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3F committed Apr 29, 2024
2 parents 993dcc9 + 5327937 commit 200750c
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Showing 121 changed files with 4,888 additions and 1,801 deletions.
350 changes: 131 additions & 219 deletions .tools/netfx4sdk.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,223 +1,135 @@
@echo off
:: netfx4sdk
:: Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Denis Kuzmin {[email protected]} github/3F
:: netfx4sdk
:: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Kuzmin <[email protected]> github/3F
:: Copyright (c) netfx4sdk contributors
set "aa=%~dp0"
set ab=%*
set /a ac=0
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not defined ab goto a8
set ad=!ab:/?=-h!
call :a9 a4 ad a5
goto a_
@echo netfx4sdk
@echo Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Denis Kuzmin ^<^> github/3F
@echo Copyright (c) netfx4sdk contributors
echo .........
echo Arguments
echo -mode {value}
echo * system - (Recommended) Hack using assemblies for windows.
echo * package - Apply obsolete remote package. Read [About modes] below.
echo * sys - Alias to `system`
echo * pkg - Alias to `package`
echo -force - Aggressive behavior when applying etc.
echo -rollback - Rollback applied modifications.
echo -global - To use the global toolset, like hMSBuild.
echo -pkg-version {arg} - Specific package version. Where {arg}:
echo * 1.0.2 ...
echo * latest - (keyword) To use latest version;
echo -debug - To show debug information.
echo -version - Display version of %~nx0.
echo -help - Display this help. Aliases: -help -h -?
echo ...........
echo About modes
echo `-mode sys` highly recommended because of
echo [++] All modules are under windows support.
echo [+] It does not require internet connection (portable).
echo [+] No decompression required (faster) compared to package mode.
echo [-] This is behavior-based hack;
echo Report or please fix us if something:
echo `-mode package` will try to apply obsolete package to the environment.
echo [-] Officially dropped support since VS2022.
echo [-] Requires internet connection to receive ~30 MB via GetNuTool.
echo [-] Requires decompression of received data to 178 MB before use.
echo [+] Well known official behavior.
echo .......
echo Samples
echo netfx4sdk -mode sys
echo netfx4sdk -rollback
echo netfx4sdk -debug -force -mode package
echo netfx4sdk -mode pkg -pkg-version 1.0.2
goto a7
set "ae=v4.0"
set "af=1.0.3"
set "ag="
set "ah="
set "ai="
set "aj="
set "ak="
set /a al=0
set am=!a4[%al%]!
if [!am!]==[-help] ( goto a8 ) else if [!am!]==[-h] ( goto a8 ) else if [!am!]==[-?] ( goto a8 )
if [!am!]==[-debug] (
set ag=1
goto bb
) else if [!am!]==[-mode] ( set /a "al+=1" & call :bc a4[!al!] v
if not "!v!"=="sys" if not "!v!"=="system" if not "!v!"=="pkg" if not "!v!"=="package" goto bd
if "!v!"=="system" ( set "ah=sys" ) else if "!v!"=="package" ( set "ah=pkg" ) else set "ah=!v!"
goto bb
) else if [!am!]==[-rollback] (
set ai=1
goto bb
) else if [!am!]==[-pkg-version] ( set /a "al+=1" & call :bc a4[!al!] v
set af=!v!
call :be "set package version:" v
goto bb
) else if [!am!]==[-version] (
goto a7
) else if [!am!]==[-global] (
set ak=1
goto bb
) else if [!am!]==[-force] (
set aj=1
goto bb
) else (
call :bf "Incorrect key or value for `!am!`"
set /a ac=1
goto a7
set "oo=%~dp0"
set op=%*
set /a oq=0
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion&if not defined op goto o9
set or=!op:/?=-h!
