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This program is no longer actively developed, and its use is not recommended. This is the software deployment system developed for NMT Lunabotics in 2024; however, it suffers from purity problems and usability issues, and its port from NixOS to other operating systems was always super hacky. As it stands I'm not using ROS for any major projects, so for the time being I'm no longer working on this repository.

ros4nix is a program for managing ROS using Nix and NixOS. It is not a direct port, per se, of ROS to Nix, as no ROS software ever gets compiled or downloaded into the Nix store itself; rather, it manages a highly customized Ubuntu container system into which ROS is installed in the traditional manner.

The project has a few major goals:

  • Portability. ROS itself is difficult to port to new operating systems because of its integration with APT and operating system version numbers (e.g., getting ROS Noetic running on Ubuntu 18 is not at all trivial); ros4nix should work on as many platforms as possible.
  • Conciseness. ROS requires writing many configuration files, but the overall information contained therein is not that large; ros4nix should allow these files to be combined into one file or split apart at the user's preference, and should also have support for macros that generate common configurations.
  • Safety. ROS nodes know nothing about the internals of other nodes or the overall configuration of the system, so designing configurations of nodes that are invalid (e.g., with a node subscribing to a misspelling of a topic being published by another node) is easy. The advantage of specifying the whole ROS configuration in one set of files is that we can statically check that it makes sense.
  • Reproducibility. ROS normally uses apt, a stateful package manager, which keeps no record of which precise commands were used to get the system into a particular state, so reproducing the same state from a development machine to a production machine is not guaranteed to be easy. ros4nix defines the entire ROS installation from one configuration, and this configuration can be copied between machines freely.

Quick reference

Here are a few common tasks, illustrating how they are typically done with standard ROS and ros4nix respectively.

Installing apt packages

On normal ROS: sudo apt install ros-<distro>-<pkg_name>.

On ros4nix: add programs.ros.packages = [ "<pkg_name>" ] to configuration.nix (or if it has a module written for it, just enable that module), then use ros4nix switch configuration.nix to reload the configuration.

Installing non-apt packages

On normal ROS: install the APT package dependencies, then clone all the non-APT Catkin dependencies into a Catkin workspace, then use catkin build to compile them, and always do other development in that Catkin workspace.

On ros4nix: add the non-APT dependencies as normal, then write

  programs.ros.buildPackages.<package name> = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "<owner name>";
    repo = "<package name>";
    rev = "<tag to check out>";
    sha256 = "";

, then use ros4nix switch configuration.nix to attempt to build the package; when that fails, copy the sha256 hash it prints to the terminal into the configuration.nix, and it should succeed; it is strongly recommended that you then refactor the work into a proper module so no one else has to do the build themself. See ros/services/kindrRos.nix for an example of a package that's been configured to compile and install by anyone just specifying services.ros.libraries.kindrRos.enable = true, and ros/services/elevationMapping.nix for a more intricate example.

Loading a Catkin workspace

On normal ROS: . <workspace>/devel/setup.bash.

On ros4nix: simply cd into the workspace, and the tooling will load the workspace for you automatically; rosrun, roslaunch, catkin build, etc., should just work immediately.

Running a ROS master at boot

On normal ROS: typically write a systemd service to do it; there is no official standardized solution.

On ros4nix: set services.ros.enable to true in configuration.nix, then use ros4nix switch configuration.nix.

Running ROS nodes at boot

On normal ROS: typically write a systemd service to do it; there is no official standardized solution.

On ros4nix: add an entry to services.ros.launchServices and services.ros.runServices.

Reinstalling and/or uninstalling ROS

On normal ROS: no direct support, but your best bet is to run sudo apt remove 'ros-*', then reinstall your needed packages if necessary.

On ros4nix: use ros4nix purge to delete the entire ROS container, then ros4nix switch configuration.nix to rebuild it if needed.

Getting a shell with real ROS tooling available

On normal ROS: unnecessary, because they're installed by default.

On ros4nix: use ros4nix chroot to get a shell inside the Ubuntu container that all ROS software is run within; the raw ROS tools will then be in /opt/ros. If you need to do this for your actual project and not just interest in the design of ros4nix, please add a bug report to the issue tracker for this repo, because if the software does its job correctly, this operation should never be necessary.

Modes of operation

ros4nix is known to work on x86_64 machines and aarch64 machines; beyond this, the program has support for running under a number of different configurations.

As a chroot on a NixOS host

Import the ros directory into your system configuration.nix, and all the ROS settings can be integrated directly into your overall host configuration. This is the most ideal way to use ros4nix because it allows us to make the most assumptions about the kernel and other software running on the system, and obviously allows the most powerful config.

