This project offers an selenium wrapper with enhanced page object design :
1. Finding of locators with ExplicitWait are wrapped under the library.
- No use of webdriver.find_element nor explicit wait on the code. cleaner code
- Expected conditions and time-out value are pass as class instantiation arguments. No use of time.sleep on the code.
- Resulting in much better readable and maintainable scripts.
- Example :
With Framework:Without Framework (native way)#define locator username = HTMLElement(id_='UserUsername',expected_condition = 'visible', timeout=10) #call locator username.send_keys("admin")
loc_username = 'UserUsername username_ele = WebDriverWait(webdriver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID,self.loc_username))) username_ele.send_keys("admin")
2. Webelement gets looked up each time the locator is used.
- Define locator once, but it does search for the locator everytime the webelement is called. (find element on the fly for every calls)
- Helps to prevent StaleElementReferenceExceptions where element no longer attached to DOM.
- Example:
With Framework:Wihtout the Framework:state = HTMLElement(id_='state') state.get_attribute('value') # refresh page to reload the state webdriver.refresh # get the state without refinding the element state.get_attribute('value')
# for simplicity , not using the webdriverwait in this examples. loc_state = 'state' state_ele = webdriver_find_by_id(loc_state) state_ele. get_attribute('value') webdriver.refresh # need to refind the webelement after refresh state_ele = webdriver_find_by_id(loc_state) state_ele. get_attribute('value')
3. Wraps the standard selenium methods/properties for better error handling and retries.
- Standard selenium webelement actions/methods that fails are retried. Example, when click fails due to the “webdriver exceptions, the click will be received by different element”. The framework will retry the click for x number of times before throwing an exception.
- No try catch code on the scripts. Clean code.
4. Allow parent-child node by defining the HTMLElement/HTMLElementList(child) as attributes of another HTMLElement/HTMLElementList(parents).
- Ability to define collection of web elements as a class and to reuse on multiple pages. Less boilerplate code.
- locating elements easier as its search scope will limited to the nested elements of the fragment only.
- easier code management as the complex pages or large functinal areas can be break into smaller multiple class objects.
- PageObject represents a webpage.
- Defines all the HTMLElement, HTMLElementList as class attributes.
- Functionality and the service offered by the page are defined as methods.
- Test scripts calls the attributes and the methods which makes the test script human readable (like psudocode).
- Instantiate with selenium webdriver instance.
Represents each html element on a webpage (PageObject). Represents the DOM element.
A wrapper class that encapsulates the standard functionality of the Selenium WebElement class for better error handling. The actions will be retried for x (defaults to 3) times before raising an Timeout exception.
Locates the element on the fly (in other words, the webdriver does a find_element every time this object is called in the script. helps to avoid StaleElementReference exceptions and cleaner code).
Finds a Selenium WebElement instance for the locator specified in its constructor with an explicit wait(webdriverwait) automatically.
Locators, Expected Conditions and WaitTimeout are specified as instantiation arguments.
Locators can be any from the following table. The values maps to the Selenium Webdriver’s locator strategies.
Keyword Arg id_ By.ID css By.CSS_SELECTOR name By.NAME class_name By.CLASS_NAME tag_name By.TAG_NAME link_text By.LINK_TEXT partial_link_text By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT xpath By.XPATH -
Expected Conditions can be any from the following table. The Values maps to Selenium Webdriver’s Expected Conditions.
For HTMLElement:
Keyword Arg presence expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located visible expected_conditions.visibility_of_element_located frame_available expected_conditions.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it invisible expected_conditions.invisibility_of_element_located clickable expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable selected expected_conditions.element_located_to_be_selected For HTMLElementList:
Keyword Arg presence expected_conditions.presence_of_all_elements_located visible expected_conditions.visibility_of_any_elements_located -
Expected condition and WaitTimeout is optional arguments which are default to "visible" and 10 seconds.
Available methods (Standard Selenium WebElement actions) that will be retried on failures.
- Click()
- Send_keys()
- Clear()
- Text
- Get_attributes()
- Is_displayed()
- Is_selected()
- Submit()
- Is_enable()
All the available find_element* methods found under the selenium webelement are not wrapped under this for the error handling and retries.
Instantiated under
- PageObject
- HTMLElement (where this instance acts as a parent)
Parent-Child Hierachy
- HTMLElement acts as a child node when they are defined as attributes of another HTMLElement class.
- Search scope of the attributes will be limited to the Parent element.
- When to use?
- A collection of elements or fragment of a page is being reused. For an example, tables, widgets, menus, footers, search bars etc.
- To break down the functionality of the page for a better code management and readability.
native_weblement property returns the selenium webelement instance.
- Represents list of webelements on a webpage.
- Constructed same way as HTMLElement.
- Locating elements works same way as HTMLElement.
- Todo .. Coming Soon.
lets take a simple login page.
<div class="form">
<form class="login-form">
<input type="text" id='UserUserName' placeholder="username"/>
<input type="password" id='UserPassword' placeholder="password"/>
<button id='loginbutton'>login</button>
<p class="message">Not registered? <a href="#">Create an account</a></p>
The PageObject Class :
class LoginPage(PageObject):
username = HTMLElement(id_='UserUserName')
password = HTMLElement(id_='UserPassword')
login_button = HTMLElement(id_='loginbutton', expected_condition='clickable')
# service offered by the page are defined as methods
def login(username, password);
self.username = username # can do it this way too, its the same: self.username.send_keys(username)
self.password = password # since the expected_condition is set as clickable,
There is 2 ways to login from the test script
webdriver = webdriver.Firefox()
login_page = LoginPage(webdriver)
# method 1 : use the attributes directly
login_page.username = 'SomeUserName' # can do it this way too, its the same : login_page.username.send_keys('SomeUserName')
login_page.password = 'SomePassword'
# method 2 : use the predefined method for login
login_page.login(username='SomeUserName', password='SomePassword')
lets take a simple nav menu example
<ul id="Menu">
<li class="Menus">
<li class="Menus">
<li class="Menus">
<li class="Menus">
<li class="Menus">
The PageObject:
class SomePage(PageObject):
nav_list = HTMLElementList(class_name='Menus')
To click the Explore menu at test script:
webdriver = webdriver.Firefox()
some_page = SomePage(webdriver)
Let's take a search box that appears on 2 different page.
Snipet of Page A html
<div class='PageA'>
<div id='search-box'>
<input name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'/>
<button type='submit'>
Snippet of Page B html
<div class='PageB'>
<input name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'/>
<button type='submit'>
SearchBox HTMLElement class :
class SearchBox(HTMLElement):
# locators/attributes defined under HTMLElement is searched withtin the context of the element declared during the declaration of this HTMLElement
search_text = HTMLElement(xpath="./form/input")
search_button = HTMLElement(xpath="./form/button", expected_condition="clickable")
# methods (operations that can be done on this collection of elements)
def search(query):
self.seach_text = query
Respective Page A and Page B PageObject:
class PageA(PageObject):
search_box = SearchBox(id_="search-box")
class PageB(PageObject):
seach_box = SearchBox(xpath="//div[@class='PageB'/div")
Good example for this would be the google search results. Please look at the test/google directory.