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Exploit Configuration

173210 edited this page Sep 11, 2015 · 1 revision

HBL has configuration header files for exploits at include/exploits. This page introduces definitions in those file.

#Definitions ##LOADER_ADDR The address where the exploit loads binary.

##TH_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the threads to delete are defined. They can be found with PSPLink (thlist).

##VTIMER_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the VTimers (virtual timers) to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (vtlist).

##ALARM_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the alarms to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (uidlist).

##LWMUTEX_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the workarea of the lwmutexes (low weight mutexes) to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink Mod by 173210 (lwmutexlist).

##EV_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the event flags to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (evlist).

##SEMA_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the semaphores to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (smlist).

##VPL_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the VPLs to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (uidlist).

##FPL_ADDR_LIST Addresses where the FPLs to delete can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (uidlist).

##GAME_FREEMEM_ADDR Addresses where the uid of allocated partition memory to free can be found. They can be found with PSPLink (uidlist).

##HBL_ROOT The path of your HBL. The default path (ms0:/hbl) will be set if you don't define.


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