In this mode, ros4nix will use debootstrap to generate an Ubuntu installation inside /var/ros, then use bwrap to manage it like a chroot environment.

As a chroot on a non-NixOS host

Use the provided ros4nix program. This requires:

  • Support for running Nix on the system. ros4nix will try to install Nix for you if you haven't already set it up.
  • The ability to bootstrap an Ubuntu installation using debootstrap. This requires that the kernel not have a minor version number higher than 255, which is known not to be the case on some goofy NVIDIA SBC's.
  • User namespaces to be enabled on the kernel. This is true of most Linux distributions released within the last decade.

Once again, ros4nix will build a bwrap container in /var/ros in this mode.

As a ROS manager for an Ubuntu/Debian host

If your host is running the correct version of Ubuntu or Debian to install the ROS version you want, you can use ros4nix to manage your actual ROS installation; in this case, ros4nix just dispatches apt commands and creates systemd services. To use this mode, set programs.ros.useMainRoot to true.

As a ROS manager for an Ubuntu container

If you use Podman to build an Ubuntu container of the right version, you can use ros4nix to manage its installation of ROS the same way as you would for a real host, with program.ros.useMainRoot set to true. Podman must be configured to run systemd as its initial program.

We explicitly do not support Docker, because ros4nix requires systemd to manage scheduling services at boot time, and Docker's support for initializing a container with systemd is less than ideal, to say the least.

Basic use

The most important command to remember is ros4nix switch <configuration.nix>: it will initialize the Nix and ROS systems, build the ROS configuration described, bootstrap an Ubuntu container into /var/ros if configured to do so, install wrappers for all the ROS system binaries into /var/ros/nixWrappers/, and install, enable, and start systemd services for all enabled ROS nodes: in a nutshell, it means "make the ROS subsystem resemble the configuration, by whatever means necessary."

Important: ros4nix uses nix-env to maintain different generations of the configuration, and advanced users can use this feature to roll back to old configurations if new ones break the system. However, this preservation of old generations can cause a large amount of disk space to be used. Use sudo nix-collect-garbage -d periodically to delete old generations.

To uninstall ros4nix, there are 2 commands: ros4nix reset, and ros4nix purge, neither of which take other arguments. ros4nix reset stops all currently running ROS nodes, and removes them from systemd so that they will no longer be started when the system boots. ros4nix purge does the same thing, but also deletes all of /var/ros: it leaves the system in the state it was in before ros4nix had ever been installed or run. A safe way to completely rebuild a ROS installation and discard all its state is to run ros4nix purge; ros4nix switch <configuration.nix>.


See the default configuration in sample_configuration.nix.

Selecting a ROS distribution

The ROS distribution and the Ubuntu distribution it is based on are both controlled using options under programs.ros. The defaults used if the options are left unspecified are:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  programs.ros.baseImage = {
    suite = "focal";       # Ubuntu distribution
    rosDistro = "noetic";  # ROS distribution

ROS Master

The ROS master is controlled by the services.ros.enable option:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.enable = true;

This configuration will install a ROS master, and set it to start up at boot time. In general this should always be true.

Installing packages

There are two ways of installing packages in ros4nix: general Ubuntu packages, and ROS-specific packages.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  programs.ros = {
    packages = [ "tf2" ];               # Installs ros-<rosdistro>-tf2.
    ubuntuPackages = [
      "libpcl-dev"                      # Installs libpcl-dev.
      "libcurses-dev"                   # Multiple packages are allowed.

Remote interfacing

ROS can interface with a remote machine running the ROS core:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  programs.ros = {
    master = "";

If set, then the value of services.ros.enable is ignored; a ROS master is never run.

This installs an extra line into the wrapper scripts generated that sets the ROS_MASTER_URI to this default machine if it is left unset by the used.

Scheduling roslaunch programs

ROS defines two primary ways of launching nodes: roslaunch and rosrun. roslaunch is typically used to launch ensembles of nodes rather than individual ones, and is thus preferred by most authors.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  # Replace <name> with a name for the service; it can be arbitrary,
  # and is typically the same as the name of the node being launched.
  services.ros.launchServices.<name> = {
    # Name of the ROS package in which the .launch file is found.
    packageName = "foo";

    # Name of the launch file itself.
    launchFile = "bar.launch";

    # Key-value pairs to send to the service.
    args = {
      xyz = true;
      zyx = "something";

For reference, this example configuration is the same as typing roslaunch --wait foo bar.launch xyz:=true zyx:=something each time the system boots.

