diff --git a/doc/langref.html.in b/doc/langref.html.in
index fe8c1ca7b7d7..5a05599e2a90 100644
--- a/doc/langref.html.in
+++ b/doc/langref.html.in
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
In this case, the {#syntax#}!{#endsyntax#} may be omitted from the return
type of main
because no errors are returned from the function.
- {#see_also|Values|Tuples|@import|Errors|Root Source File|Source Encoding|try#}
+ {#see_also|Values|Tuples|@import|Errors|Entry Point|Source Encoding|try#}
@@ -5223,7 +5223,7 @@ fn cmpxchgWeakButNotAtomic(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, expected_value: T, new_val
From library code, calling the programmer's panic function if they exposed one in the root source file.
When mixing C and Zig code, calling the canonical panic implementation across multiple .o files.
- {#see_also|Root Source File#}
+ {#see_also|Panic Handler#}
@@ -6481,14 +6481,155 @@ fn cmpxchgWeakButNotAtomic(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, expected_value: T, new_val
{#see_also|Build Mode#}
- {#header_open|Root Source File#}
- TODO: explain how root source file finds other files
- TODO: pub fn main
- TODO: pub fn panic
- TODO: if linking with libc you can use export fn main
- TODO: order independent top level declarations
- TODO: lazy analysis
- TODO: using comptime { _ = @import() }
+ {#header_open|Compilation Model#}
+ A Zig compilation is separated into modules . Each module is a collection of Zig source files,
+ one of which is the module's root source file . Each module can depend on any number of
+ other modules, forming a directed graph (dependency loops between modules are allowed). If module A
+ depends on module B, then any Zig source file in module A can import the root source file of
+ module B using {#syntax#}@import{#endsyntax#} with the module's name. In essence, a module acts as an
+ alias to import a Zig source file (which might exist in a completely separate part of the filesystem).
+ A simple Zig program compiled with zig build-exe
has two key modules: the one containing your
+ code, known as the "main" or "root" module, and the standard library. Your module depends on
+ the standard library module under the name "std", which is what allows you to write
+ {#syntax#}@import("std"){#endsyntax#}! In fact, every single module in a Zig compilation — including
+ the standard library itself — implicitly depends on the standard library module under the name "std".
+ The "root module" (the one provided by you in the zig build-exe
example) has a special
+ property. Like the standard library, it is implicitly made available to all modules (including itself),
+ this time under the name "root". So, {#syntax#}@import("root"){#endsyntax#} will always be equivalent to
+ {#syntax#}@import{#endsyntax#} of your "main" source file (often, but not necessarily, named
+ main.zig
+ {#header_open|Source File Structs#}
+ Every Zig source file is implicitly a {#syntax#}struct{#endsyntax#} declaration; you can imagine that
+ the file's contents are literally surrounded by {#syntax#}struct { ... }{#endsyntax#}. This means that
+ as well as declarations, the top level of a file is permitted to contain fields:
+ {#code|TopLevelFields.zig#}
+ Such files can be instantiated just like any other {#syntax#}struct{#endsyntax#} type. A file's "root
+ struct type" can be referred to within that file using {#link|@This#}.
+ {#header_close#}
+ {#header_open|File and Declaration Discovery#}
+ Zig places importance on the concept of whether any piece of code is semantically analyzed ; in
+ eseence, whether the compiler "looks at" it. What code is analyzed is based on what files and
+ declarations are "discovered" from a certain point. This process of "discovery" is based on a simple set
+ of recursive rules:
+ If a call to {#syntax#}@import{#endsyntax#} is analyzed, the file being imported is analyzed.
+ If a type (including a file) is analyzed, all {#syntax#}comptime{#endsyntax#}, {#syntax#}usingnamespace{#endsyntax#}, and {#syntax#}export{#endsyntax#} declarations within it are analyzed.
+ If a type (including a file) is analyzed, and the compilation is for a {#link|test|Zig Test#}, and the module the type is within is the root module of the compiatilation, then all {#syntax#}test{#endsyntax#} declarations within it are also analyzed.