call :po o6 or o7
goto pp
echo.&echo netfx4sdk Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Kuzmin ^<[email protected]^> github/3F&echo Copyright (c) netfx4sdk contributors ....&echo Keys&echo.&echo -mode {value}&echo * system - (Recommended) Hack using assemblies for windows.&echo * package - Apply obsolete remote package. Read [About modes] below.&echo * sys - Alias to `system`&echo * pkg - Alias to `package`&echo.&echo -force - Aggressive behavior when applying etc.&echo -rollback - Rollback applied modifications.&echo -global - To use the global toolset, like hMSBuild.&echo.&echo -pkg-version {arg} - Specific package version. Where {arg}:&echo * 1.0.3 ...&echo * latest - (keyword) To use latest version;&echo.&echo -debug - To show debug information.&echo -version - Display version of %~nx0.&echo -help - Display this help. Aliases: -help -h -?&echo.&echo ...........&echo About modes&echo.&echo `-mode sys` highly recommended because&echo [++] All modules are under windows support.&echo [+] It does not require internet connection (portable).&echo [+] No decompression required (faster) compared to package mode.&echo [-] This is behavior-based hack;&echo Report or please fix us if something:&echo `-mode package` will try to apply obsolete package to the environment.&echo [-] Officially dropped support since VS2022.&echo [-] Requires internet connection to receive ~30 MB via GetNuTool.&echo [-] Requires decompression of received data to 178 MB before use.&echo [+] Well known official behavior.&echo.&echo ...................&echo netfx4sdk -mode sys
echo netfx4sdk -rollback&echo netfx4sdk -debug -force -mode package&echo netfx4sdk -mode pkg -pkg-version 1.0.2&goto pq
set "os=v4.0"
set "ot=1.0.3"
set "ou=" & set "ov=" & set "ow=" & set "ox=" & set "oy="
set /a oz=0
set oa=!o6[%oz%]!
if [!oa!]==[-help] (goto o9)else if [!oa!]==[-h] (goto o9)else if [!oa!]==[-?] (goto o9 )
if [!oa!]==[-debug] (set ou=1
goto ps)else if [!oa!]==[-mode] (set /a "oz+=1" & call :pt o6[!oz!] v
if not "!v!"=="sys" if not "!v!"=="system" if not "!v!"=="pkg" if not "!v!"=="package" goto pu
if "!v!"=="system" (set "ov=sys")else if "!v!"=="package" (set "ov=pkg")else set "ov=!v!"
goto ps)else if [!oa!]==[-rollback] (set ow=1
goto ps)else if [!oa!]==[-pkg-version] (set /a "oz+=1" & call :pt o6[!oz!] v
set ot=!v!
call :pv "set package version:" v
goto ps)else if [!oa!]==[-version] (@echo
goto pq)else if [!oa!]==[-global] (set oy=1
goto ps)else if [!oa!]==[-force] (set ox=1
goto ps)else (
call :pw "Incorrect key or value for `!oa!`"
set /a oq=1
goto pq
set /a "al+=1" & if %al% LSS !a5! goto ba
call :be "run action... " ah aj
set an=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
if not exist "%an%" set an=%ProgramFiles%
set an=%an%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\
set ao=%an%%ae%
set ap=%ao%.%~nx0
if defined ai (
if not exist "%ap%" (
echo There's nothing to rollback.
goto a7
rmdir /Q/S "%ao%" 2>nul
call :be "ren " ap ae
( ren "%ap%" %ae% 2>nul ) || ( set /a ac=1100 & goto a7 )
echo Rollback completed.
goto a7
if exist "%ap%" (
echo %~nx0 has already been applied before. There's nothing to do anymore.
echo Use `-rollback` key to re-apply with another mode if needed.
exit/B 0
if exist "%ao%\mscorlib.dll" (
if not defined aj (
echo The Developer Pack was found successfully. There's nothing to do here at all.
echo Use `-force` key to suppress the restriction if you really know what you are doing.
set /a ac=0 & goto a7
call :be "Suppress found SDK " ao
if not defined ah ( set /a ac=1000 & goto a7 )
if "%ah%"=="sys" (
echo Apply hack using assemblies for windows ...
set "aq="
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('hMSBuild -no-vswhere -no-vs -only-path -notamd64 2^>^&1 ^& call echo %%^^ERRORLEVEL%%') do (
if not defined aq ( set aq=%%i ) else set /a ac=%%i
if not !ac! == 0 goto a7
call :bh "%ao%" "%ap%" || a6 a7
set aq=!aq:msbuild.exe=!