This option creates and enables a systemd service called ros-<name>; it can be managed like any other systemd service, meaning you can pull up logs for it with systemctl logs ros-<name>, or start and stop it with the start and stop subcommands of systemctl, respectively. It is generally recommended that you not disable the service, because doing so is unreliable: first, it can cause other ros4nix modules that automatically enabled this node because they depend on it to not function properly, because the node they depend on is missing; also, it is not respected by ros4nix, as whenever you re-run ros4nix switch the program will automatically re-enable every service it created.

Scheduling rosrun programs

rosrun is used to launch individual nodes rather than groups of nodes.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.runServices.<name> = {
    # Name of the ROS package providing the node.
    packageName = "foo";

    # Name of the executable to run.
    executable = "bar";

    # ROS paths to remap.
    remap."/somewhere" = "/somewhere_else";

    # Other raw arguments to pass to the program.
    rawArgs = [ "arg1" "arg2" ];

    # Value of the ROS_NAMESPACE environment variable (support is
    # still WIP).
    namespace = "/my_namespace";

    # Values to load into the ROS parameter server before running the
    # service. This can be the path to a file, but this `writeText`
    # pattern is usually more appropriate.
    rosParams = pkgs.writeText "params.yaml" (builtins.toJSON {
      someKey = "someValue";
      # arbitrary other key-value pairs can go here.

Only packageName and executable are required. This example is roughly equivalent to running these commands at boot time:

# Assuming `params.yaml` has the parameters we specified.
rosparam load params.yaml /foo
export ROS_NAMESPACE=/my_namespace
rosrun foo bar /somewhere:=/somewhere_else arg1 arg2

Macros for pre-configured packages

A number of packages have special support integrated under the ros/services/ directory. These files are actually just NixOS modules, and new ones can be developed the same way; see for precise details, which shan't be documented here.

rosbag player

The rosbag player plays back recorded ROS content from a rosbag file.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.bagPlayer = {
    file = <path-to-rosbag-file>;

    # Default if `topics` is unspecified is to play back all topics in
    # the file.
    topics = [

bagPlayer always plays back the file in a continuous loop.


elevation_mapping is an ANYbotics library for building a map out of point clouds. The library is not present in APT, so it must be compiled from source.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.elevationMapping = {
    # Use `build` to have `elevationMapping` compile but not actually
    # install.
    # build = true;  # Not usually required

    # Actually install and run `elevationMapping`; implies `build`.
    enable = true;

    # Set of point cloud sensors to build the map out of.
    pointClouds = [

    # Reference frame for the point clouds.
    trackPointFrameId = "some_frame";


The ROS1 navigation library. Support is currently very limited and untested.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.moveBase.enable = true;

Intel Realsense cameras

At present a single Realsense camera is supported (this needs to change ASAP).

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.realsense2 = {
    enable = true;

    # Standard realsense2 options.
    options = {
      # These are all the defaults and may be omitted.
      mode = "preset";
      serial_no = "";
      usb_port_id = "";
      camera_type = "";
      enable_ir = false;
      enable_depth = true;
      depth_width = null;
      depth_height = null;
      depth_fps = 60;
      enable_color = true;
      color_width = 640;
      color_height = 480;
      color_fps = 60;
      enable_fisheye = true;
      fisheye_width = 640;
      fisheye_height = 480;
      fisheye_fps = 60;
      enable_imu = true;
      enable_pointcloud = false;
      enable_tf = true;
      enable_tf_dynamic = false;
      base_frame_id = "camera_link";
      depth_frame_id = "camera_depth_frame";
      depth_optical_frame_id = "camera_depth_optical_frame";
      color_frame_id = "camera_rgb_frame";
      color_optical_frame_id = "camera_rgb_optical_frame";
      ir_frame_id = "camera_ir_frame";
      ir_optical_frame_id = "camera_ir_optical_frame";
      ir2_frame_id = "camera_ir2_frame";
      ir2_optical_frame_id = "camera_ir2_optical_frame";
      fisheye_frame_id = "camera_fisheye_frame";
      fisheye_optical_frame_id = "camera_fisheye_optical_frame";
      imu_frame_id = "camera_imu_frame";
      imu_optical_frame_id = "camera_optical_frame_id";


A simple bridge between ROS and the rest of the world; a TCP server that listens for commands written by outside programs, and performs them within the ROS network.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.ros.rosbridge.enable = true;

Static transform publishers


Test publisher


USB camera



  • Make a function called ros4nix doc that auto-generates documentation for the system.
  • Get some means of having auto-complete; the actual ROS tools will complete things like rosrun r<TAB> into a list of every ROS tool that starts with "r", and this is currently not implemented.


ros4nix is implemented as a NixOS module, which operates by adding a large set of custom configuration options to the ros namespace of options in NixOS.

