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Introduced in GitLab 14.2.
The following are SMTP-related Rake tasks.
GitLab can use SMTP configuration secrets to read from an encrypted file. The following Rake tasks are provided for updating the contents of the encrypted file.
Show the contents of the current SMTP secrets.
Omnibus Installation
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:show
Source Installation
bundle exec rake gitlab:smtp:secret:show RAILS_ENV=production
Example output:
password: '123'
user_name: 'gitlab-inst'
Opens the secret contents in your editor, and writes the resulting content to the encrypted secret file when you exit.
Omnibus Installation
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:edit EDITOR=vim
Source Installation
bundle exec rake gitlab:smtp:secret:edit RAILS_ENV=production EDITOR=vim
Write new secret content by providing it on STDIN
Omnibus Installation
echo -e "password: '123'" | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:write
Source Installation
echo -e "password: '123'" | bundle exec rake gitlab:smtp:secret:write RAILS_ENV=production
Editor example
The write task can be used in cases where the edit command does not work with your editor:
# Write the existing secret to a plaintext file
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:show > smtp.yaml
# Edit the smtp file in your editor
# Re-encrypt the file
cat smtp.yaml | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:write
# Remove the plaintext file
rm smtp.yaml
KMS integration example
It can also be used as a receiving application for content encrypted with a KMS:
gcloud kms decrypt --key my-key --keyring my-test-kms --plaintext-file=- --ciphertext-file=my-file --location=us-west1 | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:write
Google Cloud secret integration example
It can also be used as a receiving application for secrets out of Google Cloud:
gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret="my-test-secret" > $1 | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:smtp:secret:write