A library and application for browsers to interact with Android devices via ADB.
Connection | Chromium-based Browsers | Firefox | Node.js |
USB cable | Supported using WebUSB API | No | Supported using usb package |
Wireless via WebSocket 1 | Supported | Supported | Possible using ws package |
Wireless via TCP | WIP using Direct Sockets API | No | Possible using net module |
1 Requires WebSockify softwares, see instruction for detail.
- 📁 File Management
- 📋 List
- ⬆ Upload
- ⬇ Download
- 🗑 Delete
- 📷 Screen Capture
- 📜 Interactive Shell
- ⚙ Enable ADB over WiFi
- 📦 Install APK
- 🎥 Scrcpy compatible client (screen mirroring and controlling device)
- 🔌 Power and reboot to different modes
- Google for ADB (Apache License 2.0)
- Romain Vimont for Scrcpy (Apache License 2.0)