Espressif ESP32 and I2C environment sensors to gather Temperature, Humidity and Pressure data. The data points gathereed are posted to an InfluxDB running in Intranet.
- Connects to WiFi using a static IP to minimize awake time
- Automatically syncs with SNTP server to post with accurate epoch time
- Uses very accurate calibrated ADC to monitor the battery connected, and prevents overdrain (cut off at 3.4V)
- Configurable sampling frequency
- Posts all measured values to InfluxDB (provided a DB named
is pre-created), which can be easily visualized with grafana with provided templates.
- Adafruit Huzzah32 feather
- Nokia BL-5C Li-ion Battery 1020mAh 3.7V
- HTU21D or BME280 weather sensors
The HTU21D aka. SHT21 is a I2C digital Temperature / humidity sensor with a typical accuracy of ±2% with an operating range that's optimized from 5% to 95% RH, temperature output has an accuracy of ±1°C from -30~90°C.
BME280 is precision multi sensor from Bosch for measuring humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuraccy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy