Releases: 53v3n3d4/Color-Scheme-Bass
Releases · 53v3n3d4/Color-Scheme-Bass
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.23
[0.1.23] - 2024-11-26
- Add rule doc string quoted triple elixir fg
- Add rule constant other keyword clojure fg
- Add rule storage modifier def clojure fg
- Add rule variable fn clojure fg
- Add rule constant other key groovy fg
- Add rule entity name class groovy fg
- Add rule keyword other new groovy fg
- Add rule meta method call groovy fg
- Add rule storage type class groovy fg
- Add rule storage type pkg groovy fg
- Add rule support fn print groovy fg
- Add rule punctuation separator kv arrow php fg
Biohack 🟤
- Change entity name fg, orange -> brown
- Change entity name fn fg, orange -> brown
- Change entity attribute name fg to darker tone
- Change invisibles, gray -> brown
- Change variable fn fg, orange -> brown
- Change storage type fg gold -> orange
- Change support fn fg, orange -> brown
- Change keyword operator fg to lighter tone
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg, gray -> gold
- Change var other constant elixir fg, gray -> gold
- Change variable other readwrite declaration go fg, orange -> brown
- Change storage type go fg, orange -> brown
- Change entity other attribute name html fg to darker tone
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, green -> gold
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, green -> gold
- Change meta annotation python fg, gray -> gold
- Change support type python fg, orange -> yellow
- Change constant ruby fg, yellow -> green
- Change meta require ruby fg, gold -> orange
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, green -> gold
- Change entity name fn rust fg, orange -> brown
- Change keyword ctrl rust fg, gold -> orange
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, gray -> gold
- Change storage type rust fg, gold -> orange
Blackcomb ⚫️
- Change invisibles, gray -> black
- Change support type primitive fg, blue -> cyan
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, blue -> yellow
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, blue -> yellow
- Change punctuation definition var php fg, yellow -> cyan
- Change meta annotation python fg to lighter tone
- Change support type python fg, blue -> cyan
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg to lighter tone
- Change meta annotation path rust fg to lighter tone
- Change support macro rust fg, yellow -> brown
Bowtruckle 🟢
- Change invisibles, gray -> green
- Change support type primitive fg, blue -> brown
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, cyan -> violet
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, cyan -> violet
- Change support type python fg, blue -> brown
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, gold -> violet
D-O 🟡
- Change invisibles, green -> brown
- Change support attribute entity name const elixir fg, green -> cyan
- Change var other constant elixir fg, green -> cyan
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, brown -> cyan
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, brown -> cyan
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg to lighter tone
- Change meta annotation python fg to darker tone
- Change support type python fg, magenta -> green
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, green -> cyan
- Change meta annotation path rust fg to darker tone
Fuji ⚪️
- Change invisibles to lighter tone
- Change support type python fg, green -> blue
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, blue -> brown
Lagoon 🌐
- Change invisibles, green -> blue
- Change support type primitive fg, gold -> red
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, green -> cyan
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, green -> cyan
- Change support type python fg, brown -> red
- Change support macro rust fg, cyan -> red
Nimbus 🪙
- Change invisibles to lighter tone
- Change support attribute entity name const elixir fg, blue -> red
- Change var other constant elixir fg, blue -> red
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, gray -> red
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, gray -> red
- Change meta annotation python fg, gray -> red
- Change support type python fg, blue -> pink
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, brown -> red
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, gray -> red
Roci 🟣
- Change invisibles, green -> pink
- Change support type primitive fg to darker tone
- Change support attribute entity name const elixir fg to darker tone
- Change var other constant elixir fg to darker tone
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg to darker tone
- Change entity name tag doc php fg to darker tone
- Change meta annotation python fg to darker tone
- Change support type python fg to darker tone
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, yellow -> orange
- Change meta annotation path rust fg to darker tone
Zora 🔵
- Change storage modifier fg, yellow -> purple
- Change keyword operator fg to lighter tone
- Change entity inherited class fg, green -> cyan
- Change support attribute entity name const elixir fg, purple -> orange
- Change var other constant elixir fg, purple -> orange
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg to lighter tone
- Change entity other attribute name doc js fg, cyan -> orange
- Change keyword declaration fn arrow js fg to lighter tone
- Change entity name tag doc php fg, cyan -> orange
- Change keyword control loop in python fg to lighter tone
- Change meta annotation python fg, brown -> orange
- Change support type python fg, green -> cyan
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg, magenta -> orange
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, brown -> orange
- Change support macro rust fg, purple -> cyan
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.22
[0.1.22] - 2024-10-19
- Add line constant shebang fg
- Change rule meta annotation python
- Add rule meta directive yaml fg
- Sort language specific rules
- Add rule entity name tag doc php fg
Biohack 🟤
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, brown -> yellow
- Change meta annotation python fg, green -> gray
Blackcomb ⚫️
