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Isometric RPG Game Prototype


This project is designed to provide a powerful and flexible 3D simulation using the Three.js library. The project includes customizable world generation, camera controls, and interactive features such as raycasting and combat management. It also features a user interface for adjusting parameters in real-time.


  • Dynamic World Generation: Generate a customizable world with trees, rocks, and bushes.
  • Camera Controls: Smooth camera movement and controls using OrbitControls.
  • Lighting: Includes ambient and directional lighting for a realistic scene.
  • Interactive GUI: Modify world parameters (e.g., width, height, object counts) and background settings in real-time.
  • Raycasting Support: Easily handle user interaction with 3D objects.
  • Combat Management: Manage player interactions and turns in a simulated combat scenario.
  • Pathfinding: Efficient navigation logic for players and objects.


  • Open the project in your browser at [GitHub Page](
  • Use the GUI panel to customize the scene and interact with the world.

File Structure

├── public/                      # Static assets
├── src/                         # Main source files
│   ├── CombatManager.js         # Combat management logic
│   ├── main.js                  # Entry point of the application
│   ├── pathfinding.js           # Pathfinding algorithms
│   ├── player.js                # Player-related logic
│   ├── utils.js                 # Utility functions
│   ├── world.js                 # World generation logic
│   ├── actions/                 # Action-related logic
│   │   ├── Action.js            # Base class for actions
│   │   └── MovementAction.js    # Action for player movement
|   ├── helpers/
│   │   └── RaycastingHelper.js  # Helper for raycasting logic
│   ├── objects/                 # 3D object definitions
│   │   ├── Bush.js              # Bush object
│   │   ├── GameObject.js        # Base class for objects
│   │   ├── Rock.js              # Rock object
│   │   └── Tree.js              # Tree object
│   └── players/                 # Player-related classes
│       ├── HumanPlayer.js       # Logic for human-controlled players
│       └── Player.js            # Base class for players
├── package.json                 # Project metadata and dependencies
└──                    # Project documentation

Key Scripts

  • main.js: Initializes the scene, camera, controls, and GUI.
  • world.js: Handles the generation of the 3D world.
  • pathfinding.js: Implements pathfinding algorithms for efficient navigation in the 3D environment. This script ensures that players and objects can move dynamically while avoiding obstacles.
  • CombatManager.js: Manages combat logic and turn-taking.
  • RaycastingHelper.js: Provides utilities for raycasting.


  • Modify the default parameters for the world, such as its width, height, and the number of objects (trees, rocks, bushes) by editing world.js or through the GUI.
  • Adjust camera settings, such as the field of view and initial position, in main.js.
  • Add new textures or replace the default background by updating the assets/ directory and configuring the TextureLoader.


  • Three.js: Used for rendering the 3D scene.
  • OrbitControls: Provides camera control functionality.
  • Stats.js: Displays performance stats.
  • lil-gui: Lightweight GUI for real-time parameter adjustment.

Future Enhancements

  • Add more object types to the world (e.g., water, mountains).
  • Implement advanced lighting effects such as shadows and reflections.
  • Support saving and loading world configurations.
  • NPCs



3D RPG with JavaScript & Three.js







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