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Configuration & Registry System


We inherited and modified the configuration system from mmcv, along with a registry-based module-building system. The original mmcv config support parent (base) config, and an easy-to-use file / command-line interface.

Here's an example config chain:

# Content of renbody.yaml (parent config)
dataloader_cfg: # we see the term "dataloader" as one word?
    dataset_cfg: &dataset_cfg
        masks_dir: masks # good naming ^_^
        ratio: 0.5
        bounds: [[-5.0, -5.0, -5.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0]] # thinner?

        force_sparse_view: True
        view_sample: [0, 60, 1]
        frame_sample: [0, 150, 1] # only train for a thousand frames

        bg_brightness: 0.0
        bg_brightness: 0.0

        <<: *dataset_cfg
        frame_sample: [0, 150, 30]
        view_sample: [0, 60, 20]

# Content of 0013_01.yaml (inner config, child of renbody.yaml, parent of 0013_01_obj.yaml)
configs: configs/datasets/renbody/renbody.yaml

dataloader_cfg: # we see the term "dataloader" as one word?
    dataset_cfg: &dataset_cfg
        data_root: data/renbody/0013_01
        images_dir: images_calib

        <<: *dataset_cfg

# Content of 0013_01_obj.yaml (child of 0013_01.yaml)
configs: configs/datasets/renbody/0013_01.yaml

dataloader_cfg: &dataloader_cfg
    dataset_cfg: &dataset_cfg # ratio: 0.5
        bounds: [[-0.5352, -0.7697, -0.9967], [0.4148, 0.7203, 0.9533]] # !: BATCH

        <<: *dataset_cfg

We build upon mmcv's system to support some of the missing features:

  • Full inheritance support is added (personally find this very useful):
    • If a parent config has the same key with the parent, the parent's value will be recursively overwritten. For example, the bounds key in 0013_01_obj.yaml will overwrite the bounds in renbody.yaml.
    • Special keywords can be used for acessing the parent's config. Check out configs/specs/solid.yaml for some examples. Note that to use these special keys will lose their effects if formatted, thus we added a magic line # prettier-ignore to prevent this.
    • Adding a _delete_: True in the children will make sure the config system ignore the parent configs of this key.
    • Multiple parent can be used. This is most useful when building experiments configs like configs/exps/4k4d/4k4d_0013_01.yaml.
    • Special keys are supported for extracting information from the config file itself, like {{fileBasenameNoExtension}}. I always put such a config at the end of an experiment config to match the config to the experiment records.
  • Empty yaml files are allowed and ignored (will raise error in mmcv).
  • Extra arguments are automatically ignored (possibly with warning messages).
  • More robust path support:
    • Project root-relative paths. (configs/models/enerf.yaml)
    • Config file relative paths. (enerf.yaml)
    • Absolute config file paths. (/home/<user>/easyvolcap/configs/models/enerf.yaml)
  • An _append_ operator for appending to existing arrays.
  • _ configs are ignored.

Exists in mmcv and useful features:

  • Dict-based command-line interface. (model_cfg.supervisor_cfg.msk_loss_weight=0.01)
  • A type-based building system for registered modules (build_from_cfg will look up the registry for the type string key).
    • This allows for easy switching between modules. (val_dataloader_cfg.dataset_cfg.type=InferenceDataset)
  • A configs key for specifying a file to inherit from (also available from the command line). (configs=configs/specs/orbit.yaml)
  • A _delete_ operator for preventing inheritance.
  • Digital keys for replacing array elements. (model_cfg.network_cfg.network_cfgs.0.type=...)
  • Arrays can be explicitly defined in the command line. (val_dataloader_cfg.dataset_cfg.view_sample=[0, -1, 1])
  • .yaml, .py, .json flavors config files.
    • I personally prefer .yamls due to their simplicity, however, most modern projects use .pys.


  • None in the command line will be parsed to actual None. null will also be parsed to None.
  • None in python config files are straight forward.
  • None in yaml config files are expected to be null.
  • For array indexing [0, -1, 1] will exclude the last element, use [0, null, 1] instead.

Using the Configuration System

Take away:

  • Configurations are all python dict under the hood.
  • Layer by layer we replace values from the inner most (functions default arguments) to the outer most (comman-line args).
  • You can simply think of the config system as a fancier way of defining function arguments in Python. By fancier I mean adding some warning and command line interfaces.

