- create setup/install
- copy to python dir
- copy main exe to bin
- make copy config to .config
- create other package (deb, ...)
- Create seperate online-tts package (maybe)
#web-novel-tts (create)
- joining web-novel-to-text and online-tts
- add other web-novel sites
- remove non eu (needs fixed) change eu name to something
- command line arg service not woring
- check blank mp3 to show error
- remove non-latin1 charators option
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23680976/python-removing-non-latin-characters
- royalroad:text in a single line, which fails. needs to convert
to new line
- filenames with '='
- https://royalroad.com/fiction/39408/beware-of-chicken/chapter/684101/v2-c272 gives error text2digits
- remove_nonstandard_chars seems to be locked up for too much time
- implement profiles
- add amazion polly, ibm, google cloud support
- check timeout-retry (error response) maybe subsplit
- Bug: File does not exist shows as 0 files
- Create temp dir per instance ?done?
- Add parallel process files
- test output m4b, ogg, opus
- *add cover art non mp3
- add option: remove all non-audio/image
- chapter title: if >99 chapter make 3-dig filename
- Bug
- displays "keep originals," when not
- chap with,~= 0 should be ignored: Done?
- -new is moveing wrong thing
- fix input bandwidth < output bandwidth: skip (FIXED)
- no delete old
- bitrate lower not good with m4b, check valid bitrate, check formate
- lower bitrate doesnt copy cover art
- force still skips
- icecream for debug?