The configuration is very roughly split up into two sections, programs.ros and services.ros; some redundancy is present and the subdivision here is not even, but in general, program.ros.* concerns itself with static configuration of the system and making the ROS command-line options available, whereas services.ros.* concerns itself with making run-time configurations that are enabled at boot time. The main core of the programs.ros.* namespace is in ros/ros_core.nix, and the core of the services.ros.* namespace is in ros/ros_services.nix.

ROS Core

The main ROS core is implemented as part of the system activation script (which runs every time nixos-rebuild switch is executed), and uses three "stages" to build a ROS subsystem on the current system:

  1. Get the main operating system up and running, upon which we will build a ROS system. In non-chroot mode (i.e., with a native Ubuntu/Debian host that will have a real ROS installation into its root directory, or when set up for use in Podman; when programs.ros.useMainRoot is enabled) this stage does nothing, because the host operating system is already capable of using apt to install ROS packages. On all other systems, we make a directory /var/ros, and use debootstrap to install Ubuntu into that directory.

  2. Use apt to ensure curl and gnupg are available to be able to download the ROS public key, add the ROS public key to the system, ensure that the standard Ubuntu APT sources are placed in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, do a system update, and then install all needed ROS packages. In chroot mode, stage 2 is called using bwrap to chroot into the generated Ubuntu system. Stage 2 always leaves a script called /var/ros/init (/init if non-chroot) containing the precise work done.

  3. For any packages that need to be built from source, copy their source trees into /var/ros/catkin_ws/src, then use catkin build to build /var/ros/catkin_ws in release mode. Stage 3 always leaves a script called /var/ros/stage3 containing the precise work done.

  4. Link the generated ROS executables from the container environment into the main system. If the system is running in non-chroot mode this step does nothing; otherwise, we create the directory /var/ros/nixWrappers, and fill it with links to wrappers for ROS programs. Every program installed in the container's /bin starting with the string catkin s installed, as is every executable in the container's /opt/ros/<distro>/bin directory.

    The actual wrapper program that is linked is not as trivial as it seems. It performs a few basic tasks:

    • Get all the arguments off of the command line, and put them in a temporary file instead, separated by zeroes. This is because we source the catkin workspace every time we run a ROS command, and sourcing the workspace seems to break horribly whenever the script has any arguments. I don't know why, it's an issue with ROS; all I know is it causes massive problems that took weeks to figure out.
    • Take an educated guess at ROS_IP if it's not specified by a command-line argument. ROS by default doesn't initialize ROS_IP and uses hostnames instead; on the majority of networks (at educational institutions at least) this doesn't work.
    • Add /bin and /sbin to the PATH, and set the SHELL variable to /bin/sh; this fixes behavior in some ROS packages that make assumptions about these variables.
    • Use bwrap (from nixpkgs) to enter the container, and call an "inner wrapper" program.
    • The inner wrapper, which now is in the container and has no arguments, can safely source the container setup file. For technical reasons relating to the script trying to set up autocompletion thinking this is an interactive session, this works better if the script is a zsh script than a bash script, so the inner wrapper is actually a zsh script.
    • Load the command-line arguments off of the temporary file that they were dumped into before, and use them to execute the target program.

These four stages are more-or-less idempotent: after they are run once, they will be relatively quick to execute and not greatly change the system state. That being said, for efficiency, we only re-execute stage 2 and 3 when the generated scripts to do so change. Stage 1 is never re-executed once the system is initialized once; you can force it to be re-executed by doing sudo rm -rf /var/ros. Stage 4 is so fast we re-execute it every time.

On non-NixOS targets using the ros4nix executable, the ROS core setup is implemented by tearing out the relevant section of the activation script into a standalone executable and calling it after building the system.

ROS Services

The services setup provides the option services.ros.enable that starts up a ROS master (assuming programs.ros.master doesn't specify that a remote node is running the ROS master), a notoriously tricky service to get right. Beyond this, it provides options runServices and launchServices that take ROS-specific options and will use rosrun and roslaunch, respectively, to start up nodes after the ROS master has started. The commands are mapped to systemd services starting with the string ros-.

On non-NixOS targets using the ros4nix executable, this setup works by building the target system's /etc/systemd/system directory, then copying the generated service files that all start with ros- out into the main host's /etc/systemd/system directory, then using systemctl to enable and start them.


Experimental port of ROS to Nix






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