+ If a reference to a named declaration (i.e. a usage of it) is analyzed, the declaration being referenced is analyzed. Declarations are order-independent, so this reference may be above or below the declaration being referenced, or even in another file entirely.
+ That's it! Those rules define how Zig files and declarations are discovered. All that remains is to
+ understand where this process starts .
+ The answer to that is the root of the standard library: every Zig compilation begins by analyzing the
+ file lib/std/std.zig
. This file contains a {#syntax#}comptime{#endsyntax#} declaration
+ which imports {#syntax#}lib/std/start.zig{#endsyntax#}, and that file in turn uses
+ {#syntax#}@import("root"){#endsyntax#} to reference the "root module"; so, the file you provide as your
+ main module's root source file is effectively also a root, because the standard library will always
+ reference it.
+ It is often desirable to make sure that certain declarations — particularly {#syntax#}test{#endsyntax#}
+ or {#syntax#}export{#endsyntax#} declarations — are discovered. Based on the above rules, a common
+ strategy for this is to use {#syntax#}@import{#endsyntax#} within a {#syntax#}comptime{#endsyntax#} or
+ {#syntax#}test{#endsyntax#} block:
+ {#syntax_block|zig|force_file_discovery.zig#}
+comptime {
+ // This will ensure that the file 'api.zig' is always discovered (as long as this file is discovered).
+ // It is useful if 'api.zig' contains important exported declarations.
+ _ = @import("api.zig");
+ // We could also have a file which contains declarations we only want to export depending on a comptime
+ // condition. In that case, we can use an `if` statement here:
+ if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
+ _ = @import("windows_api.zig");
+ }
+test {
+ // This will ensure that the file 'tests.zig' is always discovered (as long as this file is discovered),
+ // if this compilation is a test. It is useful if 'tests.zig' contains tests we want to ensure are run.
+ _ = @import("tests.zig");
+ // We could also have a file which contains tests we only want to run depending on a comptime condition.
+ // In that case, we can use an `if` statement here:
+ if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
+ _ = @import("windows_tests.zig");
+ }
+const builtin = @import("builtin");
+ {#end_syntax_block#}
+ {#header_close#}
+ {#header_open|Special Root Declarations#}
+ Because the root module's root source file is always accessible using
+ {#syntax#}@import("root"){#endsyntax#}, is is sometimes used by libraries — including the Zig Standard
+ Library — as a place for the program to expose some "global" information to that library. The Zig
+ Standard Library will look for several declarations in this file.
+ {#header_open|Entry Point#}
+ When building an executable, the most important thing to be looked up in this file is the program's
+ entry point . Most commonly, this is a function named {#syntax#}main{#endsyntax#}, which
+ {#syntax#}std.start{#endsyntax#} will call just after performing important initialization work.
+ Alternatively, the presence of a declaration named {#syntax#}_start{#endsyntax#} (for instance,
+ {#syntax#}pub const _start = {};{#endsyntax#}) will disable the default {#syntax#}std.start{#endsyntax#}
+ logic, allowing your root source file to export a low-level entry point as needed.
+ {#code|entry_point.zig#}
+ If the Zig compilation links libc, the {#syntax#}main{#endsyntax#} function can optionally be an
+ {#syntax#}export fn{#endsyntax#} which matches the signature of the C main
+ {#code|libc_export_entry_point.zig#}
+ {#syntax#}std.start{#endsyntax#} may also use other entry point declarations in certain situations, such
+ as {#syntax#}wWinMain{#endsyntax#} or {#syntax#}EfiMain{#endsyntax#}. Refer to the
+ {#syntax#}lib/std/start.zig{#endsyntax#} logic for details of these declarations.
+ {#header_close#}
+ {#header_open|Standard Library Options#}
+ The standard library also looks for a declaration in the root module's root source file named
+ {#syntax#}std_options{#endsyntax#}. If present, this declaration is expected to be a struct of type
+ {#syntax#}std.Options{#endsyntax#}, and allows the program to customize some standard library
+ functionality, such as the {#syntax#}std.log{#endsyntax#} implementation.
+ {#code|std_options.zig#}
+ {#header_close#}
+ {#header_open|Panic Handler#}
+ The Zig Standard Library looks for a declaration named {#syntax#}panic{#endsyntax#} in the root module's
+ root source file. If present, it is expected to be a namespace (container type) with declarations
+ providing different panic handlers.
