Trying to build something that could be used to visualize our thoughts more effectively while learning
You can read more about it and give your suggestions here
This is a passion project. I am learning new technology by implementing it. Anyone is invited to contribute with the mindset of learning by doing
Any contribution is appreciated.
1. clone the repo
2. cd MindChart
3. yarn
4. create two .env files from .env.local files (present inside the 'root' directory and 'packages/client' directory)
5. Start the all 3 mongodb instances ( in separate terminals ) using:
- mongod --port 27017 --dbpath <path1> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
- mongod --port 27027 --dbpath <path2> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
- mongod --port 27037 --dbpath <path3> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
You can set up mongodb as described below if not already
6. cd packages/client
7. yarn start (To start the frontend server)
8. cd packages/server (In the new terminal)
9. yarn build; yarn start (To start the backend server)
1. Install mongodb ( v6.0.3 ) and set up enviorment variables ( required for mongosh and mongod )
2. mongod --port 27017 --dbpath <path1> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
3. mongod --port 27027 --dbpath <path2> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
4. mongod --port 27037 --dbpath <path3> --replSet mindChartReplicaSet
5. mongosh --port 27017
6. rs.initiate()
7. rs.add("localhost:27027")
8. rs.add("localhost:27037")
9. rs.status() ( to confirm )
I am using VS code, Powershell terminal, and yarn package manager
(Create an issue if these are not working for you)
You have to set the Email and Password in the root env
file to send emails
- React
- TypeScript
- EmotionJs
- D3js
- ExpressJs
- MongoDB
- Vercel for deployment (free)