ result = prob.solve(lp.ObjectiveSense.Maximize)
+ if not result:
+ raise Exception('Failed to solve FBA')
+ flux_threshold.reference = result.get_value(v_0(biomass_fun))
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(v_0(biomass_fun) >= float(flux_threshold))
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(v_1(biomass_fun) >= float(flux_threshold))
+ gene_term_0 = prob.namespace()
+ gene_term_1 = prob.namespace()
+ reaction_0 = prob.namespace(
+ self._mm.reactions, types=lp.VariableType.Binary)
+ reaction_1 = prob.namespace(
+ self._mm.reactions, types=lp.VariableType.Binary)
+ for rxn_id, exp in sorted(iteritems(gene_dict)):
+ create_gpr_constraints(
+ prob, rxn_id, exp, reaction_0(rxn_id), gene_term_0)
+ create_gpr_constraints(
+ prob, rxn_id, exp, reaction_1(rxn_id), gene_term_1)
+ if self._args.transc_file is not None:
+ con1, con2, gene_pval, gene_diff = idc(
+ open_file(self._args.transc_file))
+ add_final_constraints(self._mm, prob, v_0, reaction_0)
+ add_final_constraints(self._mm, prob, v_1, reaction_1)
+ result = make_obj_fun(
+ prob, gene_diff, gene_pval, gene_term_0, gene_term_1)
+ # Run FBA
+ for reaction_id in sorted(self._mm.reactions):
+ print('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(
+ reaction_id, result.get_value(v_0(reaction_id)),
+ result.get_value(v_1(reaction_id)),
+ result.get_value(reaction_0(reaction_id)) > 0.5,
+ result.get_value(reaction_1(reaction_id)) > 0.5,
+ self._mm.get_reaction(reaction_id),
+ gene_dict.get(reaction_id, '')))
+ logger.info('Solving took {:.2f} seconds'.format(
+ time.time() - start_time))
+ def get_gene_dict(self):
+ """Using the reaction file called inside of the model file, it returns
+ a dictionary with reaction IDs as keys and their associated
+ gene-protein reaction (GPR) logic (i.e. (gene 1 and gene 2) or gene 3)
+ as values of type str.
+ """
+ gene_dict = {}
+ for reaction in self._model.parse_reactions():
+ if reaction.genes is not None:
+ gene_dict[reaction.id] = boolean.Expression(reaction.genes)
+ return gene_dict
+def make_obj_fun(prob, gene_diff, gene_pval, gene_term_0, gene_term_1):
+ """Constructs the MADE objective funtion from dictionaries of LP variables.
+ Objective function consists of the summation of three functions dependent
+ on the up/down regulation of gene expression between conditions. The
+ functions contain a weighting function, and the difference between the
+ binary representations of condition 1 and condition 2.
+ """
+ i_vars = 0.0 # Increasing gene expression
+ d_vars = 0.0 # Decreasing gene expression
+ c_vars = 0.0 # Constant gene expression
+ def weight(p):
+ return -math.log10(p)
+ for gene in gene_pval:
+ # Comment by Julie/Matt?: Limitation of math.log()
+ wp = max(2.2204460492e-16, gene_pval[gene])
+ x_0 = gene_term_0(boolean.Variable(gene))
+ x_1 = gene_term_1(boolean.Variable(gene))
+ # x_delta = x_0 XOR X_1
+ prob.define(('xor', gene), types=lp.VariableType.Binary)
+ x_delta = prob.var(('xor', gene))
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(
+ x_delta <= x_0 + x_1,
+ x_delta >= x_0 - x_1, x_delta >= x_1 - x_0,
+ x_delta <= 2 - x_0 - x_1)
+ if gene_diff[gene] == 1:
+ i_vars += weight(wp) * (x_1 - x_0)
+ elif gene_diff[gene] == -1:
+ d_vars += weight(wp) * (x_0 - x_1)
+ elif gene_diff[gene] == 0:
+ c_vars += weight(wp) * x_delta
+ objective = i_vars + d_vars - c_vars
+ prob.set_objective(objective)
+ result = prob.solve(lp.ObjectiveSense.Maximize)
+ if not result:
+ raise Exception('Unable to solve: ' + result.status)
+ obj_value = result.get_value(objective)
+ logger.info('Objective: {}'.format(obj_value))
+ return result
+def create_gpr_constraints(prob, rxn_id, exp, reaction_var, gene_term):
+ """Opens all gene-logic containers, defines content, outputs the linear
+ inequalities by calling bool_ineqs(). Sorts data into dictionaries that
+ are used in other functions. Is recursive. No output.
