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Console Debug Scripts
Alexis Haumaitre edited this page Jul 29, 2018
16 revisions
Add self to membersPool, assign as the commander (local)
miembros pushBackUnique (getPlayerUID player); publicVariable "miembros";
theBoss = player; publicVariable "theBoss";
Teleport player to the spectator camera position2D(local)
_coords = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0];
_coords deleteAt 2;
player setpos _coords;
Delete vehicles, units in _radius
of spectator camera(local)
[] spawn {
_coords = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0];
_radius = 100;
_list = _coords nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], _radius];
deleteVehicle _x;
}forEach _list;
sleep 1;
_list = _coords nearEntities [["man"], _radius];
if!(_x in allPlayers)then{ deleteVehicle _x;};
}forEach _list;
Enable UPSMON markers(server, HC)
UPSMON_Debug = 1;
Disable UPSMON markers and delete them from map (server, HC)
UPSMON_Debug = 0;
private "_a";
_a = toArray _x;
_a resize 4;
if (toString _a in ["mPos", "dest", "trk_"]) then {
diag_log str _x;
deleteMarker _x;
} forEach allMapMarkers;
ACE full heal self(local)
[player, player] call ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal;
Become commander
player setVariable ["elegible",true,true];
[player] call theBossInit;
Disable damage, disable agression(local)
player allowDamage false; player setCaptive true;
Gather performance info from server and all clients(excluding self) to RPT (local)
private _str = format["clientOwner: %1, Server:%2, Dedicated:%3, interface:%4, player:%5, FPS:%6", clientOwner, isServer, isDedicated, hasInterface, name player, diag_fps];
[diag_activeScripts, diag_activeMissionFSMs, diag_activeSQFScripts, _str],
params["_scr","_fsms","_sqfs", "_str"];
diag_log format["vvvvvvvvvv# %1 #vvvvvvvvvv", _str];
diag_log format["Scripts:%1", _scr];
{diag_log format["FSM:%1", _x];}forEach _fsms;
{diag_log format["SQF:%1", _x];}forEach _sqfs;
remoteExec ["call", remoteExecutedOwner];
remoteExec ["call", 0];
Monitor Headlessclient FPS and quantity of AI assigned (change the counter and the sleep to adapt to your need)
workerAnnounce = [] spawn {
private _counter = 20;
while {_counter > 0} do {
[[remoteExecutedOwner, _counter],
[format["Worker:%1, FPS:%2, units:%3, counter:%4", clientOwner, diag_fps, {local _x}count allUnits, _this select 1]] remoteExec ["systemchat", 0];
] remoteExec ["call", _x];
}forEach hcArray;
sleep 60;
_counter = _counter - 1;
remoteExec ["call", 2];
Teleport ammobox and other hq assets to you
petros (Petros), caja (ammobox), bandera (flag), cajaveh (vehicle ammobox), fuego (campfire/lamp) and mapa (the map)
caja setPos (getPos player);