This repository contains a sample project that you can use as the starting point for your Ethereum project. It's also a great fit for learning the basics of smart contract development.
This project is intended to be used with the
Hardhat Beginners Tutorial, but you should be
able to follow it by yourself by reading the README and exploring its
, tests
, scripts
, tasks
, and frontend
- Feature
- Frontend Integration
- Quick start
- User Guide
- Troubleshooting
- Setting up your editor
- Getting help and updates
This repository uses our recommended hardhat setup, by using our @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
. When you use this plugin, you'll be able to:
- Deploy and interact with your contracts using ethers.js and the
plugin. - Test your contracts with Mocha, Chai and our own Hardhat Chai Matchers plugin.
- Interact with Hardhat Network with our Hardhat Network Helpers.
- Verify the source code of your contracts with the hardhat-etherscan plugin.
- Get metrics on the gas used by your contracts with the hardhat-gas-reporter plugin.
- Measure your tests coverage with solidity-coverage.
This project also includes a sample frontend/Dapp, which uses Create React App.
Additionally, to the basic Hardhat Boilerplate features mentioned above.
- support env - thus, you could perform contract manipulation on different chains under different addresses via related env settings (check .example.env)
- support TS - thus, your frontend could use the typechain-types of the contracts, scripts.
- npm package & deploy pkg ci - thus, you could scale your team work without missing concentration on contract development: merely push to the main branch. It uses public registry. Additional settings must be provided in hardhat-boilerplate-with-typescripted-contracts-artifacts/package.json with your naming.
- add ci tests - thus, you show that you are concern about workable contract developments.
- demo TokenContractClient - thus, you as a "backend" developer prepare client API class for the frontend (api client class with accurate prepared methods, not raw contract calls).
- Install hardhat-deploy and use, - thus you no needs in deploy scripts, you could store usable contract JSON ABI artifacts with deployed address in a proven manner.
- migrate to pnpm - thus, you spend less time and work with last upd of npm.
When typechain-types integrated into Hardhat it allows you to use this types in hardhat scripts the next pattern:
// E.g. inside scripts/deploy.ts.
import {Token} from "../typechain-types";
const token = await Token.deploy() as Token;
Warn of Hardhat tasks and typechain-types
When you run Hardhat scripts, e.g.
npx hardhat run scripts
, you allow hardhat runtime to firstly compile typechain types of your contracts and then run your scripts, but for a Hardhat tasks it is not the same.
Hereby, it is highly recommended running npx hardhat run typechain
before running the Hardhat task.
Suppose that the actual frontend needs to be used via NPM package (e.g. public, and even with help of predefined special backend-for-frontend class (e.g. TokenContractClient.ts)
But for some cases, e.g. hackathons, it will be faster and simple to debug with local frontend app (i.e. in the same repo) with typechain-types and contract address file injection, e.g. example frontend, where typechain-types and contract address is injected via Hardhat tasks and scripts.
Both variants of the usage will be discussed below.
in progress... TODO: make workable typescript example instead of deprecated js: frontend.
Repo structured with npm sub-repo exactly for artifacts those frontend (frontend team) may want to use in order to work with contracts.
For additional info check artifacts package/
The first things you need to do are cloning this repository and installing its dependencies:
git clone
cd hardhat-boilerplate
npm install
In the repo demonstration Hardhat scripts and tasks preserved. Below is ste-by-step flow about the iteratction with the features.
Once installed, let's run Hardhat's testing network:
npx hardhat node
Then, on a new terminal, go to the repository's root folder and run this to deploy your contract:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost
To check that hardhat task, faucet.ts, will transfer 1 eth to provided address from already deployed contract, run the next command:
npx hardhat faucet 0x795a04d0F74e892c452bB45747dFFdcDA286FBE7 --network localhost
Finally, we can run the frontend with:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000/ to see your Dapp. You will
need to have Coinbase Wallet or Metamask installed and listening to
localhost 8545
You can find detailed instructions on using this repository and many tips in its documentation.
- Writing and compiling contracts
- Setting up the environment
- Testing Contracts
- Setting up your wallet
- Hardhat's full documentation
For a complete introduction to Hardhat, refer to this guide.
Invalid nonce
errors: if you are seeing this error on thenpx hardhat node
console, try resetting your Metamask account. This will reset the account's transaction history and also the nonce. Open Metamask, click on your account followed bySettings > Advanced > Clear activity tab data
Hardhat for Visual Studio Code is the official Hardhat extension that adds advanced support for Solidity to VSCode. If you use Visual Studio Code, give it a try!
If you need help with this project, or with Hardhat in general, please read this guide to learn where and how to get it.
For the latest news about Hardhat, follow us on Twitter, and don't forget to star our GitHub repository!
Happy building!