call :be "lDir " aq
if not exist "%aq%" ( set /a ac=3 & goto a7 )
mkdir "%ao%" 2>nul
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /B "!aq!*.dll"') do mklink "%ao%\%%i" "!aq!%%i" >nul 2>nul
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /B "!aq!WPF\*.dll"') do mklink "%ao%\%%i" "!aq!WPF\%%i" >nul 2>nul
set "ar=%ao%\RedistList" & mkdir "!ar!" 2>nul
echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?^>^<FileList Redist="Microsoft-Windows-CLRCoreComp.4.0" Name=".NET Framework 4" RuntimeVersion="4.0" ToolsVersion="4.0" /^>> "!ar!\FrameworkList.xml"
set "ar=%ao%\PermissionSets" & mkdir "!ar!" 2>nul
echo ^<PermissionSet as="1" class="System.Security.PermissionSet" Unrestricted="true" /^>> "!ar!\FullTrust.xml"
) else if "%ah%"=="pkg" (
set at=Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net40
echo Apply `!at!` package ...
set au=%~nx0.%af%
if "%af%"=="latest" ( set "af=" ) else set af=/%af%
if defined ak ( set "av=hMSBuild" ) else set av="%~dp0hMSBuild"
if defined ag set av=!av! -debug
call !av! -GetNuTool /p:ngpackages="!at!!af!:!au!"
set "aw=packages\!au!\build\.NETFramework\%ae%"
call :be "dpkg " aw
if not exist "!aw!" (
set /a ac=1001 & goto a7
ren "%ao%" %ae%.%~nx0 2>nul
mklink /J "%ao%" "!aw!"
echo Done.
set /a ac=0
goto a7
if not !ac!==0 call :bf "Failed: !ac!"
exit/B !ac!
set "ax=%~1" & set "ay=%~2"
call :be "xcp " ax ay
set az=xcopy "%ax%" "%ay%" /E/I/Q/H/K/O/X
%az%/B 2>nul>nul || %az% >nul || exit/B 1001
exit/B 0
set /a "oz+=1" & if %oz% LSS !o7! goto pr
call :pv "run action... " ov ox
set ob=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
if not exist "%ob%" set ob=%ProgramFiles%
set ob=%ob%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\
set oc=%ob%%os%
set od=%oc%.%~nx0
if defined ow (if not exist "%od%" (echo There's nothing to rollback.
goto pq)
rmdir /Q/S "%oc%" 2>nul
call :pv "ren " od os
( ren "%od%" %os% 2>nul ) || (set /a oq=1100 & goto pq )
echo Rollback completed.&goto pq)
if exist "%od%" (echo %~nx0 has already been applied before. There's nothing to do anymore.
echo Use `-rollback` key to re-apply with another mode if needed.&exit/B0)
if exist "%oc%\mscorlib.dll" (if not defined ox (echo The Developer Pack was found successfully. There's nothing to do here at all.
echo Use `-force` key to suppress the restriction if you really know what you are doing.&set /a oq=0 & goto pq)
call :pv "Suppress found SDK " oc)
if not defined ov (set /a oq=1000 & goto pq )
if defined oy (set "oe=hMSBuild")else set oe="%~dp0hMSBuild"
call :py oe "-version" || (set /a oq=1003 & goto pq )
call :pz o8 & if !o8! LSS 2.4 (set /a oq=1002 & goto pq)
if "%ov%"=="sys" (echo Apply hack using assemblies for windows ...
call :py oe "-no-less-4 -no-vswhere -no-vs -only-path -notamd64"
set /a oq=%ERRORLEVEL% & if !oq! NEQ 0 goto pq
call :pz of
call :pa "%oc%" "%od%" || goto pq
set of=!of:msbuild.exe=!