+ See {#syntax#}std.debug.simple_panic{#endsyntax#} for a basic implementation of this namespace.
+ Overriding how the panic handler actually outputs messages, but keeping the formatted safety panics
+ which are enabled by default, can be easily achieved with {#syntax#}std.debug.FullPanic{#endsyntax#}:
+ {#code|panic_handler.zig#}
+ {#header_close#}
+ {#header_close#}
{#header_open|Zig Build System#}
diff --git a/doc/langref/TopLevelFields.zig b/doc/langref/TopLevelFields.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7fb460a7ca21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/langref/TopLevelFields.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//! Because this file contains fields, it is a type which is intended to be instantiated, and so
+//! is named in TitleCase instead of snake_case by convention.
+foo: u32,
+bar: u64,
+/// `@This()` can be used to refer to this struct type. In files with fields, is quite common to name the type
+/// here, so it can be easily referenced by other declarations.
+const TopLevelFields = @This();
+pub fn init(val: u32) TopLevelFields {
+ return .{
+ .foo = val,
+ .bar = val * 10,
+ };
+// syntax
diff --git a/doc/langref/entry_point.zig b/doc/langref/entry_point.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0927daf17ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/langref/entry_point.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/// `std.start` imports this file using `@import("root")`, and uses this declaration as the program's
+/// user-provided entry point. It can return any of the following types:
+/// * `void`
+/// * `E!void`, for any error set `E`
+/// * `u8`
+/// * `E!u8`, for any error set `E`
+/// Returning a `void` value from this function will exit with code 0.
+/// Returning a `u8` value from this function with exit with the given status code.
+/// Returning an error value from this function will print an Error Return Trace and exit with code 1.
+pub fn main() void {
+ std.debug.print("Hello, World!\n", .{});
+// If uncommented, this declaration would suppress the usual std.start logic, causing
+// the `main` declaration above to be ignored.
+//pub const _start = {};
+const std = @import("std");
+// exe=succeed
diff --git a/doc/langref/libc_export_entry_point.zig b/doc/langref/libc_export_entry_point.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bec791a295be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/langref/libc_export_entry_point.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+pub export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: [*]const [*:0]const u8) c_int {
+ const args = argv[0..@intCast(argc)];
+ std.debug.print("Hello! argv[0] is '{s}'\n", .{args[0]});
+ return 0;
+const std = @import("std");
+// exe=succeed
+// link_libc
diff --git a/doc/langref/panic_handler.zig b/doc/langref/panic_handler.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7eb3a67f16b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/langref/panic_handler.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+pub fn main() void {
+ @setRuntimeSafety(true);
+ var x: u8 = 255;
+ // Let's overflow this integer!
+ x += 1;
+pub const panic = std.debug.FullPanic(myPanic);
+fn myPanic(msg: []const u8, first_trace_addr: ?usize) noreturn {
+ _ = first_trace_addr;
+ std.debug.print("Panic! {s}\n", .{msg});
+ std.process.exit(1);
+const std = @import("std");
+// exe=fail
diff --git a/doc/langref/std_options.zig b/doc/langref/std_options.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b37d407fc86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/langref/std_options.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/// The presence of this declaration allows the program to override certain behaviors of the standard library.
+/// For a full list of available options, see the documentation for `std.Options`.
+pub const std_options: std.Options = .{
+ // By default, in safe build modes, the standard library will attach a segfault handler to the program to
+ // print a helpful stack trace if a segmentation fault occurs. Here, we can disable this, or even enable
+ // it in unsafe build modes.
+ .enable_segfault_handler = true,
+ // This is the logging function used by `std.log`.
+ .logFn = myLogFn,
+fn myLogFn(
+ comptime level: std.log.Level,
+ comptime scope: @Type(.enum_literal),
+ comptime format: []const u8,
+ args: anytype,
+) void {
+ // We could do anything we want here!
+ // ...but actually, let's just call the default implementation.
+ std.log.defaultLog(level, scope, format, args);
+const std = @import("std");
+// syntax