Docker image providing a very simple opensmtpd service
Intended to accept mail for configured domains and relay onward to other email addresses
docker build -t bugthing/docker-opensmtpd .
Before starting the container ensure you have done the following;
- Write virtual-domains.txt
- Write virtual-users.txt
- Write secrets (if outgoing mail servers requires auth)
- Write smtpd.conf
Once configure you can start the container like so:
docker run -d -p 25:25 -v /custom/config:/etc/smtpd bugthing/docker-opensmtpd
I have tested this with the following files in a directory which was then mounted within the container at /etc/smtpd
listen on
table secrets file:/etc/smtpd/secrets
table vdoms file:/etc/smtpd/virtual-domains.txt
table vusers file:/etc/smtpd/virtual-users.txt
accept from any for domain <vdoms> virtual <vusers> deliver to mbox
accept from local for any relay via smtps+auth://[email protected]:465 auth <secrets>
smtpauth [email protected]:SupaSecret