Here's an example of using the config system programmatically and simultaneously marking the function itself as callable from configs.

def gui(
    viewer_cfg: dotdict = dotdict(type="VolumetricVideoViewer"),  # use different naming for config here, is this good?
    invokation_type: str = 'test',  # TODO: implement camera and other dataset types

    # Reproducibility configuration
    base_device: str = 'cuda',
    dry_run: bool = False,  # return without hassle
    runner: "VolumetricVideoRunner" = globals()[invokation_type](kwargs,
                                                                 )  # return the runner (trainer) immediately
    viewer: "VolumetricVideoViewer" =, runner=runner)  # will start the window
    if dry_run: return runner  # just construct everything, then return

    launcher(**kwargs,, runner_object=runner)

We provide interfaces for using the config-based building system (with or without registering) directly:

  • Mark a function with the @callable_from_cfg decorator to enjoy the default argument substitution functionality.
  • For a function (whose argument you want to make configurable), use @callable_from_cfg.
  • For a module (or a function returning a module), which will be called later in runtime (i.e. a PyTorch nn.Module), use the registry system.
    • Define a corresponding registry for this type of module. (EMBEDDERS = Registry('embedders'))
    • Register the module with the registry (@EMBEDDERS.register_module()) to make it accessible from a string.
    • We defined a default for folders to support fully automatic recursive imports to actually call register_module.
      • You can find such lying around throughout the entire project. (easyvolcap/dataloaders/
      • When a new directory contains modules for registration, copy this file to the directory.
      • We register all modules in before doing any compiling & building.
    • The imports for the registry and config system can be found in the official easyvolcap/engine/ You can copy the imports of this file to utilized the registry and configuration system.

The configuration system is built in layers:

  • The most default arguments are always written as function defaults in the python code, this is the recommended way for default args.
    • With a complete module, a complete list (physically meaningful) of default args should be provided in this fashion.
    • This allows for easy switching between different modules. (model_cfg.network_cfg.sampler_cfg.type=CostVolumeDepthSampler)
  • The next level is defined in configs/base.yaml, which defines the default structure for a simple nert+latent code representation.
    • To make command-line configuration (and replacement-based configuration) possible, the full structure of the dataloader, model, and runner needs to be specified.
    • Otherwise, something like val_dataloader_cfg.dataset_cfg.type=InferenceDataset will not complain about no val_dataloader key found.
  • Then, we settled on defining model-related and data-related configs separately in configs/models and configs/datasets respectively.
  • The command line arguments are the outermost layer of configuration.
    • Note that special entries are separately defined as --config and --type for the entry point (shorthand: -c and -t).
  • It's also possible to use multiple parent configs (defined by the configs key or separated by , in the entrypoint arguments for -c)
    • Those parent configs will be parsed layer by layer, the latter overwritting the previous if duplicated keys are found.

Reusing the Configuration System

This is a piece of code that will be called everytime we import a core module from EasyVolcap:

parser = get_parser()
args, argv = parser.parse_known_args()  # commandline arguments
argv = [v.strip('-') for v in argv]  # arguments starting with -- will not automatically go to the ops dict, need to parse them again
argv = parser.parse_args(argv)  # the reason for -- arguments is that almost all shell completion requires a prefix for optional arguments
cfg = parse_cfg(args)

Generally, there are two ways to use the configuration system:

Direct Usage

The first way is to directly use our registration and commandline entry point. This requires you to from easyvolcap.engine import cfg, which performs argument parsing and config loading.

# Run this

# Invoke pdbr and check for the parameter
(Pdbr) cfg.not_exist
{'help': 'ok'}

As long as there are import commands from EasyVolcap which implicitly calls from easyvolcap.engine import cfg, we will parse and store the arguments in the global variable cfg. Those import commands typically includes network & system modules like easyvolcap.runners, easyvolcap.models, easyvolcap.dataloaders, easyvolcap.engine, etc. And exclude the easyvolcap.utils modules, which is used for utility functions and classes.

Building on Top

Sometimes you would want to build your own command line argument parser, or you want to use the configuration system in a different way. There's only one rule-of-thumb: parse your arguments before importing from easyvolcap.engine as stated in the previous section

You could even use them in tandem like this:

# fmt: off
import sys

# To use my own parser and EasyVolcap's dict based parser together
sep_ind = sys.argv.index('--') if '--' in sys.argv else len(sys.argv)
our_args = sys.argv[1:sep_ind]
evc_argsevc_args = sys.argv[sep_ind:]
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + evc_args

# My own argument parser
args = dotdict(

args = args.update(vars(build_parser(args).parse_args()))

print(args) # will output {'test_arg': 'hello', 'store_true': False}

# Will implicitly import from easyvolcap.engine, thus parse args
from easyvolcap.runners.volumetric_video_viewer import VolumetricVideoViewer

# fmt: on