A simple terminal-based sorting algorithm visualizer built in C++.
This project is a terminal-based sorting algorithm visualizer written in C++. It displays the sorting process step by step in the terminal, allowing users to observe how different sorting algorithms work in real-time.
- Visualizes sorting algorithms in a terminal environment.
- Supports multiple popular sorting algorithms.
- Step-by-step execution to show how the array is modified.
- Size of array can be determined by the terminal size
- User can add custom delay between execution steps
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Merge Sort
- Alternate Merge Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AhmedAmrNabil/TerminalSortingVisualiser.git
cd TerminalSortingVisualiser
- Compile using make
make compile
- Run from the bin directory
Once the program is running, follow the on-screen prompts to select a sorting algorithm and specify the delay between each sorting step. The visualizer will show the progress of the sort in real-time using symbols to represent array values.