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Alex Gilleran edited this page Jan 1, 2016 · 6 revisions

Takes you through downloading and installing IceSoap.

Getting Started

The Getting Started guide takes you through each step of the process of using IceSoap. It assumes you have a basic knowledge of how to work with Java and Android.

  1. Getting Started 1 Identifying the requests and responses of your target service, using SoapUI
  2. Getting Started 2 Creating SOAPEnvelopes based on the requests you identified in GettingStarted1.
  3. Getting Started 3 Creating the classes you want to have retrieved and annotating them to work with IceSoap
  4. Getting Started 4 Tying your envelopes and response classes together with Requests
  5. Getting Started 5 Putting everything together and using IceSoap in your app.

The guide is long for something labelled "Getting Started", but the idea is to provide you with everything you need to know to get started with it. If I've missed something important, please make a comment or shoot me an email.

Takes you through changes that have to be made when changing versions.

Explains IceSoap processors, which allow you to define custom transforms of Strings in envelopes to other types.

How to use IceSoap to consume SOAP 1.2 services - chances are you don't need this as most SOAP services are 1.2.

How to override IceSoap's standard SSL config to use features like self-signed certificates or certificate pinning.

SOAP services will often pass error details in custom schemas - this shows you how to parse these with IceSoap how you would a normal envelope.

Explains the API