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Replacing tokens in SQL queries

Jakub Raczek edited this page Mar 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

We attached example of ANT build.xml script to demonstrate one of way how to replace tokens in SQL queries:

Ant and Maven must be installed first.

Example of ant script for replacing tokens in SQL queries

Passing values of parameters datefrom and dateto by ANT:

In main folder run command

ant -buildfile ./deploy/build.xml tokens.copy.files, -Dconfig=DEV03 -Ddatefrom="2003-02-21 00:00:00.000" -Ddateto="2004-02-21 00:00:00.000"

Implementation of replacing tokens in Sql queries by values passed to ANT build.xml scripts:

<replace dir="${dist}\test-definitions\" includes="**\*.sql,**\*.xml" excludes="cmpSqlResults-config.xml" summary="true" failOnNoReplacements="true" >

Use parameters @datefrom@ and @dateto@ in SQL query:

    <compare mode="FETCH" fetchSize="100" chunk="10" diffTableSize="5" fileOutputOn="false">
        <sql datasourceName="SQL_SERVER">
SELECT [AddressID]
 FROM [AdventureWorks2008R2].[Person].[Address]
 WHERE ModifiedDate BETWEEN '@datefrom@' AND '@dateto@'
 order by AddressID
        <sql datasourceName="PostgreSQL">
SELECT addressid, addressline1, addressline2, city, stateprovinceid, postalcode, modifieddate
	FROM public.personaddress
   WHERE modifieddate BETWEEN '@datefrom@' AND '@dateto@'
   order by addressid;