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, blue -> yellow
Bowtruckle 🟢
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, brown -> orange
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, cyan -> violet
D-O 🟡
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, green -> cyan
- Change meta annotation python fg, green -> cyan
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, brown -> cyan
Fuji ⚪️
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, orange -> blue
Lagoon 🌐
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, green -> red
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, green -> cyan
Nimbus 🪙
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, orange -> magenta
- Change meta annotation python fg, blue -> gray
- Change meta annotation path rust fg to lighter tone
Roci 🟣
- Change punctuation section embedded php fg, orange -> cyan
Zora 🔵
- Change entity other pseudo class fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta selector support type vendor prefix css fg to lighter tone
- Change meta annotation python fg, purple -> brown
- Change meta annotation path rust fg, cyan -> brown
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.21
[0.1.21] - 2024-08-10
- Change rule punctuation section mapping fg
- Add punctuation section sequence separator fg
- Change rule meta embedded variable other constant elixir fg
- Split rule constant other keyword elixir fg from constant other symbol elixir
- Change rule constant other placeholder python fg
- Change rule meta selector support type vendor prefix css fg
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, magenta -> white
- Change meta mapping value fg color, magenta -> gray
- Change constant other symbol elixir fg color, yellow -> gray
- Change meta annotation python fg color, gray -> green
- Change entity name tag toml fg color, gold -> yellow
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, blue-light -> white
- Change meta mapping key fg to lighter tone
- Change meta mapping value fg color, blue -> yellow
- Change meta annotation python fg color, blue -> yellow
- Change entity name tag toml fg color, magenta -> pink
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, cyan -> black
- Change meta mapping value fg color, cyan -> brown
- Change support attribute entity name constant elixir fg color, gold -> violet
- Change variable other constant elixir fg color, gold -> violet
- Change meta annotation python fg color, cyan -> violet
- Change entity attribute name fg color, orange -> violet
- Change entity other pseudo class fg color to darker tone
- Change constant number fg color, gold -> orange
- Change meta mapping value fg color, gray -> dark red
- Change meta selector support type vendor prefix css fg to darker tone
- Change meta annotation python fg color, brown -> green
- Change entity name table toml fg color, blue -> purple
- Change entity name tag toml fg color, purple -> blue
- Change entity attribute name fg color, purple -> brown
- Change entity other pseudo class fg color, purple -> violet
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, blue -> black
- Change constant css fg to lighter tone
- Change meta selector support type vendor prefix css fg color, purple -> violet
- Change css variable fg color, blue -> pink
- Change support attribute entity name constant elixir fg color, blue -> brown
- Change variable other constant elixir fg color, blue -> brown
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, pink -> black
- Change meta mapping key fg color, green -> dark red
- Change meta selector support type vendor prefix css fg to darker tone
- Change meta annotation python fg color, green -> cyan
- Change entity name table toml fg color, orange -> blue
- Change entity name tag toml fg color, blue -> dark red
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, green -> gray
- Change constant css fg to lighter tone
- Change meta annotation python fg color, gray -> blue
- Change support attribute entity name constant elixir fg color, brown -> blue
- Change variable other constant elixir fg color, brown -> blue
- Change entity name tag toml fg to lighter tone
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, blue -> gray
- Change meta mapping key fg to lighter tone
- Change meta mapping value fg color, blue -> green
- Change entity name tag css fg color, brown -> blue
- Change support attribute entity name constant elixir fg color, yellow -> orange
- Change variable other constant elixir fg color, yellow -> orange
- Change entity name tag toml fg to lighter tone
- Change punctuation section mapping fg color, gold -> gray
- Change meta mapping key fg to darker tone
- Change meta mapping value fg color, gold -> brown
- Change support attribute entity name constant elixir fg color, magenta -> purple
- Change variable other constant elixir fg color, magenta -> purple
- Change meta annotation python fg color, cyan -> purple
- Change entity name tag toml fg to lighter tone
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.20
[0.1.20] - 2024-06-30
- Change scope constant sass/scss fg
- Add sublime-menu, with Changelog
- Add entity name gitignore constant wildcard asterisk fg
- Add constant other placeholder python fg
- Add meta function call arguments string quoted python fg
- Add meta mapping value string interpolation python fg
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, gold -> blue
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, gold -> yellow
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.19
[0.1.19] - 2024-04-01
- Change meta function call support type python to support type python
- Add sass/scss constant other color rgb-value
- Fix plugin sass (add string sass), after upgrade, do not identify tag use with multiple strings
- Change support type python fg color, gold -> magenta
- Change foreground color to lighter tone
- Change gutter foreground hl color, purple -> blue
- Change meta annotation path rust fg color to lighter tone
- Change constant css fg to lighter tone
- Change constant css fg to lighter tone
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.18
[0.1.18] - 2024-03-05
- Add support type vendor prefix css
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color, cyan -> green
