A C implementation of the SIEVE cache eviction algorithm, based on the research paper (https://junchengyang.com/publication/nsdi24-SIEVE.pdf)
This project implements the SIEVE cache eviction algorithm, which offers:
- Simpler implementation than LRU
- Better efficiency than many state-of-the-art algorithms
- Superior scalability with no locking required for cache hits
- Potential to be used as a cache primitive like FIFO and LRU
The cache is implemented with these key components:
- Fixed-size array of cache entries
- Each entry contains:
- Key (string)
- Value (integer)
- Visited flag
- hand pointer for eviction
- No complex data structures required
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graph TD
A[Cache Operation] --> B{Operation Type}
B -->|Insert| C{Key Exists?}
C -->|Yes| D[Update Value]
C -->|No| E{Cache Full?}
E -->|Yes| F[Eviction Process]
E -->|No| G[Insert New Entry]
F --> H{Check Current Hand}
H -->|Visited=True| I[Set Visited=False]
I --> J[Move Hand]
J --> H
H -->|Visited=False| K[Evict Entry]
K --> G
B -->|Get| L{Find Key}
L -->|Found| M[Mark Visited & Return]
L -->|Not Found| N[Return NULL]
subgraph Cache Structure
O[Node Array] --> P[Key]
O --> Q[Value]
O --> R[Visited Flag]
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
// Create a cache
Cache *cache = create_cache(size);
// Insert a key-value pair
insert(cache, "key", value);
// Retrieve a value
int *value = get(cache, "key");
// Free the cache
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include/
│ └── sieve.h
├── src/
│ └── sieve.c
└── tests/
└── test.c
The implementation follows the SIEVE algorithm's clock-based approach:
- The hand moves through the cache
- If it finds an unvisited entry, that entry is evicted
- If an entry is visited, its visited flag is cleared and the hand moves on
- If all entries are visited, the hand will eventually return to evict the first entry it finds