Fast ODE-based Sampling for Diffusion Models in Around 5 Steps
Official implementation of the CVPR 2024 paper
Fast ODE-based Sampling for Diffusion Models in Around 5 Steps
Zhenyu Zhou, Defang Chen, Chun Chen, Can Wang
Abstract: Sampling from diffusion models can be treated as solving the corresponding ordinary differential equations (ODEs), with the aim of obtaining an accurate solution with as few number of function evaluations (NFE) as possible. Recently, various fast samplers utilizing higher-order ODE solvers have emerged and achieved better performance than the initial first-order one. However, these numerical methods inherently result in certain approximation errors, which significantly degrades sample quality with extremely small NFE (e.g., around 5). In contrast, based on the geometric observation that each sampling trajectory almost lies in a two-dimensional subspace embedded in the ambient space, we propose Approximate MEan-Direction Solver (AMED-Solver) that eliminates truncation errors by directly learning the mean direction for fast diffusion sampling. Besides, our method can be easily used as a plugin to further improve existing ODE-based samplers. Extensive experiments on image synthesis with the resolution ranging from 32 to 512 demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. With only 5 NFE, we achieve 6.61 FID on CIFAR-10, 10.74 FID on ImageNet 64x64, and 13.20 FID on LSUN Bedroom.
- This codebase mainly refers to the codebase of EDM. To install the required packages, please refer to the EDM codebase.
- This codebase supports the pre-trained diffusion models from EDM, ADM, Consistency models, LDM and Stable Diffusion. When you want to load the pre-trained diffusion models from these codebases, please refer to the corresponding codebases for package installation.
News: For text-to-image generation, we provide an example script as well as a simplified colab script for AMED-Plugin applied on DPM-Solver++(2M) using Diffusers 🧨.
Run the commands in for training, sampling and evaluation with recommended settings.
All the commands can be parallelized across multiple GPUs by adjusting --nproc_per_node
You can find the descriptions to all the parameters in the next section.
The required models will be downloaded at "./src/dataset_name"
We provide some recommended settings below. We use 4 A100 GPUs for all experiments. You may change the batch size based on your devices.
Note: num_steps
is the number of original timestamps. Our method inserts a new timestamp between every two adjacent timestamps, hence num_steps=4 finally gives a total of 7 timestamps (6 sampling steps). So NFE=(5 if afs==True else 6).
# AMED-Solver
SOLVER_FLAGS="--sampler_stu=amed --sampler_tea=heun --num_steps=4 --M=1 --afs=True --scale_dir=0.01 --scale_time=0"
SCHEDULE_FLAGS="--schedule_type=time_uniform --schedule_rho=1"
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=11111 \ --dataset_name="cifar10" --batch=128 --total_kimg=10 $SOLVER_FLAGS $SCHEDULE_FLAGS
# AMED-Plugin applied on iPNDM
SOLVER_FLAGS="--sampler_stu=ipndm --sampler_tea=ipndm --num_steps=4 --M=2 --afs=True --scale_dir=0.01 --scale_time=0.2"
SCHEDULE_FLAGS="--schedule_type=polynomial --schedule_rho=7"
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=11111 \ --dataset_name="cifar10" --batch=128 --total_kimg=10 $SOLVER_FLAGS $SCHEDULE_FLAGS $ADDITIONAL_FLAGS
After finishing the training, the AMED predictor will be saved at "./exps" with a five digit experiment number (e.g. 00001).
