This skeleton flutter app is based on the "Flutter Skeleton Application" template. Added support for Freezed, Riverpod, Supabase, DotEnv.
- Freezed
- Riverpod
- Supabase
- DotEnv
Download a latest release of FISA
It has 4 essential views:
- Home
- Settings
- Login
- Signup
- Global search and replace
(Should in snake_case to meet Dart's standard)
cd flutter_skeleton_application_improved
# install packages
dart pub get
In some cases, after run dart pub get
, in app.dart
, VS Code still warns on
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
, saying
Not found
. Just run dart pub get
again might help.
cp .env.example .env
cat .env
# Output:
Replace the credentials with your own Supabase's.
Note: If you are connecting to local Supabase, SUPABASE_URL
is expected to
be the "API URL". E.g.
# Generate Freezed and Riverpod files
dart run build_runner build
# launch your app in debug mode
flutter run
- Sign up a Supabase user account
- Log in
- Go to Settings, change to light/dark theme
- Log out
Say in your Supabase, there is already an account created for testing purpose.
While testing UI, you feel hand input the account and password time and time
again is tedious, then you could add them in .env
[email protected]
After this, if you leave 'Email' and 'Password' text fields empty, clicing 'Login' will login with the dev account.