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File metadata and controls

383 lines (262 loc) · 11.5 KB

Zuva DocAI (ZDAI) Python Wrapper


The API wrapper is designed to reflect the decoupled nature of ZDAI's microservices. Meaning, there is one wrapper class for each microservice.


Install the zdai package from this repository.

pip3 install git+

The following commands will set up the wrapper and test your credentials to make sure they're valid.

python3 -m zdai --set-token <put token here>
python3 -m zdai --set-url <put url here>
python3 -m zdai --test connection

Sometimes Python requests module throws urllib3 Connection Errors, which may be addressable by installing the below packages:

pip3 install pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1


Every API call to the ZDAI requires an Authorization token in the header. You can provide these in the wrapper's configuration file found in config/access.json and access them using the below method, or provide them from other sources.

Method 1: Provide the token via the ZDAISDK Constructor

from zdai import ZDAISDK, config

url, token = config.get_access()

sdk = ZDAISDK(url = url, token = token)

Method 2: Provide the token via the config/access.json

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)


To create a file in ZDAI:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =
    file_id =

You may also set the file's expiration date. The default in DocAI is 7 days.

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    # The following will submit the file and set its expiration to 1 day
    # from the time the API call is run.
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(, expiration = '1d')
    # The following will update the file's expiration to 13d in the future.
    content, _ = sdk.file.set_expiration(file_id =, expiration = '13d')
    print(f'The file will expire on {content.expiration}.')


To get the AI models that can be used for document text extractions:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

fields, _ = sdk.fields.get()

for field in fields:
    print(f'{}: {}')


To create a classification request on a file, as well as obtain the request's status:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =

classification_jobs, _ = sdk.classification.create(file_ids = [])
classification_status, _ = sdk.classification.get(request_id = classification_jobs[0].id)

Note that the above accepts a list of file_ids.

(Alpha) Multi-level Classification

To create a multi-level classification request on a file, as well as obtain the results:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =

mlc_jobs, _ = sdk.mlc.create(file_ids = [])
mlc_status, _ = sdk.mlc.get(request_id = mlc_jobs[0].id)

# Once the request has completed (mlc_job.is_finished() or mlc_job.is_successful(), you can obtain the request's MLC properties
# Below are sample outputs using the above print statement
# Contract, Business Transaction Agt, Letter of Intent
# Contract, Structured Finance Agt, ISDA

for mlc in mlc_jobs:
    if mlc.is_successful():
        print(f'{mlc.classification_1}, {mlc.classification_2}, {mlc.classification_3}')
        print(f'Is amendment? {mlc.is_amendment}')
        print(f'Is master agreement? {mlc.is_master_agreement}')
        print(f'Language: {mlc.language_name}')


To create an extraction request on a file, as well as obtain the request's status and results:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =

extraction_jobs, _ = sdk.extraction.create(file_ids = [], field_ids = ['<field_id>', '<field_id>'])
extraction_status, _ = sdk.extraction.get(request_id = extraction_jobs[0].id)

# Only successful if the extraction_status.status is complete or failed
results, _ = sdk.extraction.get_result(request_id = extraction_jobs[0].id)

for result in results:

Note that the above accepts a list of file_ids and a list of field_ids.


To create a training request for a field, as well as obtain the request's status and accuracy and validation details:

from time import sleep
from zdai import ZDAISDK
from zdai.CustomFieldTrainer import CustomFieldTrainer

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)
custom_field = CustomFieldTrainer(sdk = sdk, name = 'customfieldname')

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content=
ocr_request , _ = sdk.ocr.create(file_ids = [])
while not (ocr_request[0].is_finished()):
custom_field.add_annotation(file_id =, start = 100, end = 150)
custom_field.add_annotation(file_id =, start = 500, end = 550)


Note that at least 30 files are needed for well trained fields. Note that OCR on files for training must be complete before training.


To create an language request on a file, as well as obtain the request's status:

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =

language_jobs, _ = sdk.language.create(file_ids = [])
language, _ = sdk.language.get(request_id = language_jobs[0].id)

Note that the above accepts a list of file_ids

Date Normalization

DocAI can be used to normalize strings that contain dates, so that the year, month and day are returned.

