0.9.0-beta ([Neo]Forge 1.20.1)
- Added AE2 Guide section for AppliedE documentation
- Added config files for both common and client-side options
- Common config currently includes options for Transmutation Module energy usage and EMC deduction behaviour when extracting items through Transmutation Terminals
- Client config currently includes option for the number of different colours to be used for higher tiers of stored EMC
- Restricted EMC item filling/emptying operations to Transmutation Terminal only
- Hidden "Transmutable from EMC" tooltip for terminal entries from non-Transmutation terminals
- Fixed a server deadlock that could happen when extracting EMC amounts that were not fully divisible by the number of different knowledge-providing modules installed on the network
- Fixed being able to fill EMC items from higher tiers and wasting too much EMC as a result
- Switched creative tab icon to Transmutation Interface rather than Module
- Team ProjectE: Fixed members of the same team not being able to extract items through the Transmutation Terminal if they don't have their own modules installed