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Setting up your dev environment on Windows with vagrant

meelash edited this page Sep 17, 2012 · 4 revisions


While it's possible to develop against node on Windows natively, it is really a lot more work, as Cygwin doesn't give the full *nix support which makes development so much easier in that environment, esp. for web development. Windows does however give a good range of Editing and Designing front end tools.

This guide will get you setup on your windows machine, with the application running on Ubuntu in a Vagrant VM box on your desktop.

You shouldn't need ftp either, as we will use git to publish from your windows client to the vagrant box

Install the essential dev tools

Full setup instructions can be found here

There are several pre-built vagrant vm boxes / images available at We will be using Ubuntu 11.10 as our default so let's first create a new local directory where we are going to run our vagrant vm in:

From your terminal / command line:

mkdir vagrant10x

cd vagrant10x

vagrant box add ubuntu11.10

vagrant init ubuntu11.10

Now you are ready to start your Ubuntu VM locally.

First let's just make sure we have a usable IP address to connect to it from our windows browser:

Open the **Vagrantfile **in your favorite text editor Uncomment the line (remove the leading "#"), and take note of the IP address there - or change it to one you want. :hostonly, ""

Save and close the editor.

Managing Vagrant

To launch it, simply type

vagrant up

to connect to it:

vagrant ssh

To halt it:

first Ctrl-C to exit SSH

vagrant halt

Installing the pre-requisite tools into your new Vagrant VM box

First - let's launch and connect to the VM

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

Now we are in our new ubuntu box:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install git

sudo apt-get install mongodb

sudo apt-get install redis-server

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

Setup your git and github access on this box

A full walkthrough is [here] (

Once you have created your new SSH public key, you need to copy the contents of the ~/.ssh/ file to Steve who will add this VM as a deploy point to the repository. This is different from your collaborator access that you have setup for windows as it is pull only - you can't contribute code from here back to the github repo.

Test your github access once you have been added as a collaborator

ssh -T [email protected]

You should get a message at the end of this text saying:

"Hi 10xEngineer/! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access."

You now have access to github on this VM. Next, let's clone the repository down to this box:

git clone [email protected]:10xEngineer/

Once this is cloned locally, you can now change into that directory and install the node.js packages


npm install -d

To validate that all the packages have installed ok - let's check them

npm list

If you see any packages listed in RED - with UNMET DEPENDENCY errors - then you just need to install them manually one by one.

For each missing package, e.g. log4js type:

npm install log4js

if it fails - sometimes with a permissions warning, then re-try with :

sudo npm install log4js

Until all packages are listed green in the "npm list"

Now you are ready to run the website.

To start it simply type

node server.js

You will see the following output when it first runs

[2012-06-07 01:48:43.829] [INFO] app - Initializing models

[2012-06-07 01:48:45.242] [INFO] app - Express server listening on port 3000 in development mode

[2012-06-07 01:48:46.681] [INFO] console - info - ' started'

[2012-06-07 01:48:47.813] [INFO] app - Database connection established.

[2012-06-07 01:48:48.445] [INFO] app - Run 1 times.

[2012-06-07 01:48:49.072] [INFO] app - Migrating the database from version 1 to 3

[2012-06-07 01:48:49.167] [INFO] app - Migrating the database from version 2 to 3

[2012-06-07 01:48:49.209] [INFO] app - Database has been successfully migrated to version 2

[2012-06-07 01:48:49.429] [INFO] app - Deleted all the users

[2012-06-07 01:48:49.981] [INFO] app - Database has been successfully migrated to version 3

Congratulations - you are now running the front end in your vagrant box on your desktop

Setting up your windows development environment

Open up a second command line terminal, if needed - so you can leave your vagrant box running

You also need to Setup github access on Windows on your windows machine - as a collaborator. You need to change some git configuration settings for windows in order to deal with differences in permissions handling and line endings.

  1. Send your github id to Steve, to get added as a collaborator on the repository

You will be editing your local development copy of the 10xEngineer repo, so follow the above instructions to setup your github access - (similarly to what you did for the Linux Vagrant box).

  1. From the instructions above, add your WINDOWS SSH key (in your Windows file to the SSH Key section under Admin on your github account.

  2. Test your connection to github.

ssh -T [email protected]

If all is fine, you should see the same Welcome message as before.

Clone the repository down to your windows machine.

git clone [email protected]:10xEngineer/

Congratulations - you are now ready to do hard-core windows / node.js development on your windows machine


Make sure to follow the development guidelines in the wiki

To push changes of your local branch back to the shared repository

git push origin my_branch_name

Then to pull changes down to the local vagrant box, you need to restart the node.js server In your vagrant box SSH session:

git pull

Make sure that you are working on your branch here - so you should switch on your first pull

git checkout my_branch_name

Now, restart node.js server to see the new changes

node server.js

Open up a browser on your Windows machine and browse to the Vagrant box running

Remember - the ip address you noted down before, use this for your URL

You should now see the front page.