- fix: points not dropped case in subsampling when the subtile contains only one point
- fix: type error in edge case when dropping points in DropPointsByClass (when there is only one remaining point)
- fix: propagate input las format to output las (in particular epsg which comes either from input or config)
- dev: log confusion matrices to Comet after each epoch.
- fix: do not mix the two way to log IoUs to avoid known lightning Common Pitfalls.
- fix: edge case when saving predictions under Classification channel, without saving entropy.
- Update all versions of Pytorch, Pytorch Lightning, and Pytorch Geometric. Changes are retrocompatible for models trained with older versions (with adjustment to the configuration file).
- Refactor logging of single-class IoUs to go from num_classes+1 torchmetrics instances to only 1.
- Set urllib3<2 for comet logging to function and add back seaborn for plotting optimal LR graph.
- Remove the "EPSG:2154" by default and use the metadata of the lidar file, unless a parameter is given.
- Track ./tests/data/ dir including single-point-cloud.laz.
- Run CICD operations for all branches prefixed with "staging-".
- Abandon of option to get circular patches since it was never used.
- Remove COPC datasets and dataloaders since they were abandonned and never used.
- Unification of max length of lines (99) by applying black everywhere.
- Migrate from setup.cfg to pyproject.toml and .flake8.
- Support edge-case where source LAZ has no valid subtile (i.e. pre_filter=False for all candidate subtiles) during hdf5 creation
- Raise an informative error in case of unexpected task_name
- Remove tqdm when splitting a lidar tile to avoid cluttered logs during data preparation
- Document the possible use of ign-pdal-tools for colorization
- Set a default task_name (fit) to avoid common error at lauch time
- Remove duplicated experiment configuration
- Remove outdated and incorrect hydra parameter in config.yaml
- Reconstruct absolute path of input LAS files explicitely, removing a costly glob operation
- Fix dataset description for pacasam: there was an unwanted int-to-int mapping in classification_dict
- Allow inference for the smallest possible patches (num_nodes=1) to have consistent inference behavior