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

date_phrases = [
    "The amortization schedule will begin on April 6, 1990",
    "The agreement start date is December 25, 2055",
    "The End Date of the agreement on the 5th day of December, 2022",
    "The Start Date is on the 12th day of April, 1540",
    "This has no dates",

for phrase in date_phrases:
    response, _ = sdk.normalization.get_dates(text = phrase)

    if not response.dates:
        print(f'[N/A] {response.text}')

    for date in response.dates:
        print(f'[{date.year}-{date.month}-{}] {response.text}')

Currency Normalization

DocAI can be used to normalize strings that contain currencies, so that the value and symbol are returned.

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

currency_phrases = [
      "The landlord is charging two thousand five hundred dollars",
      "The mortgage owner agrees to pay a value of three hundred and fifty euros per month",
      "During their trip to Korea, the couple agreed to pay the establishment 500 Won per day",
      "The agreement defines the Payment to be nine hundred and ten million five hundred and one thousand five hundred and fifty five dollars"

for phrase in currency_phrases:
    response, _ = sdk.normalization.get_currencies(text = phrase)

    for currency in response.currencies:
        print(f'[{currency.symbol} {currency.value}] {response.text}')

Duration Normalization

DocAI can be used to normalize strings that contain durations, so that the value and unit are returned.

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

duration_phrases = [
    "This agreement between the two counterparties will expire two years after its execution",
    "The owner of the agreement must pay the client the after the 5th anniversary of its execution",
    "The lendee, after five weeks of obtaining the loan, will begin paying interest",
    "The interest of this agreement will increase by .5% after three years",
    "My birthday starts six (6) days into the month of April"

for phrase in duration_phrases:
    response, _ = sdk.normalization.get_durations(text = phrase)

    for duration in response.durations:
        print(f'[{duration.value} {duration.unit}] {response.text}')


How to obtain a document's text, document classification, language and field extractions

from zdai import ZDAISDK, DocumentClassificationRequest, LanguageClassificationRequest, OCRRequest, FieldExtractionRequest
import time

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

fields = sdk.fields.get()[0]

with open('path/to/file.ext', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(

print(f'Created {}')

field_names = ['Title', 'Parties', 'Date', 'Governing Law', 'Indemnity']

requests = []
requests.extend(sdk.ocr.create(file_ids = [])[0])
requests.extend(sdk.classification.create(file_ids = [])[0])
requests.extend(sdk.language.create(file_ids = [])[0])
requests.extend(sdk.extraction.create(file_ids = [], field_ids = [ for f in fields if in field_names])[0])

while len(requests) > 0:
    for request in requests:
        print(request.type,, request.status)
        if request.is_finished():
            if request.is_type(OCRRequest):
                text = request.get_text()
                print(f'Finished: {text[0:50]}')
            elif request.is_type(DocumentClassificationRequest):
                print(f'Finished: {request.classification}, {request.is_contract}')
            elif request.is_type(LanguageClassificationRequest):
                print(f'Finished: {request.language}')
            elif request.is_type(FieldExtractionRequest):
                for result in request.get_results():
                    print(result.field_id, result.text, result.spans)


Obtain an extraction result's normalized values

The API will return the normalized values for fields that have a normalization_type of DATE, CURRENCY or DURATION.

The following is an example of a job poller (similar to the above), where the result variable is used to obtain the normalized values of the text that was extracted.

while len(requests) > 0:
    for request in requests:
        print(request.type,, request.status)
        if request.is_finished():
            for result in request.get_results():
                if result.is_normalized():
                    normalized_type, values = result.get_normalized()
                    if normalized_type == 'dates':
                        print(f'Here are your dates, normalized: {values}')
                    elif normalized_type == 'currencies':
                        print(f'Here are your currencies, normalized: {values}')
                    elif normalized_type == 'durations':
                        print(f'Here are your durations, normalized: {values}')



Obtain a newly-submitted file's ID

from zdai import ZDAISDK

sdk = ZDAISDK(from_config = True)

with open('file_zones/upload_files/...', 'rb') as f:
    file, _ = sdk.file.create(content =

print(f'The file was submitted - its file_id is {} and it expires on {file.expiration}')