call :pv "lDir " of
if not exist "!of!" (set /a oq=3 & goto pq )
mkdir "%oc%" 2>nul
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /B "!of!*.dll"') do mklink "%oc%\%%i" "!of!%%i" >nul 2>nul
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /B "!of!WPF\*.dll"') do mklink "%oc%\%%i" "!of!WPF\%%i" >nul 2>nul
set "og=%oc%\RedistList" & mkdir "!og!" 2>nul
echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?^>^<FileList Redist="Microsoft-Windows-CLRCoreComp.4.0" Name=".NET Framework 4" RuntimeVersion="4.0" ToolsVersion="4.0" /^>> "!og!\FrameworkList.xml"&set "og=%oc%\PermissionSets" & mkdir "!og!" 2>nul
echo ^<PermissionSet oh="1" class="System.Security.PermissionSet" Unrestricted="true" /^>> "!og!\FullTrust.xml")else if "%ov%"=="pkg" (set oi=Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net40&echo Apply !oi! package ...&set oj=%~nx0.%ot%
if "%ot%"=="latest" (set "ot=")else set ot=/%ot%
if defined ou set oe=!oe! -debug
call !oe! -GetNuTool /p:ngpackages="!oi!!ot!:!oj!"
set "ok=packages\!oj!\build\.NETFramework\%os%"
call :pv "dpkg " ok
if not exist "!ok!" (set /a oq=1001 & goto pq)
ren "%oc%" %os%.%~nx0 2>nul
mklink /J "%oc%" "!ok!")
echo Done.&set /a oq=0
goto pq
if !oq! NEQ 0 (call :pw "Failed: !oq!"
if !oq! EQU 3 (call :pw "File or path was not found, use -debug")else if !oq! EQU 1000 (call :pw "Mode is not specified")else if !oq! EQU 1001 (call :pw "Wrong or unknown data in specified mode")else if !oq! EQU 1002 (call :pw "Unsupported version of hMSBuild")else if !oq! EQU 1003 (call :pw "hMSBuild is not found, try -global")else if !oq! EQU 1100 (call :pw "Something went wrong. Try to restore manually: %od%"))
set "ol=%~1" & set "om=%~2"
call :pv "xcp " ol om
set on=xcopy "%ol%" "%om%" /E/I/Q/H/K/O/X
%on%/B 2>nul>nul || %on% >nul || exit/B1001
echo [*] WARN: %~1 >&2
exit/B 0
if defined ag (
set a0=%1
set a0=!a0:~0,-1!
set a0=!a0:~1!
echo.[%TIME% ] !a0! !%2! !%3!
exit/B 0
set a1=!%2!
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ("!a1!") do (
if "%%~b"=="" (
call :bj %1 !a1! %3
exit/B 0
set a1=%%a #__b_EQ## %%b
goto bi
set "a2=%~1"
set /a al=-1
set /a al+=1
set %a2%[!al!]=%~2
set %a2%{!al!}=%2
shift & if not "%~3"=="" goto bk
set /a al-=1
set %1=!al!
exit/B 0
set a3=!%1!
set %2=!a3!
exit/B 0
:: :eval
if defined ou (set "o0=%~1" & echo [ %TIME% ] !o0! !%2! !%3!)
set o1=!%2!
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ("!o1!") do (if "%%~b"=="" (call :pc %1 !o1! %3 & exit/B0)else set o1=%%a E %%b)
goto pb
set "o2=%~1"
set /a oz=-1
set /a oz+=1
set %o2%[!oz!]=%~2
set %o2%{!oz!}=%2
if "%~4" NEQ "" shift & goto pd
set %3=!oz!
set o3=!%1!
set %2=!o3!
set "o4=!%~1! %~2"
call :pv "invoke: " o4
set "o4=!o4! 2^>^&1 ^&call echo %%^^ERRORLEVEL%%"
set /a o5=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('!o4!') do 2>nul (set /a o5+=1
set msg[!o5!]=%%i
call :pv "# !o5! : %%i")
if not "%3"=="" set %3=!msg[%o5%]!
set "%1=!msg[1]!"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vssbe
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
" using System;",
" public struct MvsSlnVersion",
" public readonly struct MvsSlnVersion",
" {",
" public static readonly Version number = new Version(S_NUM_REV);",
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions MvsSln.sln
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "root", "root", "{297F83DE-F
.version = .version
build.bat = build.bat
changelog.txt = changelog.txt
common.props = common.props
License.txt = License.txt
packages.config = packages.config =
Expand Down

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