A repository for the useful copilot prompts that I found using it (as I didn't find any already existing repos for it)
Copilot is useful as a code completion tool but also as a chat assistant to debug your project, improve your code and learn faster.
You can use the prompts in this repo by copying the prompt you want to use and pasting it in the copilot chat box.
Remember to have the related file opened or having selected the file content related.
You can contribute by adding your own prompts to the repo, or opening an issue.
I'm not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the prompts in this repo.
Use them at your own risk.
Also, I'm not affiliated with OpenAI or GitHub.
All the prompts in this repo are licensed under the WTFPL license.
Remeber to check infos given by copilot against many sources before using the prompts, especially for production purposes.
Ask copilot what version of libraries he had been trained for