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color, cyan -> green
- Change line highlight to ligher tone
- Change entity name fg color, brown -> yellow
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg color. purple -> yellow
- Change entity name fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity name fn fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity attribute name fg color to lighter tone
- Change variable fn fg color to lighter tone
- Change support fn fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta mapping key fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity other attribute name html fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta at rule other css fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity name tag css fg color to darker tone
- Change variable other readwrite declaration go fg color to lighter tone
- Change storage type go fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta fn call support type python fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity name table toml fg color to lighter tone
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg color. purple -> gold
- Change entity name fn rust fg color to lighter tone
- Change entity name tag css fg color to darker tone
- Change css variable fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color, purple -> green
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color, purple -> green
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color, gold -> blue
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color, gold -> blue
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color, gold -> cyan
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color, gold -> cyan
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg color. green -> brown
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color to lighter tone
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color to lighter tone
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg color to lighter tone
- Change meta embedded var other constant elixir fg color to lighter tone
- Change support attr entity name const elixir fg color to lighter tone
- Change variable other readwrite instance ruby fg color. orange -> magenta
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.17
[0.1.17] - 2024-03-01
- Add markup raw inline background
- Add support attribute elixir
- Add meta embedded heex variable other constant elixir
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change punctuation line break md bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, pink -> cyan
- Change entity name tag css fg color, magenta -> green
- Change support property css fg color, green -> magenta
- Change parameter sass fg color, green -> magenta
- Change invisibles to darker tone
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, brown -> yellow
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, brown -> gold
- Change entity name tag css fg color, brown -> green
- Change support property css fg color, green -> brown
- Change parameter sass fg color, green -> brown
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, gold -> purple
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, brown -> gold
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, green -> gold
- Change css variable fg color to darker tone
- Change variable sass fg color to lighter tone
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, orange -> gold
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change punctuation line break md bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, orange -> yellow
- Change entity name tag css fg color, gree -> brown
- Change support property css fg color, brown -> green
- Change parameter sass fg color, brown -> green
- Change markup raw bg color to lighter tone
- Change markup table bg color to lighter tone
- Change punctuation line break md bg color to lighter tone
- Change meta import wildcard asterisk java fg color, pink -> magenta
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.16
[0.1.16] - 2024-02-23
- Add meta require ruby
- Add meta import wildcard asterisk java
- Add meta function call support type python
- Add meta annotation python
- Add keyword control loopp in python
- Add constant other symbol keyword elixir
- Add meta embedded variable other constant elixir
- Add support attribute doc and entity name constant elixir
- Add variable sass/scss
- Split css variable and support property css
- Change background color to hex without filter
- Change constant ruby fg color, red -> yellow
- Change support property css fg color to lighter tone
- Change support property css fg color to lighter tone
- Change constant ruby fg color to darker tone
- Change constant number fg color to darker tone
- Change language fg color, gold -> magenta
- Change language null fg color, gold -> magenta
- Change language boolean fg color, gold -> magenta
- Change string fg color, purple -> violet
- Change support property css fg color, pink -> red dark
- Change keyword operator logical sql fg color, gold -> magenta
- Change meta mapping key fg color to ligther tone
- Change background color to hex without filter
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.15
[0.1.15] - 2024-02-11
- Add new violet color
- Add punctuation section mapping json and yaml
- Change background color to darker tone
- Change inactive selection color, pink -> brown
- Change inactive selection fg color, black -> gray
- Change inactive selection color to lighter tone
- Change inactive selection color to lighter tone
- Change inactive selection color to darker tone
- Change background color to darker tone
- Change inactive selection color to lighter tone
- Change selection color to lighter tone
- Change selection border color to darker tone
- Change inactive selection color to darker tone
Color-Scheme-Bass v0.1.14
[0.1.14] - 2024-02-09
- Change accent color, orange -> brown
- Change accent color, blue -> brown
- Change accent color, green -> purple
- Change accent color, orange -> brown
- Change accent color to lighter tone
- Change accent color, blue -> purple
- Change accent color to lighter tone
- Change accent color to lighter tone
- Change accent color, cyan -> blue