+ Args:
+ exp_obj: All of the expression objects (genes, AND, OR)
+ var_gen: Counter used for relabeling the genes and arguments as
+ variables
+ new_var_id: Variable ID, also includes original reaction ID for first
+ layer
+ """
+ next_terms = iter([exp.root])
+ current_type = None
+ variable = reaction_var
+ arguments = []
+ stack = []
+ while True:
+ try:
+ term = next(next_terms)
+ except StopIteration:
+ term = None
+ if gene_term.has_variable(term):
+ arguments.append(gene_term(term))
+ elif isinstance(term, boolean.Variable):
+ gene_term.define([term], types=lp.VariableType.Binary)
+ term_var = gene_term(term)
+ arguments.append(term_var)
+ elif isinstance(term, (boolean.And, boolean.Or)):
+ stack.append((current_type, next_terms, variable, arguments))
+ current_type = term.__class__
+ next_terms = iter(term)
+ arguments = []
+ gene_term.define([term], types=lp.VariableType.Binary)
+ variable = gene_term(term)
+ else:
+ # End of term
+ if current_type is None:
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(variable == arguments[0])
+ break
+ elif current_type == boolean.And:
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(
+ *and_constraints(variable, arguments))
+ elif current_type == boolean.Or:
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(
+ *or_constraints(variable, arguments))
+ term_var = variable
+ current_type, next_terms, variable, arguments = stack.pop()
+ arguments.append(term_var)
+def and_constraints(var, arguments):
+ """Create constraints for boolean AND.
+ Creates constraints for: var = And(arguments) where var and each argument
+ is a binary variable.
+ """
+ var_sum = 0
+ for arg in arguments:
+ yield var <= arg
+ var_sum += arg
+ yield var >= var_sum - (len(arguments) - 1)
+def or_constraints(var, arguments):
+ """Create constraints for boolean OR.
+ Creates constraints for: var = Or(arguments) where var and each argument
+ is a binary variable.
+ """
+ var_sum = 0
+ for arg in arguments:
+ yield var >= arg
+ var_sum += arg
+ yield var <= var_sum
+def open_file(path):
+ """Returns the contents of model file in a tuple of dictionaries.
+ File Form: tsv format, FOUR Columns: (1) Gene name, (2) Condition 1 Data,
+ (3) Condition 2 Data, (4) P-value of the fold change for transition 1->2.
+ """
+ file1 = open(path)
+ con1_dict = {}
+ con2_dict = {}
+ pval_dict = {}
+ file1.readline()
+ for row in csv.reader(file1, delimiter=str('\t')):
+ con1_dict[row[0]] = float(row[1])
+ con2_dict[row[0]] = float(row[2])
+ if float(row[3]) == float(0.0):
+ pval_dict[row[0]] = 1e-400
+ else:
+ pval_dict[row[0]] = float(row[3])
+ return con1_dict, con2_dict, pval_dict
+def idc(dicts):
+ """Used for accessing the list of dictionaries created in open_file()
+ Creates a dictionary for the gene ID and a value = [-1, 0, +1]
+ corresponding to decreasing, constant, and inreasing expression between the
+ conditions.
+ """
+ con1 = dicts[0]
+ con2 = dicts[1]
+ pval = dicts[2]
+ diff = {}
+ for key in con1:
+ if con2[key] == con1[key]:
+ diff[key] = 0
+ elif con2[key] > con1[key]:
+ diff[key] = 1
+ else:
+ diff[key] = -1
+ return con1, con2, pval, diff
+def add_final_constraints(mm, prob, v, z):
+ """Takes the metabolic model, the LP Problem, and the binary
+ dictionaries of each condition. Adds constraints connecting flux
+ variables, reactions, and their flux bounds.
+ """
+ for rxn in mm.reactions:
+ vmin = mm.limits[rxn].lower
+ vmax = mm.limits[rxn].upper
+ flux_var = v(rxn)
+ active = z(rxn)
+ prob.add_linear_constraints(
+ active*vmax >= flux_var, flux_var >= active*vmin)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 99eb58fa..03e2ede7 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
'gapcheck = psamm.commands.gapcheck:GapCheckCommand',
'gapfill = psamm.commands.gapfill:GapFillCommand',
'genedelete = psamm.commands.genedelete:GeneDeletionCommand',
+ 'made = psamm.commands.made:MadeFluxBalance',
'masscheck = psamm.commands.masscheck:MassConsistencyCommand',
'randomsparse = psamm.commands.randomsparse:RandomSparseNetworkCommand',
'robustness = psamm.commands.robustness:RobustnessCommand',