- Assembled Genomes (complete) are in the
directory and are in the format:{sample}.fna.gz
- Singularity image files in the bin directory:
- (see notes on how to obtain these) - Ensure you have a working version of python/snakemake and singularity (type:
source dependencies
for UEA cluster)
Then launch the pipeline:
Pathway output will be generated in the interproscan/
You can then collate all results for each pathway using an R container with:
cd bin/ && singularity exec R_environment.sif Rscript collate_pathways.R; cd ../
You may receive the message Fatal: Kernel too old
- copy and run the above code on another machine
Kai Blin's NCBI-genome-downloader is also installed in the prokka.sif container making downloading genomes easy.
- Launch the singularity
singularity shell bin/prokka.sif
- Download the all complete bacterial genomes for the genus Fusobacterium to the genomes/ folder
ncbi-genome-download --format fasta --assembly-level complete --genus Fusobacterium -o genomes/
- Move all genomes to the genomes folder
mv genomes/refseq/*/*/*.gz genomes/; rm -rf genomes/refseq/
More options can be observed with ncbi-genome-download --help
you can exit the singularity any time with exit
If something goes wrong and you need to cancel the pipeline. Before re-launching, ensure the directory is unlocked:
snakemake --snakefile run_ipsn.snake --unlock
All def files used to create singularity images are in dmp/
Downloading from sylabs (ensure singularity is installed):
- navigate to bin:
cd bin/
- download prokka singularity:
singularity pull -UF library://a_gihawi/prokka/prokka.sif:latest
- download R singularity:
singularity pull -UF library://a_gihawi/default/tidyverse_environment:latest
- download interproscan singularity: visit https://ueamobilecho.uea.ac.uk/node_share_links/10?token=1dcb5159-dbe6-4511-bc42-160881caf6b8 (link active until 16th Dec 2020)