80 commits
to Datamosher-Pro-master
since this release
Finally the feature update is here for python users,
lots of new stuff but with the same core ❤️
What's new:
- A new modern UI made with customtkinter with easy to understand widgets
- Removed imageio conversion, only ffmpeg/ffglitch will work, no more slow bloom renders
- Improved auto save
- Whole datamosh library shifted to DatamoshLib
- Added setup file that will help you download the modules easily
- You can also check for updates in the settings
- New options added for all modes
- Audio glitch is now available in bloom type effects
- Removed shake effect as it was buggy in python
- Added custom script mode, now you can use your own ffglitch script
- Improved code, libraries and error handling
- Tested with all OS (Windows, Linux and Mac)