The project is a working model of an API which can get deals from amazon ( both Gold box deals and Lightening deals) Requirements
- python 2.7.4
- django 1.5.4
- beautifulsoup 3.2.1
- django-cors-headers
Setup it just like a usual django project, just make sure you enter right location for saving the dump of lightenting deal data.
In this project we have used @csrf_exempt, you can use csrf based on your need. We are using django-cors-headers for this project, there are several other ways to implement CORS check this article for more details.
The data dump for the lightening deals is taken with the help of the javascript snippet.To get the lates dump paste script_get_amazon_lightneing_deals.js
present inside amazonparser/static/js/
in the cosole of link here (
To test if you have configured everything correctly, run the server python runserver
and check the following links
- http://localhost:8000/get_deals/, You should result like this
This link will give deals which we get from RSS feed present here
- http://localhost:8000/get_lightning_deals/, and result will be like this
This link will give lightening deals which we get by js script and save in pickle format as lingtening_deals.pic
Hint for doing more with this API : you can also use ajax calls to get these reults, by consoling the results of ajax you can see all the information provided by the API in a cleaner format, Moreover the data for the get_deals call is up to date as we dynamically parse the RSS feed but for lightening deals which are handled seperately we have to update it on regular basis.Note that there is also a time stamp(viz. lightning_deals_timestamp_collected ) provided with each lightening deal item, which signifies when was the dump taken for that item, in addition to that deal time(viz. lightning_deals_product_deal_time) is also provided which tells us when the deal will end or start.So based on these two information tags for a particular item one can get the current status of the deal time.
For CORS we are allowing all the domains you can configure it to allow only specific domains for more details check django-cors-headers. I am not saving dumps in database but they can be saved if need arises.*