- World
- Terrain - Flat plane
- Trees
- Rocks
- Bushes
- Prevent trees/rocks/bushes from intersecting each other
- Add controls to UI for world
- Player Character
- Draw character on the screen
- Point and click controls
- Navigation (without obstacles)
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- A* algorithm
- world -> get(x, z)
- Improved Navigation (obstacle avoidance)
- Actions
- Refactoring / Reorganization
- Implementing the base framework
- GameObject
- Player (Human/Computer Player)
- Trees / Rocks / Bushes
- Implementing the base Action class
- MovementAction
- Asynchronous Input
- Selecting a target square
- Combat Manager
- Iterate through all the players
- Request an action from each player
- Combat
- Action
- MeleeAttackAction
- RangedAttackAction
- Enemies
- Hit Points
- Remove the enemies when they are killed
- Pathfinding
- Don't allow players to move through other players
- Asynchronous Input
- Selecting a target object
- Add some UI
- List out actions for the active player
- Status bar
- Action
- Graphics
- { } 3D assets for the player models