The settings for sampling are stored in the predictor. You can sample with the AMED predictor by giving the file path
or the exp number (e.g. 1) of the AMED predictor in --predictor_path
# Generate 50K samples for FID evaluation
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=22222 \ --predictor_path=1 --batch=128 --seeds="0-49999"
The generated images will be stored at "./samples"
by default. To compute Fréchet inception distance (FID) for a given model and sampler, compare the generated 50k images against the dataset reference statistics using
# FID evaluation
python calc --images=path/to/images --ref=path/to/fid/stat
We also provide a script for calculating the CLIP score for Stable Diffusion with 30k images using the provided prompts:
# CLIP score
python calc --images=path/to/images
Name | Paramater | Default | Description |
General options | dataset_name | None | One in ['cifar10', 'ffhq', 'afhqv2', 'imagenet64', 'lsun_bedroom', 'imagenet256', 'lsun_bedroom_ldm', 'ms_coco'] |
predictor_path | None | Path or the experiment number of the trained AMED predictor | |
batch | 64 | Total batch size | |
seeds | 0-63 | Specify a different random seed for each image | |
grid | False | Organize the generated images as grid | |
total_kimg | 10 | Total training images (k) | |
scale_dir | 0.01 | Control the scale of gradient diretion (c_n in the paper). c_n locates in [1-scale_dir, 1+scale_dir] | |
scale_time | 0 | Control the scale of the input time (a_n the paper). a_n locates in [1-scale_time, 1+scale_time] | |
SOLVER_FLAGS | sampler_stu | 'amed' | Student solver. One in ['amed', 'dpm', 'dpmpp', 'euler', 'ipndm'] |
sampler_tea | 'heun' | Teacher solver. One in ['heun', 'dpm', 'dpmpp', 'euler', 'ipndm'] | |
num_steps | 4 | Number of timestamps for the student solver. When num_steps=N, there will be finally 2(N-1) sampling steps since the AMED predictor will insert one intermediate step between two adjacent steps for the student solver | |
M | 1 | How many intermediate time steps to insert between two adjacent steps for the teacher solver | |
afs | False | Whether to use AFS which saves the first model evaluation | |
SCHEDULE_FLAGS | schedule_type | 'polynomial' | Time discretization schedule. One in ['polynomial', 'logsnr', 'time_uniform', 'discrete'] |
schedule_rho | 7 | Time step exponent. Need to be specified when schedule_type in ['polynomial', 'time_uniform', 'discrete'] | |
ADDITIONAL_FLAGS | max_order | None | Option for multi-step solvers. 1<=max_order<=4 for iPNDM, 1<=max_order<=3 for DPM-Solver++ |
predict_x0 | True | Option for DPM-Solver++. Whether to use the data prediction formulation | |
lower_order_final | True | Option for DPM-Solver++. Whether to lower the order at the final stages of sampling | |
GUIDANCE_FLAGS | guidance_type | None | One in ['cg', 'cfg', 'uncond', None]. 'cg' for classifier-guidance, 'cfg' for classifier-free-guidance used in Stable Diffusion, and 'uncond' for unconditional used in LDM |
guidance_rate | None | Guidance rate | |
prompt | None | Prompt for Stable Diffusion sampling |
For CIFAR-10, FFHQ64 and ImageNet64, we provide our pre-trained AMED predictors for AMED-Solver and AMED-Plugin on iPNDM solver for direct sampling. The folder name are organized as '<exp_num>-<dataset_name>-<num_steps>-<NFE>-<student>-<teacher>-<M>-<shcedule>-<afs>'. You can put these folders under ./exp/
and run the sampling script above with the experiment order to perform accelerated sampling.
We perform sampling on a variaty of pre-trained diffusion models from different codebases including EDM, ADM, Consistency models, LDM and Stable Diffusion. The tested pre-trained models are listed below:
Codebase | dataset_name | Resolusion | Pre-trained Models | Description |
EDM | cifar10 | 32 | edm-cifar10-32x32-uncond-vp.pkl | |
EDM | ffhq | 64 | edm-ffhq-64x64-uncond-vp.pkl | |
EDM | afhqv2 | 64 | edm-afhqv2-64x64-uncond-vp.pkl | |
EDM | imagenet64 | 64 | edm-imagenet-64x64-cond-adm.pkl | |
Consistency Models | lsun_bedroom | 256 | | Pixel-space |
ADM | imagenet256 | 256 | and | Classifier-guidance. |
LDM | lsun_bedroom_ldm | 256 | | Latent-space |
Stable Diffusion | ms_coco | 512 | stable-diffusion-v1-5 | Classifier-free-guidance |
For facilitating the FID evaluation of diffusion models, we provide our FID statistics of various datasets. They are collected on the Internet or made by ourselves with the guidance of the EDM codebase.
You can compute the reference statistics for your own datasets as follows:
python ref --data=path/to/ --dest=path/to/save/my-dataset.npz
If you find this repository useful, please consider citing the following paper:
title={Fast ODE-based Sampling for Diffusion Models in Around 5 Steps},
author={Zhou, Zhenyu and Chen, Defang and Wang, Can and Chen, Chun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00094},