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A plug and play module for detecting AprilTags on an FTC robot, designed to be used from EasyOpenCV

Installation instructions (OnBotJava):

IMPORTANT NOTE: This assumes you have already installed EasyOpenCV!

  1. Download the latest release AAR from Maven Central. Release v2.0.0 is located here.

  2. In the OnBotJava console, click the Upload Files button (to the left of the trash can), select the .aar file you just downloaded, and wait while OnBotJava processes the library.

  3. Congrats, you're ready to go! Now check out the example OpModes and pipeline in the examples directory.

Installation instructions (Android Studio):

IMPORTANT NOTE: This assumes you have already installed EasyOpenCV!

  1. Open your FTC SDK Android Studio project

  2. Open the build.gradle file for the TeamCode module:


  3. At the bottom, add this:

     dependencies {
         implementation 'org.openftc:apriltag:2.0.0'
  4. Now perform a Gradle Sync:


  5. Congrats, you're ready to go! Now check out the example OpModes and pipeline in the examples directory.

AprilTag images

You can download a PDF with the first 20 tags of the 36h11 family here

Alternatively, you can find PNGs here



  • API CHANGE: AprilTagPose now provides the full 3x3 rotation matrix rather than precomputed euler angles. You can get euler angles the same way as with the IMU; i.e. Orientation.getOrientation(detection.pose.R, AxesReference.INTRINSIC, AxesOrder.YXZ, AngleUnit.DEGREES);
  • Updates to the latest version of AprilTag as of 6 May 2023


  • Fixes OpenCV-Repackaged dependency to be compileOnly
  • Removes need to link against OpenCV native library
  • Fixes buffer overrun when creating JNI detector context
  • Prints library version in static initializer


  • Updates to latest version of AprilTag as of 30 March 2022
  • Fixes small memory leak for frames where no detections were found
  • Protects against NULL pointers in native JNI code
  • Updates AprilTagDetectionPipeline to create the native detector in the constructor instead of in init(). NOTE: You will need to copy-paste the updated file, as this file is not part of the binary release!


  • Initial release


Track AprilTags on your FTC robot!






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  • C++ 48.5%
  • Java 44.0%
  • CMake 7.5%