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Browsing Files

Alejandro Roldán edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

In the browsing files you will see two different panels that show directories and files. You will also see on top of that a text field. And at the bottom, when in the "Rename Notebook Tab", you can see a "Filter File View".

Page Contents


Directory Browser

In the left one you can see a tree view of the selected original folder (which defaults to the user folder or when calling the program from the terminal can be given a path to the folder to use) from where you can open and close the children folders and navigate the filesystem. This panel only shows directories and doesn't show symbolic links.

Files Browser

In the right panel we will see a list view of the contents of the selected directory in the previous panel. This panel shows two columns, a "Name" column and a "New Name" column. The "Name" column show what the actual name of the item is, and the "New Name" column shows what the name will be like once every item has gone through the changes you want.

You will be able to filter what is shown is this panel with the "Filter File View" options, but by default it shows everything inside the selected directory (except hidden files/directories) in alphabetical order, with the folders before the files.

Right clicking over an item will copy that item's full path to the clipboard, from where you can paste it.

This panel gets refreshed each time you select a directory in the left panel, so if some changes have happened in the active directory outside this application (like if a new file has been created for example) you will be able to show them by just clicking again in the folder.

Directory Text Field

At the top you will see an "R" button, this button will refresh the "Directory Browser" view; and next to it you'll see a text entry that shows the active directory path, in this entry you will be able to type a path and once you hit enter the right panel will show that directory, this way you don't need to find the directory that you want to work in.

Filter File View


This group has it own "R" Reset button.

With this options you will be able to filter the "File View" by several options:

  • Mask: a text field where you can write a regular expression. Will only show the items that fulfill it
  • Ext(s): a text field where you can write a list of extension that you want to show. The extension sritten without a dot and separated by commas or semicolons with or without spaces (e.g: "mp3, mp4,png; jpg;mkv")
  • Folders: when checked will show directories
  • Files: when checked will show files
  • Hidden: when checked will show hidden files and directories. This option also affects the "Directory Browser" and will refresh it. When using recursiveness with this option checked it will look inside the hidden directories, otherwise it won't.
  • Reverse: when checked will show the items in reverse alphabetical order
  • Recursive Levels: how many levels of recursiveness to use. -1 means all. This may take a while, so use with caution. When using recursiveness the item will be ordered alphabetically by their full path, so a folder will be followed by it's contents.
  • Files before Dirs: only applicable when not using recursiveness. When checked will show the files before the directories, rather than the opposite which is the default
  • Name Lenght with min and max: minimum filename length and maximum file length to show