diff --git a/latex_preamble.tex b/latex_preamble.tex index 94b3813..c1fe181 100644 --- a/latex_preamble.tex +++ b/latex_preamble.tex @@ -14,3 +14,9 @@ \usepackage{lscape} \newcommand{\blandscape}{\begin{landscape}} \newcommand{\elandscape}{\end{landscape}} + +\usepackage{lineno} +\linenumbers + +\usepackage{setspace} +\doublespacing diff --git a/ms.Rmd b/ms.Rmd index 744106c..f1626f2 100644 --- a/ms.Rmd +++ b/ms.Rmd @@ -329,13 +329,11 @@ mtext(text = 'C', adj = 0) ``` -\newpage \blandscape ```{r feng_papes_plots, cache = FALSE, echo = FALSE, out.width = "450px", fig.cap = "Outputs of the workflow objects `FengPapes' and `FengPapesUpdate'. A) Map of the MaxEnt predicted distribution, with a 5\\% omission rate threshold, by the `PrintMap' module in the workflow `FengPapes' which encodes the core of a published analysis. B) A response curve produced by the `ResponseCurve' module for the first covariate, bio1 in the workflow `FengPapesUpdate', which modifies the original analysis workflow. C) A screenshot of the interactive map produced by the `InteractiveMap' modules in the workflow `FengPapesUpdate', displaying raw occurrence data and predicted distribution over a global map, allowing users to interactively explore their results. White areas are masked due to being in the MESS mask. Any SDM analysis distributed as a zoon workflow can be easily be explored and scrutinized by modifying its output modules using the function `ChangeWorkflow'."} knitr::include_graphics("figs/combinefengupdate-1.png") ``` \elandscape -\newpage #### Example 2. Building a spatial thinning module