Problem Students travelling via college bus have to take pass on a daily basis or monthly. This results in loss of time and paper wastage.
Solution Creating a website that provides bus pass recharging facility. Students/Faculties are provided with RFID pass card and NFC stickers. They can login to the website via college domain mail id and recharge their cards. RFID readers are placed at the doorway of the bus. Card can be used twice in a day. GPS Tracker and RFID Reader is connected to Arduino Board which comprises the whole system. The GPS tracker collects each individual boarding place and stores this data to an external disk which then transfer to the college server when the bus reaches the college premises. Thereby we can manage time and paper waste can be avoided. And making the student’s journey more comfortable thus providing an innovation to traditional way of ticket collecting.
- Adithya Vijayakumar []
- Abhijith H []
- Amina A []
- Neenu S []
Team id here
- Providing a modern way of ticket implementing structure.
- gps tracker calculate the distance and deduces the fare travelled.
MFRC522 (audrino rfid library)
A RFID id card is config by the college admin and
Students with RFID card can access the college bus easily