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Omnipod Eros Testing

Andy Rozman edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 32 revisions

IMPORTANT: Please don't use the Omnipod code for treating your diabetes yet. At the moment the code is experimental and should be used only for testing (and NOT for running on a living person (or animal)).

Current test version

The current test version is 0.3 (based on AAPS 2.6), which can be found here:

List of Eros test setups

If you are testing, please enter your test setup here, just so that we know on what its being tested...

Known 'major' issues and workarounds

There are a few issues that we consider major issues. Please review these issues and corresponding workarounds below. There is no need to report these as we are obviously aware of them. We will look into fixing them properly in future test versions. If you find any other issue, please review all open Github issues before reporting, as there are a few smaller issues that are not in the list below.

  • It might happen that you can't continue the setup wizard after selecting Omnipod. If this is the case, please select Virtual Pump and finish the wizard, and when you completed the wizard, go to Config Builder, select Omnipod and configure.
  • On startup, the Overview tab will show a yellow warning saying that the pump is suspended. Please click on the Omnipod tab and then return to the Overview tab to make this message disappear. Likewise, you can sometimes incorrectly get a 'No active pod' notification, which you can make disappear in the same manner.
  • In the Init pod and Deactivate pod dialogs, it is possible to swipe to navigate trough the steps. You should not do this. You could fault your pod if you do. Only use the buttons to navigate.
  • Sometimes AAPS will lose connection to the RileyLink, although the connection indication light on your RileyLink could still be green. You will receive a Pump unreachable warning when this happens (after half an hour). To reconnect, please forcefully close the application through the Android settings or reboot your phone.


Can I use the AAPS Omnipod plugin on live person?

NO. We are still in development, which makes this plugin unreliable.

How do I get setup?

Please follow the Setup instructions below.

How can I communicate with the developers?

Most of the communication happens in our Discord room (we had this Gitter room before, but because of issues on certain mobile clients we abandoned it). You can use this invite to join Discord room (omnipod-eros-testers) on WeAreNotWaiting discord server - Invite -

How should I report issues?

Issues are reported on Github issues. Before you add another issue, please take the time to look over all issues and see if one of them is for your issue. If that is so please just add comments and logs (and snapshots if it is an UI issue) to existing issue. If your problem is something new (please also look at closed issues), please open new ticket.

When will the Omnipod plugin be released in the main version of AAPS?

Not very soon. If you want more detailed info on open tickets, please follow us in gitter room or you can see what we still have left over in our Github issues.

More FAQs

If you think we forgot any FAQs, or if you have any improvements for this page, please report that in our Gitter room and we'll update it.

Setup instructions


  • You will need a 433MHz RileyLink device with correct firmware (minimal 2.2). This is the default shipped firmware (if you bought the RL recently), so it should work out-of-the-box.
  • If you are an existing AndroidAPS user, please back up your settings first and restore these once you have installed our test version of AAPS.
  • Do not pair RileyLink with your phone through you phone's Bluetooth settings. You should do this in AAPS. If you paired your RL through the phone's Bluetooth settings, then AAPS won't be able to find it.
  • Disable Auto-rotate on your phone
  • Check that you have any BT watchdogs disabled (in Xdrip and any application that uses BT)
  • Disable Power Management for AndroidAPS, and for BlueTooth (if your phone has it) If your phone doesn't allow disabling of Power Managment, you might have problems with running the driver. Please check our compatibility list and get one of supported phones.


  • Install AndroidAps on your phone. You should do so by following the instructions for building from the AAPS docs, but use our current test version (shown above) to build with instead of the main (Milos') repository.
  • Enable engineering mode on AAPS (This will make Omnipod option visible in Pumps) as described in these instructions.
  • Use the Setup wizard to selected Omnipod as your pump. You can then configure your Rileylink.
  • In AAPS go to Maintenance and select Log settings, disable option "Autosense" (this options produces a lot of entries, which creates big log files, and data there is not important for Omnipod testing), and enable PUMP, PUMPCOMM, PUMPBTCOMM

Using AAPS with Omnipod

When you followed the Setup instructions, you should have an 'Omnipod' tab in AAPS. It might take a few minutes for this tab to become visible. In the Omnipod tab, you will see the status of your Pod. You can use the POD MGMT button in the bottom of this tab to set up a new Pod or to deactivate it. It also has a 'History' option, where you can review all commands that are sent to the pod. You can use the Plugin preferences of the Omnipod tab to configure beeps. We strongly advice to have all beeps enabled in the testing phase.

What to do if I loose connection to RileyLink and/or Pod

  1. Go to Omnipod Tab, click Refresh
  2. Disable Bluetooth, wait 10s and enable it again. This will force reconnecting to RileyLink (won't work on Samsung with 9.x or 10.x Android)
  3. Reset RileyLink (turn off wait 10s and turn on), after you do that do not forget to run "Reset RileyLink Config" action
  4. Try 3 and 2 together (you don't need to call the action)
  5. Reset RileyLink and reset phone

History of test releases

0.3 (current version)

  • AndroidAPS Version: 2.6
  • Fixed #100: Tbr is set to 0 by either internal driver or by user but in pod history when refreshed immediately after tbr is set, it shows other values
  • Fixed #94: Wrong ui wording in pod stats page
  • Fixed #80: Screen layout caps text area while executing Pod de-activation
  • Fixed #77: Last connection in Omnipod tab incorrectly updated to 'Now' when communication fails
  • Fixed #71: Bolus administered does not show in increments of 0.05
  • Fixed #69: Filter selection on the Pod History view is not working
  • Fixed #68: POD Tab shows impossible basal rate
  • Fixed #66: Init Pod & Deactivate Pod buttons are enabled when RileyLink is not initialized yet
  • Fixed #51: Text in deactivate isn't completely visible
  • Fixed #15: On start, Pod status is wrong in overview page and Omnipod tab
  • Added logging to debug problem with #102
  • Added setting to disable Timezone/DST time switch (enabled by default)
  • Fixed #28: Field "serial number of pump" in RL stats tab has no value
  • Fixed #58: New version available notification frequently pops up
  • Fixed #59: Remove the option to disable pump unreachable alerts
  • Fixed #61: Mismatch of insulin delivery after stopping bolus
  • Fixed #62: Expiration reminders don't match PDM
  • Fixed #63: Fix for strange cancel delivery beeps can theoretically break TBR reminder beeps
  • Fixed #65: Reset RileyLink config crashes the app
  • Fixed #67: Refreshing pod status doesn't detect a Pod fault
  • Fixed #76: Incorrect 'Basal values not aligned to hours' notifications
  • Pump unreachable alerts threshold is now configurable
  • Added logging for #60: Priming a pod sometimes fails
  • Added logging for #55: Lot of (incorrect) Time and/or Timezone changed notification
  • Added logging to identify some common user mistakes and help debugging
  • First test version