Over the remaining class sessions, you will individually design and implement an original, event-driven game or application in Java.
Projects are to be coded individually. You are allowed and expected to make full use of online documentation, tutorials, StackOverflow, fellow students, etc. but all code submitted must be your own as a result of your independent consideration and integration of these resources. You must also keep track and cite all references used. Revisit the CSed Academic Integrity document.
Projects must be event driven (responsive to mouse, keyboard or other user input). You are expected to use the Java Swing libraries, as demonstrated in class.
Projects will demonstrate an awareness of and ability to follow standard coding conventions and style as well as knowledge and use of the AP CS A course content.
Time - You will have 1+ day to plan, 7 to implement and 2 days of presentations. You can expect to have roughly 75% of each class day for your use. This leaves time for teacher demonstration of selected topics not covered in the curriculum.
Projects will be evaluated according to a rubric. You will decide in advance how much weight to attach to the project, from 10% - 50% of your semester grade. Consider carefully your existing commitments as once your proposal is accepted, the grading weight cannot be changed.
You will be required to check in a snapshot of your code at the end of each scheduled class work day whether or not you were actually present at school during that day and to maintain a digital record/log of your daily progress. See the final project folder for the link to the GitHub Classroom assignment.
You will construct a short video documenting your work. More details to follow.