This project is a real-time detection system for Arabic Sign Language made by YOLOv10
Arabic Sign Language(ASL): A visual-gestural language used by deaf and hard of hearing communities primarily in our Arabian words. Just like spoken languages
- The ASL detection system is able to detect the gestures by predicting the boundary box of where the gesture is and what it describes as a label
- Works on Real-Time inference
- Utilizes any webcam to apply the inference
- 1- create a conda environment with python version 3.10
conda create --name arabic_sing_language python=3.10
- 2- activate this environment
conad activate arabic_sign_language
- 2- install pytorch with supporting GPU Setup NVIDIA GPU for PyTorch
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- 3- install some packages
conda install -c conda-forge ultralytics -y
conda install -c conda-forge arabic_reshaper -y
conda install -c conda-forge python-bidi
- 4- use this command to run the project (make sure the camera is open)
- Metrics