React Application to list and browse all the launches by spaceX. User can also filter the results based on Launch Year, Successful Launch or Success Landing.
To install, simply clone this repository & run the npm install
, using cmd or teminal this will install all the dependencies related to Project
To run this project locally, run the following command npm start
, this will start a local instance of the application & open your browser and copy paste url http://localhost:3000/ to open app in your browser.
App is deployed using Netlify
- Fetched data using API
- Created components like:
- LauncList to render list of mission. 2. MissionCard to display individual spacex mission.
- Filter Component to filter mission by year, successfull landing or successful launch.
- Added Prop-types check in components.
- Add responsive design
- Netlify Depolyment
- Axios
- React
- React-Testing-Library
- React-Loader-Spinner
- PropTypes