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v0.9.0 1.19.2

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@1whohears 1whohears released this 18 Dec 23:12
· 626 commits to 1.19.2-release since this release

BACKUP WORLD BEFORE UPDATING: this version changes a lot and I can't guarantee all your old vehicles will function properly.

The mod is still in a very beta/alpha stage. But this version is a cool sneak peak of what is coming in the future.

MODERN FIX IS NOW A REQUIRED DEPENDENCY: There is a bug in forge where if a vehicle and player passenger are not in the same chunk the server sends tons of chunk update packets every tick causing horrible performance issues. Modern Fix fixes this. Because the player and vehicle are often not in the same chunk in this mod, this fix is desperately needed.

Known Issues (FTSL)

  • Sometimes entities will fall off aircraft carriers and other boats when chunks are being loaded and unloaded. I don't know how to fix this yet. Don't leave any important vehicles/entities on the aircraft carrier until this is fixed. You have been warned. I am not responsible for any planes that teleport under the carrier and get destroyed lol.
  • The transparent glass in plane canopies like the Alexis and Javi are not tinted from the inside. This is because when they were tinted players couldn't see other vehicles outside the cockpit through the glass. This is a temporary solution.
  • The mouse mode is still garbage I'm sorry. It will get fixed eventually.
  • Sometimes if the client sees too many vehicles at once, sound effects just stuff working. I have no idea why.
  • I need to re-balance all the physics constants. Not all movement in this mod will "fell good" yet.
  • For some reason vehicles don't show up in creative search.
  • Yes the Jason plane should be tilted up when it's on the ground.

New Vehicles/Models

  • Added Bronco Plane - rainsky_0431
  • Updated Javi Plane Model - rainsky_0431
  • Updated Alexis Model - rainsky_0431
  • Added Felix Plane - rainsky_0431
  • Added Jason Plane - rainsky_0431
  • Added MK-13 torpedo model - pretzelpenguin777
  • Added Radar Boat Masts - .ceoofgoogle

New Features

  • In game vehicle screens. Radar/RWR/Fuel/HUD and more to come.
  • New vehicle custom texture system. Right click vehicles with the spray can to change the base texture and layer textures. Want more vehicle skins and layers? Please contribute some!
  • Boats have hitboxes that entities can walk on. When the boat moves, entities on the platform move.
  • Hostile mobs and golems that ride turrets will shoot at players. They can shoot radar missiles out of the Axcel Truck too, not just guns. If the mobs are on the same team as you they wont shoot at you. Different mobs have different degrees of accuracy.
  • WIP particle system for explosions and missile trails.
  • Added Meteor Missile
  • WIP Vehicle Hud overlay - kawaiicakes
  • New Weapon Select Overlay - kawaiicakes
  • Added new custom gamerules:
    • Consume Fuel/Ammo/Flares
    • Auto Data Link
    • Disable Elytra
    • Vehicle to Item Cool Down
    • Can mobs ride vehicles
    • Plane speed percent multiplier gamerule.
    • Multiple damage multiplier gamerules.
    • Disable 3rd person while riding vehicle.
  • Chat messages if a missile hits a target. Controlled by custom gamerule.
  • Pilot 3rd person camera is now positioned farther to see whole vehicle.
  • givevehicle command to easily get a vehicle of a certain preset.


  • Javi Plane is now single seat.
  • Alexis Plane has 2 new hard points on the edges of wings.
  • Changed missile stats. Subject to change in the future.
  • New HUD compass that's not as laggy - kawaiicakes
  • Added an additional keybind category.
  • Added an additional creative item tab.
  • Radar Ping Hud overlay will show more info about a target (is grounded, is player, is friendly ext...)
  • Renamed rifel1 to agm88g
  • Renamed torpedo1 to mk13
  • Missile items are now their models
  • There are now 3 camera/mouse modes: Free Relative, Free Global, and Fixed Forward.
  • All vehicles now have a max climb speed of 15m/s (looking at you helicopters). Subject to change.


  • An incompatibility issue with Mr Crayfish Guns causing the camera to not roll when the plane rolls.
  • Pings on the hud will continuously update position if target entity is in view distance instead of lagging behind.
  • Entities will now only ride a vehicle if a seat hitbox touches it.
  • Can't right click another seat to ride it while riding a seat.
  • Vehicle items models not oriented correctly in item frames.
  • Too many more to list here.