This tiny lib eases the way you manage the colors in your app by encapsulating everything in an object.
This is v. 1.0.0, so there's a lot of room for improvement.
There are several ways to summon a Color
// no parameters => black
var mycolor = new Color();
// HTML5 color name
var mycolor = new Color('Red');
// Hexadecimal expresion
var mycolor = new Color({hex:'#FF0000'});
// RGB vector
var mycolor = new Color({rgb:[255,0,0]});
// HSL vector
var mycolor = new Color({hsl:[0, 1, 0.5]});
// HSV vector
var mycolor = new Color({hsv:[0, 1, 1]});
// HTML5 name (if any)
mycolor.HTML5 = 'Red';
// RGB values
mycolor.rgb = [255, 0, 0]; = 255; = 0; = 0;
// HEX expresion
mycolor.hex = '#FF0000';
// HSL vector
mycolor.hsl = [0, 1, 0.5];
// HSV vector
mycolor.hsv = [0, 1, 1];
// Luminance
mycolor.luminance = 0.5;
// Saturation
mycolor.saturation = 1;
// Hue
mycolor.hue = 1;
// Inverts the color
// HEX to RGB
// RGB to HEX
// RGB to HSL
Color.rgbToHsl(255, 0,0);
// HSL to RGB
Color.hslToRgb(0, 1, 0.5);
// RGB to HSL
// HSL to RGB
// Change the luminance in a factor [0-1]
Color.Luminance([255,0,0], 0.25);
// Retrieves the hex value for an HTML5 color name
// Inverts a color from its hex expresion
// Interpolates between colors at a percent value
Color.gradient('Red', {hex:'#00FFCC'}, 75);
This object lets you define a color scale and get an interpolated value at any point from 0 to 100. Just declare an array of {stop, color}
steps, where:
- stop: integer 0-100
- color: HTML5 name, hex expresion, RGB vector, HSV vector or HSL vector
mygradient =new Color.Gradient([{
stop: 0,
color: '{rgb:[255,0,0]}'
}, {
stop: 50,
color: '#FFFF00'
}, {
stop: 100,
color: 'Lime'
Then you can retrieve the value in the scale like: