This repository holds the source for this Specification, part of the family of Networked Media Open Specifications from the Advanced Media Workflow Association
- Establishes a standardized mechanism for NMOS Senders and Receivers to declare support for HDCP over IP streaming using IPMX/HKEP (VSF TR-10-5).
- An NMOS Controller must verify that any Receiver is compliant with a Sender producing HDCP-encrypted streams, as only IPMX/HKEP-compliant Receivers can process such content.
- A standardized framework enables Controllers to systematically verify and/or enforce compliance.
- Documents how IPMX/HKEP capabilities are announced by both Senders and Receivers.
- Explains how to constrain a Sender’s IPMX/HKEP capability.
- Outlines the requirements for Senders, Receivers, and Controllers regarding the IPMX/HKEP feature.
There is more information about the NMOS Specifications and their GitHub repos at